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A new update!

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Another quick update!

Added a few racial archetypes for a few races lacking one. Races Goblin: Added a racial Chemist archetype (Fire Bomber) and 3 Racial Feats (Burn! Burn! Burn!, Fire Tamer, and Flame Heart). Guado: Added/modified a Cleric archetype (Exorcist) into a […]

A tiny, quick update!

Made some changes to Dragoon (courtesy of Grammar Dark Knight from Discord) by adding some options (acrobatic talents). Classes Chemist: Alchemical Mixture ability can now be used or thrown immediately when creating a temporary alchemical item. Dragoon: Moved Fighter Training to […]

Small update!

Added FFd20-style Familiars for spellcasters, a new Deific Order (Soulreaper), and a few fixes here and there. Races Burmecian: Fixed an error with Tinker racial trait providing a bonus to Perception. Classes All spellcasters except Blue Mage and Summoner: Added clarification […]

A good size update!

Added a slew of deific orders and a couple of new archetypes, as well as an optional system, the Sub Job. Classes Holy Knight – Changed out Divine Sacrifice for this ability: Cover. Deific Orders Aeon Guardian – Aeon guardians worship the […]

A new major update!

New shinies! Racial age/height/weight statistics, deities, and other stuff. Races Age, Height, Weight statistics for all the races, located here, created by NapazTrix. Added 20-30 alternate racial traits for the core races. Classes Chocobo Knight: Added a Rainbow Chocobo advancement […]

Minor Update!

Another small update with a couple of new archetypes and a few spells. Races Nu Mou: Minor changes, -2 Con instead of Dex. Enchantment Resistance changed to Enfeebling Resistance. Archetypes Blademaster (Sword Saint archetype): Added a level 20 capstone replacement ability […]

Another update!

Popping them updates like candy. Probably the last one for a little while. Race Updates Garif: Added Keen Senses racial trait. Mandragora: Added a couple of alternate racial traits. Moogle: Added an alternate racial trait for Moogles as suggested by Spazhero […]

New races!

Major Update, Part 2! I finally got around to finishing the beast tribe races and a couple of others. New Races Beast Tribe Races: Antica, Goblin, Lamia, Orc, Quadav, Sahagin, Sylph, and Yagudo. Beast Tribe races were created by DMLeibfrid for the […]

New Update!

I know it’s been awhile since the new website has been up and running and no new updates. But fear not, here it is: Class Changes Archer: Changed the Aim ability mechanic as well as all abilities that required a […]

Roll20 FFd20 Character Sheet v1.2 Released!

Even smaller update (than the last one before). Had to make some necessary changes — hopefully I can get around to beefing up this sheet soon! v1.2 Changelog: Bonus MP is now calculated from your casting modifier + your spell […]