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Break over! February Update!

My break is over, time to update. Races Genome (Base Race): Gains a new racial archetype for Blue Mage (see below.) Gnath (Beast Tribe Race): Gains a new racial archetype for Geomancer (see below.) Immortal (Base Race): Gains a new […]

First update of 2021!

Happy New Years, folks. Got lots of things and so little time. This will, hopefully, be the last update for at least a month. I need a break. Enjoy! Races Amalj’aa (Beastman Tribe Race): Removed bonus to Wisdom, add bonus […]

Xmas Update!

Merry Xmas all and have a happy holidays. I hope this update finds you all snug some place warm (if in cold climates). Many, many things going on this update. This took me 13 hours (since I last looked) to […]

Sidebar Weirdness

Hey all! Sidebar is going to be rather funky for the rest of today and possibly tomorrow — we had a bit of a glitch that removed the majority of it and as a result we have to manually rebuild […]

Thanksgiving Update!

A couple of new archetypes, a new Iconic, and some changes. Races Amal’j’aa (Beast Tribe Race): Added a new Racial Archetype (Flamekeeper). Stats were adjusted. Added 3 new heritages (Brothers of Ash, Mamool Ja, and Zun), created by Ellie Shadeflare. […]

Roll20 FFd20 Character Sheet v1.5 Released!

Special thanks to Tame Rat#5351 (Discord) for accomplishing most of this update! Iterative attacks will be on the next update scheduled before New Years! Changelog Version 1.5 (pushed 10/26/2020) Character Sheet Spell failure roll on all spells if you have greater […]

November Update!

New beastman tribe races and a couple of new archetypes. Enjoy. Races Amal’j’aa (New Beastman Tribe Race): The amal’j’’aa are tall with a muscular physique, and have a very martial culture. Fitting their worship of Ifrit, enemy Amal’j’aa specialize in […]

Apologies for the site being down for about 2 weeks.

My old host decided to drop my website after a month into my 3-year contract with them and so we had to quickly transfer to a new host.

Early October Update

A few new racial archetypes, a new Iconic, and Sword Saint updates. Enjoy. Races Immortal (Base Race): Linking is now only usable once per day. Moombas (New Base Race): Moombas are cute bipedal/quadrupedal lion-like creatures with opposable thumbs and with […]

End of September Update (And 1st surgery done)

Surgery is over, gotta go back next month for more injections. Enjoy all the new additions. Races Hume (Core Race): Added Lufenian Ancestry to alternate racial traits. – Created by Rav Immortal (New Base Race): These mysterious beings are referred […]