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Trait NameBenefits
Adaptable Flatter (Seeq)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks and on attack rolls against opponents who are denied their Dexterity bonus to AC against you.
Advantageous Distraction (Goblin)Once per day as a swift action, you can be momentarily distracted in combat—ducking an axe swing to inspect a toadstool, or stooping behind a tree to lick some bark and accidentally avoiding an arrow, and so on. When you activate this ability, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to your AC for 1 round.
Aerial Observer (Aegyl)You gain a +2 trait bonus on Perception checks while you are at least 30 feet above ground level.
Aerial Opportunist (Aegyl)While flying, you gain a +1 trait bonus to dirty trick maneuvers and CMD against creatures on the ground within your reach.
Almost Hume (Al Bhed)You gain a +4 trait bonus on Disguise checks to pass as hume, and Disguise is always a class skill for you.
Animal Friend (Tarutaru)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saving throws as long as an animal (Tiny or larger, must be at least indifferent toward you) is within 30 feet, and Handle Animal is always a class skill for you.
Antimagic Defiance (Garlean)You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities.
Arcane Dabbler (Nu Mou)Choose a 0-level black or white magic spell. You may cast that spell once per day as a spell-like ability. Your caster level is equal to your highest class level in a spellcasting class; if you have no caster level, it functions at CL 1st. The spell-like ability’s save DC is Intelligence– or Wisdom-based (chosen when you select this trait).
Bauble Fascination (Burmecian)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Use Magic Device checks, and Use Magic Device is always a class skill for you.
Berry Synthesis (Mandragora) If you spend at least one hour in bright sunlight, you may cast Goodberry as your daily spell-like ability instead of Photosynthesis (caster level equal to your class level). In addition, while in bright sunlight, you gain +1 hit point whenever a healing spell is cast on you.
Big Boned (Au Ra)You gain a +1 trait bonus on combat maneuver checks made to overrun opponents, as well as a +1 trait bonus to your CMD against trip attempts.
Blank Slate (Genome)You gain a +1 trait bonus to saving throws against effects that are reliant on alignment. In addition, you gain a +2 trait bonus on Use Magic Device checks to emulate an alignment other than your own. Wielding an item that is harmful to your alignment has half the usual detrimental effect.
Bloodlust (Varg)Once per day, when you deal damage to a foe with a natural attack, you may gain 1d6 temporary hit points as an immediate action. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute.
Bouncy (Goblin)Whenever you take falling damage, the first 1d6 points of lethal damage suffered in the fall are automatically converted to nonlethal damage. You also gain a +2 trait bonus on all Reflex saves made to avoid unexpected falls.
Brute (Seeq)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you.
Business Venturer (Burmecian)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Appraise, Knowledge (local), and Profession (merchant) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is a class skill for you.
Canopy Prowler (Mithra)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Climb checks, and Climb is always a class skill for you. If you possess the climber racial trait, you also gain a +1 trait bonus on Stealth checks while climbing.
Coiled Embrace (Lamia)You gain a +1 trait bonus on grapple combat maneuver checks.
Cold Fortitude (Ronso)You gain a +4 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws against nonlethal ice damage.
Crash Landed (PuPu)Choose either Pilot or Survival. You gain a +1 trait bonus to the checks with the chosen skill, and it is always a class skill for you.
Curse in the Blood (Dracobaltian)You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against curses. You treat your caster level as 1 higher when casting spells and spell-like abilities with curse in the name or spells that inflict the Curse status effeft.
Deep Grudge (Tonkin)Bleeding and bleed damage cannot be removed or stopped by a spell that restores hit point damage unless the creature casting the spell passes a DC 15 Heal check.
Desert Resilience (Bangaa)You are unimpaired by being at exactly 0 hit points. In addition, you can ignore the Endurance prerequisite for the Diehard feat.
Dilettante Artist (Elvaan)You gain a +1 trait bonus to one category of Perform checks and a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy checks. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.
Dragon Inspiration (Gria)You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against the spells and abilities of dragons, and a +1 trait bonus on the DC of spells and abilities used against dragons. If you have defeated a dragon, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks when dealing with fellow Gria.
Emergency Rejuvenation (Shindroid)Once per day as an immediate action, you automatically stabilize while you are dying, even while unconscious or helpless.
Expert Assistant (Palico)When you grant an ally a bonus on an attack roll against a dragon or magical beast of Large or larger size due to flanking or the Aid Another action, both yourself and that ally gain an additional +1 trait bonus to attack.
Faith Healer (Guado)You can make a Heal check weekly to earn money as though making a Profession check. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Heal checks.
Feline Instinct (Mithra)In any combat in which you act during the surprise round, you gain a +3 trait bonus on your initiative check.
Flair for Destruction (Kindred)You gain a +1 trait bonus on weapon damage rolls made against objects and constructs.
Following Breeze (Sylph)As long as you get a running start, you gain a +2 trait bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump. Your speed increases by 5 feet when you use the run action.
Forest Senses (Viera)When in any unsettled, uncivilized terrain, you gain a +2 trait bonus on Perception checks to act during a surprise round, and take no penalty on Perception checks while sleeping.
Forlorn (Galka)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws.
Freed Slave (Moogle)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (nobility) checks and Knowledge (nobility) is a class skill for you.
Friendless (Kindred)You can make Heal checks on yourself for the purposes of treating deadly wounds, diseases, and poisons.
Frog Catcher (Qu)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception and Survival checks to track, locate, and capture frogs, toads, and other similar creatures. Furthermore, whenever you eat frogs, toads, and other similar creatures, you are healed 1d6+1 hit points.
Frog Fighter (Qu)You gain a +1 trait bonus on attacks and damage rolls against frogs, toads, and other similar creatures. Furthermore, you gain a +2 trait bonus to saving throws against enfeebling Poison and Frog spells and effects.
Higher Peaks (Galka)There is no penalty or gain from your first age category increase, and all age categories are increased by a cumulative 10 years. You gain a +1 trait bonus against diseases.
Holy Magic Affinity (Forgiven)Whenever you cast a spell from the light school or descriptor, you act as if you were one level higher for the purpose of determining that spell’s effects.
Industrious (Al Bhed)When you successfully use the aid another action to aid an ally’s Craft or Profession check, that character gains an additional +1 trait bonus on the check (in addition to the +2 bonus normally granted for successfully aiding another). If you have a racial bonus on that skill, your ally gains a +2 trait bonus instead.
Innocent (Forgiven)When you make a Bluff check to tell a lie, your target always wants to believe you, granting you the standard +5 bonus on your Bluff check. This bonus only applies if the lie you tell is either believable or unlikely.
Inquisitive Banterer (Mithra)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks. In addition, you can use Diplomacy to gather information in 1d2 hours instead of 1d4.
Inspirational Support (Tarutaru)Whenever you successfully perform an aid another action, you grant your ally a +4 bonus instead of the normal +2.
Iron Ferocity (Gria)When scoring a critical hit with a two handed weapon, you add an additional 3 points of damage to the attack. This damage is not multiplied if the critical hit is confirmed.
Kitchen Warrior (Qu)You gain +1 on Profession (chef) skill checks. When using an improvised weapon commonly found in a kitchen such as a table knife, fork, spoon, frying pan, or bowl, you take no penalty to your attack, and instead gain a +1 trait bonus to the attack.
Lab Rat Dog (Seto Lion)You gain a +1 bonus to Disguise checks and Disguise becomes a class skill for you. When attempting to disguise yourself as a bipedal humanoid, a DC 10 Acrobatics check will allow you to remain bipedal so long as you reduce your speed by 10 ft. and do not charge, run, or perform a double move action.
Lettered (Tarutaru)Linguistics is a class skill for you, and you gain a +1 trait bonus on Linguistics checks made for the purpose of deciphering writing in an unfamiliar language. You never draw a false conclusion if you fail your Linguistics check; instead, you simply realize you cannot make sense of the writing.
Magitek Prodigy (Garlean)Choose either attacks or skills. If you choose attacks, you gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls made using a suite of magitek armor. If you choose skills, you get a +1 trait bonus on all skill checks made using, identifying, or repairing a suit of magitek armor.
Martyr’s Blood (Forgiven)As long as your current hit point total is less than half of your maximum hit points possible, you gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls against evil foes.
Materia Circumstance (Seto Lion)One of the Materia in your possession gains +1 to its save DCs. This is selected when you rest, and cannot be changed more than once a day.
Moonlit Sight (Varg)Under moonlight, you gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks. Perception becomes a class skill for you.
Perfect Servant (Hypello)You gain a +3 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks made to influence anyone with at least one level of Aristocrat.
Precision Hearing (Bangaa)Whenever you succeed at a Perception check to hear a creature you can’t see and your check exceeds the DC by 10 or more, you can pinpoint the exact square where the sound originated.
Primal Tempered (Beastman Tribe)Choose an element. You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls for any spell you cast with that elemental descriptor. Spells that do not deal damage do not benefit from this trait.
Providential Passenger (Moogle)Improve the starting attitude that airship captains, caravan leaders, and those with similar sorts of responsibilities have toward you by one step.
Purple Scales (Au Ra)In addition to speaking Draconic, you begin play with the ability to speak one of the following: Aklo, Dwarven, Goblin, or Undercommon.
Rapscallion (Moogle)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Escape Artist checks and a +1 trait bonus on initiative checks.
Scamper (Burmecian)During the first round of combat in which you can act, you ignore difficult terrain and gain an additional 5 feet of movement. This benefit does not apply when you are carrying a medium or heavier load.
Scrounger (Moogle)You can buy objects with the broken condition at half price (instead of the normal three-quarters price). The value of the unbroken version of these objects cannot exceed four times your character level. The price you pay for this object can never exceed more than twice your character level in gil (for example, at 5th level you can spend up to 10 gil on a broken object, meaning you can buy any object that, if not broken, has a value of 20 gil or less).
Seaman’s Life (Roegadyn)You take no penalty to Acrobatics on ships in rough water, and only a -2 penalty in stormy waters. The DC for swimming in rough and stormy water is reduced by 5. You can hold your breath underwater for an additional number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier.
Seeker of Brightness (Nu Mou)Choose a Knowledge skill; you gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge checks of that type and on Perception checks.
Sensual Graces (Lamia)You gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff checks made against humanoids who could be attracted to you.
Shadow Magic Affinity (Kindred)Whenever you cast a spell from the dark school or descriptor, you act as if you were one level higher for the purpose of determining that spell’s effects.
Sheepishly Talented (Lambkin)Whenever you cast a non-instantaneous spell, you may treat the duration of that spell as though you were one level higher than normal.
Shumi Heritage (Moomba)You gain a +1 trait bonus to Craft, Repair, or Profession checks. You may use Strength or Dexterity in place of the usual ability score for the selected skill.
Skilled Telepath (Tonkin)The range of your limited telepathy racial ability increases by 5 feet.
Slave Smuggler (Moogle)When hiding a Medium or smaller creature from an opponent actively searching you or your cargo, both you and the creature to be smuggled can attempt Stealth checks and select the higher of the two results for your smuggled ally to use while hiding.
Slippery Step (Sahagin)You are always considered to have firm footing when fighting underwater, and you gain a +2 trait bonus on Acrobatics checks and Climb checks on wet surfaces or in wet terrain, including bogs, standing or running water, or a storm-tossed ship.
Storyteller (Galka)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (history) and that knowledge is always a class skill for you. This bonus increases to +2 when trying to recall a specific tale or legend.
Strength of Body (Bangaa)Once per day, you can use your Strength modifier in place of your Constitution modifier on a single Fortitude saving throw. You must announce that you are using this ability before you roll the saving throw.
Superior Clutch (Roegadyn)You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls when using weapons intended for creatures of a larger size.
Team Player (Moomba)When using the Aid Another action on an ally, you confer an additional +1 bonus. If you possess an animal companion, familiar, avatar, or other non-leadership companion creature, they also gain this trait.
Thunderborn (Sylph)Once per day when you cast a spell that deals lightning damage, you can choose to make half of the damage lightning damage and the other half non-elemental damage.
Tiger’s Claw (Mithra or Ronso)Whenever you use the charge action, you gain a +1 trait bonus on your weapon damage roll.
Tough Skin (Au Ra)You gain a +1 trait bonus to AC when opponents attempt to confirm critical hits with either bludgeoning or slashing weapons.
Transitional (Ronso)Once per day when you attempt a Survival check to predict the weather, you can add a trait bonus equal to 3 + 1/2 your character level. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves against the effects of cold and hot weather.
Tribal Hunter (Garif)When throwing spears and javelins, you increase the range increment by 5 feet.
Tropical Botanist (Mandragora)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks to locate or identify plants and on saving throws against the extraordinary abilities of plants.
Underfoot Paws (Palico)You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you take a crawling action while prone. Once per day, you can rise from prone as a swift action without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Underworld Visions (Guado)You do not suffer the full disadvantages against incorporeal creatures. When you would deal half damage to an incorporeal creature you instead deal 3/4th damage. Incorporeal creatures hiding in objects benefit from 25% concealment against you instead of 50% concealment.
Unidentified Flying Technician (Pupu)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (technology) or Knowledge (engineering) and that knowledge is always a class skill for you. This bonus increases to +2 when used on flying vehicles.
Unsated Hunger (Dracobalitan)Once per day, the Dracobaltian may consume the flesh of a humanoid creature of any subtype to gain a +4 trait bonus on Survival checks to track humanoids of the same subtype by scent for 24 hours.
Unweathered (Shindroid)Because of your artificial construction, you gain a +2 trait bonus on saves to resist ice or lightning effects and hazards.
Vessel Crafter (Genome)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Heal checks and on Knowledge (religion). In addition, once per day, when using a spell, item, or ability that brings an unconscious or dead creature back to consciousness or life, you heal the creature an additional 1 hit point per level.
Warrior of Old (Elvaan)You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks.
Well-Informed (Hypello)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information and Knowledge (local) checks. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.
Werewolf Tenacity (Varg)Once per day, when reduced to below 0 hit points, so long as your hit points have not fallen below your Constitution, you may continue to act for one round. After this round, if your hit points remain below 0, you fall unconscious.
Wild Domesticator (Garif)Handle Animal is always a class skill for you. Additionally, you gain a +2 trait bonus on Handle Animal checks to train an animal, and can teach a trained animal one additional trick beyond its normal maximum.
Wild Wool (Lambkin)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Handle Animal and on Wild Empathy checks. You can attempt a minimum DC 15 Disguise check to disguise yourself as a sheep with a -2 penalty.
Wind-Carried Voices (Sylph)You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks to tell when someone is lying to you. Additionally, at will, as long as you are outdoors or in an area where there is noticeable air movement, you can whisper to any creature from up to 30 feet away. You can only designate one person in sight to hear your voice, and nearby creatures can hear these messages with a successful DC 20 Perception check. This is an extraordinary ability that otherwise functions as message.
Woodland Stride (Viera)For 3 rounds per day, you can move through light or heavy undergrowth at full speed. This ability doesn’t work in terrain that has been magically manipulated to impede motion.