Trait Name | Benefits |
Avalanche Member | You gain a +4 trait bonus to Diplomacy checks when interacting with members of Anti-Shinra groups, and you receive a 20% discount on goods and services purchased from these groups or from shops in the Midgar Slums. However, you carry a bounty on your head equal to 300 x your level. |
Blitzball Protégé | You are proficient with blitzballs and gains a +2 trait bonus on Swim checks. |
Child of an Esper | This ancestry manifest in a strange way- your eye, hair or skin color can be outside of the norm for your race. Select either Fortitude, Reflex, or Will. You gain a +1 bonus to that saving throw versus spells, spell-like abilities. and supernatural effects. |
Clan Raised (Ivalice) | You gain a +2 trait bonus to all (pick one: Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Bluff) checks when interacting with members of clans. Chosen skill is treated as class skill for you. |
Emissary of the Feymarch | You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks when dealing with Extraplanar entities, as well as a +2 trait bonus on Knowledge (planes) and Knowledge (religion) made regarding Astrals, Deities, and Primals. |
Garden Cadet | You gain a +2 trait bonus to Profession (soldier) checks. When you select this trait, you gain an additional benefit that matches your home garden. Balamb: Whenever you gain a level in SeeD Operative, you receive +1 hit point or +1 skill rank. Galbadia: Firearms are considered martial weapons for you. If you have exotic weapon proficiency (firearms), you instead gain a +1 trait bonus to damage rolls with firearms. Trabia: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (engineering) checks, and Knowledge (engineering) is considered a class skill for you. |
Hatred (Guado or Ronso) | You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack and damage rolls against the opposed race. (Guado and Ronso only) |
Immortal Veteran | You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy skill checks when dealing with members of your military and a +2 trait bonus on Intimidate skill checks against enemies of your country. |
Living Legacy | You gain a +2 trait bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate with those who know and respect your lineage. |
Love of the Hunt | You gain Disable Device as a class skill and gain a +1 trait bonus to Perception checks to find traps. |
Machina Crazy | You gain a +2 trait bonus on all checks involving machina. Typically, Repair, Knowledge Technology, Drive, Craft, etc. |
Magicite Infusion | Upon taking this trait, select the elemental or healing school of magic. Once chosen, this cannot be changed. You gain the following benefits based on the school chosen: Elemental: Select either earth, fire, ice, lightning, water or wind. You gain a +1 trait bonus to the damage rolls of ranged touch attack spells of this school of magic. Healing: You gain a +1 trait bonus to the damage healed by Cure spells of this school of magic. |
Shinra Employee | At character creation, you receive an additional 300 gil, along with a monthly salary of 100 gil for the duration of your employment. Additionally, as long as you remain employed by Shinra Inc., you have relatively unrestricted access to the Shinra compound and are exempt from triggering security alarms—unless you engage in prohibited activities, which may result in your immediate termination. |
Sphere Hunter | Your caster level is treated as 2 higher when casting magic through materia as long as it doesn't exceed your character level. |
The Old Ways | You gain a +2 trait bonus bonus to Knowledge (Planes and Religion) checks, and they are always class skills. The DC to resist your Perform (Dance) to perform a sending is also increased by 1. |
Warrior of Darkness | You gain a +2 trait bonus to saving throws against spells from the light school or that have the good descriptor. |
Warrior of Light | You gain a +2 trait bonus to saving throws against spells from the dark school or that have the evil descriptor. |
Wild Rose Rebel | Choose either weapons or spells. If you choose weapons, you gain a +2 trait bonus on all damage rolls made against targets you know are associated with the Empire. If you choose spells, increase the save DC of your spells by 1 when you target such foes. |
Wutai Traditionalist | Characters with this trait treat all Eastern Weapons as Martial Weapons and gain a +2 trait bonus to Stealth (and are likely linked to one of the still-existing resistance groups. Stay out sight of Shinra. The shadows are your only friends.) |