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Happy Halloween Update!

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Machina Mobsters (Al Bhed, Garlean, and Hume)You better have paid those techaffin gentleman their well-earned protection money because otherwise, they will show you that they have brains and metal brawn.

Table: Machina Mobsters

Qty.TitleCost (gil)MASTAGAVSkillsSkillsets
0-16Hume Linemen6,0006338NonePrimary (G/S), Secondary (A/P)
0-4Hume Blitzer8,0006338BlockPrimary (G/S), Secondary (A/P)
0-2Al Bhed Thrower7,0006347Pass, Sure HandsPrimary (A/P), Secondary (G/S)
0-2Al Bhed Catcher7,0006347Catch, DodgePrimary (A/P), Secondary (G/S)
0-2Garlean Gunbreakers10,0006439Fend, Gun Arm, Secret WeaponPrimary (G/S), Secondary (A/P)
0-1Warmech14,00047511Break Tackle, Dirty Player, Juggernaut, Loner, Mighty Blow, No Hands, Secret Weapon, Stand FirmPrimary (S), Secondary (A/G)
0-8 Re-rolls: 5,000 gil each