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Aspect of Calofisteri: Fiend adopts the aspect of Calofisteri, gaining Fast Healing equal to half of the Fiend’s crystal rank plus one. The aspect of Calofisteri makes all Fiend’s melee attacks and spells apply one negative level on enemies who fail a Will saving throw (DC = 15 + twice the crystal rank).

Aspect of Diabolos: Fiend adopts the aspect of Diabolos, gaining a bonus to Wisdom score equal to half of the Fiend’s crystal rank plus one. An aspect of Diabolos makes the user incorporeal during Fiendish rage.

Aspect of Ferdiad: Fiend adopts the aspect of Ferdiad, gaining a bonus to Strength score equal to half of the Fiend’s crystal rank plus one. An aspect of Ferdiad deals all enemies within 50 feet of the raging Fiend 1d6 shadow damage per point of bonus Fiendish rage gives the Fiend to attack and damage rolls.

Aspect of Kraken: Fiend adopts the aspect of Kraken, gaining DR N/-where N is equal to half the Fiend’s crystal rank plus one. An aspect of Kraken causes all attacks and abilities make their target grappled unless they pass a Reflex saving throw (DC = 15 + twice the crystal rank).

Aspect of Necrophobe: Fiend adopts the aspect of Necrophobe, gaining a bonus to Intelligence ability score equal to half of the Fiend’s crystal rank plus one. The aspect of Necrophobe allows the Fiend to use abilities and cast spells as move actions during Fiendish rage.

Aspect of Shadow Lord: Fiend adopts the aspect of Shadow Lord, gaining a bonus to Constitution score equal to half of the Fiend’s crystal rank plus one. An aspect of Shadow Lord makes all allies in 50 feet radius assume Fiendish rage with the Fiend himself, but without the advantages of the Fiendish aspects.