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Crystal Rules

These rules present a system for increasing characters’ intrinsic power, making them more like the heroes of ancient myths and epics. This includes the rules for crystal paths. These rules are primarily for GMs to add a such of epicness to characters if they wish to use this optional system.

This system uses several new terms, or that previously existed but were rarely used. These terms are worth reviewing before continuing on with the rest of this page.


The moment of ascension is the moment when a normal character becomes a crystal character. This event is usually a critical moment in the story that helps to define the crystal character’s origin and the source of her power. Once a character has undergone ascension, she gains her first crystal tier and can select a crystal path.


When a crystal character completes a particularly difficult task, the GM might reward that character with a boon. A boon represents having earned the favor of the source of the character’s power. Once acquired, a boon allows the character to draw upon crystal power one additional time that day. A crystal character might be rewarded with a boon several times in a single session, but no more than once per encounter.


A type of damage reduction, DR/epic can be overcome only by a weapon with an enhancement bonus of +6 or greater. Weapons with special abilities also count as epic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction if the total bonus value of all of their abilities (including the enhancement bonus) is +6 or greater.


With abilities seemingly beyond the those of ordinary mortals, a crystal character or crystal monster becomes part of a story that plays out on a greater scale than ordinary people can understand. An attack, spell, or other effect is considered crystal if it originates from a crystal source, such as a character or creature with a crystal tier or rank.

Crystal Path

(Often referred to just as a “path.”) The theme of a character’s crystal abilities is determined by her crystal path—bahamut’s chosen, chosen of cosmos, crystal bearer, dark divinity, fiend, legend, lich, light warden, light warrior, kefka’s chosen, trickster, and warrior of darkness. Each path has a number of special abilities associated with it that the character can select as she advances in tier. For those paths that require crystal rank 8 or higher, you can switch paths, assuming you pass the trial to become that path.

Crystal Power

Each crystal character can call upon this base crystal ability to influence destiny and fuel other abilities. At its most basic, crystal power is needed to use a number of other crystal abilities.

Crystal Rank

(Often referred to just as a “rank.”) Similar to tiers, crystal ranks are used to describe the approximate crystal power possessed by a monster. All creatures with a crystal rank are considered crystal for the purposes of feats, spells, magic items, and other abilities. Crystal ranks range from 1 to 10.

Crystal Tier

(Often referred to just as a “tier.”) Crystal characters advance in power by gaining tiers, each of which grants new abilities. Attaining a new crystal tier requires completing difficult trials within the campaign’s story rather than accumulating experience points. Crystal tiers range from 1 to 10. Characters who achieve 10th tier are at the height of crystal power, and are in some respects akin to minor deities.

Crystal Trial

(Often referred to just as a “trial.”) A trial is a difficult task that awaits crystal heroes. It usually represents the culmination of part of the heroes’ story, marking it as an important point in their legend. A crystal character has to complete one or more trials in order to reach a new crystal tier. Trials and crystal path advancement are separate from XP and character level advancement, and are based on grand achievements within the story rather than individual encounters.

Below are the 11 different paths a character can become.

Bahamut’s Chosen (crystal rank 8+ only)

Table: Crystal Path (Bahamut's Chosen)

Crystal RankAbilities
8Dragon Breath, Dragon Feature 1
9Dragon Form, Dragon Feature 2, Dragon Feat x3
10Perfect Soul

Dragon Breath

You gain the ability to breath elemental energy, as the same type as your usual Dragon form, attacking all enemies in a 50 feet cone, dealing (character level plus half crystal rank)d8 elemental damage. A successful Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + your character level + half your crystal rank) halves the damage. Any enemy hit by the breath attack also gains a -1 penalty on all d20 rolls, while all enemies who failed the Reflex saving throw gain -2 penalty. You can use your breath attack once every 1d4 rounds.

Dragon Feature 1

The Dragon gains immunity to poison, diseases, fear, confusion, paralysis and sleep.

He also gains resistance to all elements equal to his character level plus half his crystal rank.

If any of your saving throws bonuses before modifiers is less than (5+your crystal rank), you gain a bonus up to that number.

If any of your attributes before modifiers is less than 14, you gain a bonus up to that number.

All your hit dice are now d12.

Any spells dealing damage now change their dice to d6, if it was not d6 or greater. If it was d6 or greater, the spell instead plus one bonus per die. All your weapons count as +5 weapon.

Dragon Form

You can assume the form of any Dragon. You gain the following abilities: a +10 size bonus to Strength, a +8 size bonus to Constitution, a +8 form natural armor bonus. Blindsense 60 feet. You also gain one bite (2d8), 2 claws (2d6), two wing attacks (1d8), and 1 tail slap attack (2d6).

Dragon Feat

You can select any three feats, ignoring all prerequisites.

Dragon Feature 2

The Dragon gains immunity to mind-affecting effects and spell resistance equal to 15 plus your character level and half your crystal rank.

If your base attack bonus is less than 15 plus crystal rank, you gain a bonus up to that number.

All skills become class skills for you. If you have less ranks in a skill than your crystal rank, you gain a bonus up to that number.

If any of your attributes before modifiers is less than 18, you gain a bonus up to that number. Any spells dealing damage now change their dice to d8, if it was not d8 or greater. If it was d8 or greater. the spell instead plus one bonus to damage per die.

Perfect Soul

The Dragon gains immunity to earth, fire, ice, and lightning, energy drain and shadow energy.

Any spells dealing damage now change their dice to d10. If it was not d10 or greater. If it was d10 or greater, the spell instead plus one bonus to damage per die.

Chosen of Cosmos

Table: Crystal Path (Chosen of Cosmos)

Crystal RankAbilitiesSummoning
1Crystal Ability, Summon Magic
2Crystal Feat Summon Wood Golem
3Crystal Ability, Cosmos Blessing, Enforcing GazeSummon Clay Golem
4Crystal Feat, Cosmos BaneSummon Stone Golem
5Crystal Ability, Cosmos Blessing, Enforcing GazeSummon Ice Golem
6Crystal Feat, Improve Cosmos Bane, Enforcing Gaze - Extra GazeSummon Inferno Golem
7Crystal Ability, Shared Blessing, Enforcing Gaze
8Crystal Feat, Cosmos Blessing, Enforcing Gaze - PerpetualSummon Iron Golem
9Crystal Ability, Shared Blessing, Greater Cosmos Bane, Enforcing GazeSummon Mythril Golem
10Crystal Feat, Cosmos Blessing, Enforcing Gaze - Extra GazeSummon Adamantine Golem

Summon Magic

At 1st crystal rank, the Chosen of Cosmos gains MP and spells as a 5th level summoner, but cant pick spells related to the Avatar.. Further crystal ranks increase his MP pool and spells as if he took a level in summoner.

Summon Wood Golem

Once per day, this ability summons a Wood Golem for 1 minute. Summoned monsters appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability.

Cosmos Blessing

At 3rd crystal rank, the Chosen of Cosmos receive a gift of harmony that removes impurities in his body and mind. He gains immunity to poison, disease and confusion, and gains a bonus on all saving throws against chaotic enemies equal to his crystal rank.

At 5th crystal rank, the Chosen of Cosmos gains immunity to bleed, mind-affecting effects and ability damage.

At 10th crystal rank, the Chosen of Cosmos automatically rolls 20 on initiative rolls and saving throws against chaotic creatures. Additionally, his attacks and spells ignore damage reduction, elemental resistance and immunities of chaotic enemies.

Enforcing Gaze

At the 3rd crystal rank, the Chosen of Cosmos gains the ability to enforce rules on everything around them, giving various benefits to the allies and hindering the enemies. Once activated, this ability lasts until the combat ends, at which point all of the bonuses immediately disappear. Enemies can try to make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + half character level + crystal rank) to resist this effect, receiving a -2 penalty on the throw if they have the Chaotic alignment.

This ability can be used 1 plus crystal rank times per day.

Starting at 6th crystal rank, the Chosen of Cosmos can simultaneously activate two gazes. At 10th crystal rank, the number increases to three gazes.

At 8th crystal rank, the Chosen of Cosmos’s gaze can be used any number of times per day.

Summon Clay Golem

Once per day, this ability summons a Clay Golem for 1 minute. Summoned monsters appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Cosmos Bane

At 4th crystal rank, a Chosen of Cosmos gains an ability to make his weapons and spells especially deadly against his enemies. For a number of rounds per day equal to twice your crystal rank, you can make any weapon you wield count as having Bane quality, your spells gain a bonus equal to your crystal rank to caster level checks to overcome spell resistance, and every hit you make with weapons or spells dispel effects from the target, as per the Dispel spell.

At 9th crystal rank, Chosens’s bane damage increases by 2d6, and the bonus to attack and damage rolls by 1. His first attack each round automatically dispels an effect from the target. Additionally, his spells and abilities can be used as a move action instead of a standard action.

Summon Stone Golem

Once per day, this ability summons a Stone Golem for 1 minute. Summoned monsters appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability. This ability replaces the previous summon. These constructs resembles Heroes of other Worlds.

Summon Ice Golem

Once per day, this ability summons an Ice Golem for 1 minute. Summoned monsters appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability. This ability replaces the previous summon. These constructs resembles Heroes of other Worlds.

Summon Inferno Golem

Once per day, this ability summons an Inferno Golem for 1 minute. Summoned monsters appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability. This ability replaces the previous summon. These constructs resembles Heroes of other Worlds.

Summon Iron Golem

Once per day, this ability summons an Iron Golem for 1 minute. Summoned monsters appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability. This ability replaces the previous summon. These constructs resembles Heroes of other Worlds.

Summon Mythril Golem

Once per day, this ability summons a Mythril Golem for 1 minute. Summoned monsters appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability. This ability replaces the previous summon. These constructs resembles Heroes of other Worlds.

Summon Adamantine Golem

Once per day, this ability summons an Adamantine Golem for 1 minute. Summoned monsters appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability. This ability replaces the previous summon. These constructs resembles Heroes of other Worlds.

Shared Blessing

At 7th crystal rank, Cosmos Blessing’s power is great enough to protect his allies mind and body. All his allies in a 30-ft.-radius gain immunity to poison, disease and confusion.

At 9th crystal rank, all allies within a 30-ft.-radus of the Chosen of Cosmos gain immunity to mind-affecting effects.

Crystal Bearer

Table: Crystal Path (Crystal Bearer)

Crystal RankAbilitiesSummoning
1Crystal Ability, Crystal of EnergyMedium Elemental
2Crystal Feat, Crystal Affinity
3Crystal Ability, Crystal MagicLarge Elemental
4Crystal Feat, Crystal Affinity
5Crystal AbilityHuge Elemental
6Crystal Feat, Crystal Affinity
7Crystal AbilityGreater Elemental
8Crystal Feat, Crystal Affinity
9Crystal AbilityElder Elemental
10Crystal Feat, Crystal Affinity

Crystal of Energy

Pick an element (earth, fire, ice, lightning, water, or wind), once per day, for a number of minutes per day equal to your crystal rank, the Crystal Bearer can imbue all his weapons to deal an additional 1d6 of chosen element damage plus an additional 1d6 per two crystal ranks after 1st. This elemental damage cannot be reduced by resistances, be immuned/absorbed, or be affected by any class feature that normally affect it.

Crystal Affinity

Based on your choice of element from Crystal of Energy, you gain 5 Resistance versus that element, plus a additional 5 per 2 ranks after 2nd. At 10th rank, the Crystal Bearer becomes immune to that element.

Crystal Magic

You gain spells/MP pool as a 5th level black mage, but can only choose spells of your chosen element. Further crystal ranks increase his MP pool and spells as if he took a level in black mage.

Summon Medium Elemental

Once per day, this ability summons a medium elemental of your chosen element for 1 minute. Summoned monsters appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability.

Summon Large Elemental

Once per day, this ability summons a large elemental of your chosen element for 1 minute. Summoned monsters appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Summon Huge Elemental

Once per day, this ability summons a huge elemental of your chosen element for 1 minute. Summoned monsters appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Summon Greater Elemental

Once per day, this ability summons a greater elemental of your chosen element for 1 minute. Summoned monsters appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Summon Elder Elemental

Once per day, this ability summons an elder elemental of your chosen element for 1 minute. Summoned monsters appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Dark Divinity (Crystal Rank 8+ only)

Table: Crystal Path (Devil)

Crystal RankAbilities
8Crystal Feat, Divine Decree, Divine Will
9Crystal Ability, Divine Seal, Deific Retaliation
10Crystal Feat, Godly Authority, Kefkaesque

Divine Will

You gain the ability to use dominate monster as spell-like ability at will. Additionally, you gain fire resistance 20 and a +4 bonus on saving throws against poison.

Divine Decree

As your divinity grows, you gain the ability to issue Divine Decrees a number of times per day equal to his crystal rank. If a saving throw is involved, its DC is 10+ double the total crystal rank.

Divine Seal

You gain the ability to place Divine Seals on allies. They activate when certain conditions are met. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your crystal rank, but only one seal can be placed on a single ally at one time.

Deific Retaliation

You gain the ability to use shadowfire ray as a spell-like ability at will. Additionally, you gain immunity to fire, ice and earth resistance 10, and all your weapons count as being Lawful and Evil.

Godly Authority

You gain the ability to temporarily subjugate the power of light and darkness. Three times per day, you can gain the ability to use Angel’s Sword ability with one improvement or Fiendish rage with one aspect for the next ten minutes.


You gain the ability to use overwhelming presence and death as spell-like abilities at will.


Table: Crystal Path (Fiend)

Crystal RankAbilitiesSummoning
1Crystal Ability, Fiendish Claws
2Crystal Feat, Fiendish ChargeSummon Demon
3Crystal Ability, Fiendish Rage, Dark Knight Spells
4Crystal Feat, Aspect of the FiendsSummon Greater Demon
5Crystal Ability, Aspect of the Fiends, Extra Minor Aspect of the Fiends
6Crystal Feat, Aspect of the FiendsSummon Apocrypha
7Crystal Ability, Aspect of the Fiends, Minor Aspect of the Fiends, Major Aspect of the Fiends, Fiendish Charge, Deadly Natural Weapons
8Crystal Feat, Aspect of the Fiends, Extra Minor Aspect of the FiendsSummon Erigoss
9Crystal Ability, Aspect of the Fiends, Major Aspect of the Fiends
10Crystal Feat, Aspect of the Fiends, Aspect of the ArchfiendsSummon Fell Demon

Fiendish Claws

The Fiend can grow claws at will, gaining two claw attacks. These attacks are considered primary attacks and are made at the Fiend’s full base attack bonus. The claws deal 1d8 points of slashing damage (1d6 if Small) plus the Fiend’s Strength modifier. If one of the claws is used in concert with a weapon held in the other hand, the claw attack is made at the Fiend’s full base attack bonus –5 and deals 1d8 damage plus half the Fiend’s Strength modifier.

Fiendish Charge

As a move action, you can teleport to the target enemy, dealing 2d6 shadow damage per crystal rank in a 10 foot radius around you at the beginning of the teleport and at the end. An enemy can only be damaged by this ability once per round.

Fiendish Rage

The power of Chaos courses through the Fiend waiting to be unleashed. The Fiend can enter a Fiendish rage as a free action. The Fiendish rage lasts until the end of combat. While in Fiendish rage, the Fiend gains +2 bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, caster level checks and Reflex saving throws. The DC for all saving throws against Fiend’s spells and abilities are increased by 2. These benefits increase by 1 at 6th and 9th crystal ranks. This ability stacks with normal rage if the character has it.

Dark Knight Spells

At 3rd crystal rank, a Fiend receives the ability to cast dark knight spells, using their total character level as their dark knight level.

Aspect of the Fiends

Starting crystal rank 4 and crystal rank thereafter, the Fiend gains a Minor Aspect of the Fiends. These aspects use other Fiends as inspiration and allow the Fiend to focus the rage more effectively.

Extra Minor Aspect of the Fiends

At crystal ranks 5 and 7, the Fiend can use one more minor aspect simultaneously.

Major Aspect of the Fiends

At crystal ranks 7 and 9, the Fiend gains a Major Aspect of the Fiends. These aspects use more powerful Fiends as inspiration and allow the Fiend to focus the rage more effectively.

Deadly Natural Weapons

All of the Fiend’s natural weapons ignore the damage reduction of Fiends and count as having a +2 enhancement bonus. Additionally, all of the Fiend’s natural attacks count as primary.

Aspect of the Archfiend

At crystal rank 10, the Fiend gains a Aspect of the Archfiend. These aspects use Fiend lords as inspiration and allow the Fiend to focus the rage more effectively.

Legend (Crystal Rank 8+ only)

Table: Crystal Path (Legend)

Crystal RankAbilities
8Crystal Feat, Legend (Ability), Legend's Resistance, Greater Sword of Heaven
9Crystal Ability
10Crystal Feat

Legend (Ability)

The path to becoming a legend is a long and difficult one, but after you become one – you will be the pinnacle of what a mortal can become. All your ability scores will be increased by 4. Your Level cap will become 40 (you still can only get 20 levels in one character class), and the amount of XP needed to level up will be drastically decreased. For every level beyond 20, the XP to level is reduced to 1 million per level.

Legend’s Resistance

The legend’s powers are beyond all’s reach. The Legend and all allies within 30 feet of him have an elemental resistance (all) of 10 per crystal rank after 7.

Greater Sword of Heaven

Legends can imbue their weapons with holy power. Weapons imbued with holy power deal an additional 2d6 holy damage on attacks, while spells and abilities used while holding imbued weapons deal an additional 2 dice of damage or heal an additional 2 dice of damage. In addition, they can choose 1 ability from this list: Sword of Heaven


Table: Crystal Path (Lich)

Crystal RankAbilitiesSummoning
1Crystal Ability, Skeletal Champion
2Crystal Feat, Necromancy SpellsSummon Undead I
3Crystal Ability, Lich PowersSummon Undead II
4Crystal Feat, Lord Beyond the Grave, Skeleton Upgrade SelectionSummon Undead III
5Crystal Ability, Lord of Death, Dark RitesSummon Undead IV
6Crystal Feat, Lich PowersSummon Undead V
7Crystal AbilitySummon Undead VI
8Crystal Feat, Skeleton Upgrade SelectionSummon Undead VII
9Crystal Ability, Lich PowersSummon Undead VIII
10Crystal FeatSummon Undead IX

Skeletal Champion

You get a powerful undead minion — a skeletal champion (5th level Bone Commander from Necromancer). It will become more powerful as you gain new crystal ranks, gaining additional level as if you took a level in necromancer. This skeletal champion can use any items and also has all the weapon proficiencies. Being undead, it is also subject to all the bonuses undead get being under the command of the crystal Lich.

Summon Undead I

Once per day, you can cast Summon Undead I as a spell-like ability.

Necromancy Spells

Starting at crystal rank 2, you gain the spells/MP pool as a 5th level necromancer. Further crystal ranks increase his MP pool and spells as if he took a level in necromancer.

Summon Undead II

Once per day, you can cast Summon Undead II as a spell-like ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Lich Powers

At crystal ranks 3, 6, and 9, you select unique Lich Powers.

Summon Undead III

Once per day, you can cast Summon Undead III as a spell-like ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Skeletal Champion Upgrades

At crystal ranks 4 and 8, you get a choice of skeletal champion upgrades.

Summon Undead IV

Once per day, you can cast Summon Undead IV as a spell-like ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Lord Beyond the Grave

You can use Command Undead spell at will. All undead under your command within 50 feet of you gain a bonus to their Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma equal to half your crystal rank plus 1. Their attacks now ignore damage reduction except N/-.

Lord of Death

Leader of a small cult of undead, created by your own hands, you became famous as the indomitable commander. Determined to destroy the forces of the Abyss at any cost, you ventured on the path of the Lord/Lady of Death. For millennia, powerful necromancers have dreamed of a power that could rival the divine. They have created cults in their own names, and attracted many followers. Thanks to your legendary powers, you have managed to achieve much greater success than the others: you have acquired a talent to bestow divine spells upon your followers. From that moment, the undead created by you gain the ability to cast Domain spells from the following domains: Death, Evil, Strength, and War. The undead uses the Lich’s character level for their cleric level and uses the Lich’s Charisma modifier for any effects. To cast the domain spells, the undead must be the appropriate level (spell level = double hit dice of undead).

Dark Rites

The Lich, and all your allies in a 30-feet radius, cast spells as if their caster level was 2 levels higher.

Summon Undead V

Once per day, you can cast Summon Undead V as a spell-like ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Summon Undead VI

Once per day, you can cast Summon Undead VI as a spell-like ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Summon Undead VII

Once per day, you can cast Summon Undead VII as a spell-like ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Summon Undead VIII

Once per day, you can cast Summon Undead VIII as a spell-like ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Summon Undead IX

Once per day, you can cast Summon Undead IX as a spell-like ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Light Warden

Table: Crystal Path (Light Warden)

Crystal RankAbilitiesSummoning
1Crystal Ability, Sword of Heaven
2Crystal Feat , Improved Sword of HeavenSummon Forgiven Ignorance
3Crystal Ability, Paladin Spells, Angelic Halo
4Crystal Feat, Improved Sword of HeavenSummon Forgiven Clamor
5Crystal Ability, Improved Angelic Halo
6Crystal Feat, Improved Sword of Heaven, Sword of Holy DamageSummon Forgiven Conceit
7Crystal Ability, Improved Angelic Halo, Halo's Holy Aura
8Crystal Feat, Greater Sword of HeavenSummon Forgiven Apathy
9Crystal Ability
10Crystal Feat, Greater Sword of HeavenSummon Forgiven Whimsy

Summon Forgiven Ignorance

Once per day, this ability summons a forgiven ignorance. It appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability.

Summon Forgiven Clamor

Once per day, this ability summons a forgiven clamor for 1 minute. It appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Sword of Heaven

Light Wardens can imbue their weapons with holy power. Weapons imbued with holy power deal an additional 2d6 holy damage on attacks, while spells and abilities used while holding imbued weapons deal an additional 2 dice of damage or heal an additional 2 dice of damage.

At 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th crystal ranks, a Light Warden can select an improvement to the Sword of Heaven ability. Improvements that are available at 8th and 10th crystal ranks are significantly more powerful.

Paladin Spells

At 3rd crystal rank, a Light Warden receives the ability to cast paladin spells, using their total character level as their paladin level.

Angelic Halo

A Light Warden gains a celestial halo. Each ally within 50 feet of the Light Warden gains a bonus equal to half the Light Warden’s crystal rank plus 1 to AC and saving throws against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures.

At 5th, 7th, and 9th crystal rank, a Light Warden can select an improvement to the Angelic Halo ability.

Summon Forgiven Conceit

Once per day, this ability summons a forgiven conceit. It appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Summon Forgiven Apathy

Once per day, this ability summons a forgiven apathy for 1 minute. Summoned monsters appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Halo’s Holy Aura

The Light Warden’s Halo now emanates an aura similar to the effect of holy aura spell.

A brilliant divine radiance surrounds the subjects, protecting them from attacks, granting them resistance to spells cast by evil creatures, and causing evil creatures to become blinded when they strike the subjects. This ability has four effects.

First, each warded creature gains a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saves. This benefit applies against all attacks, not just against attacks by evil creatures.

Second, each warded creature gains spell resistance 20 + Angel’s crystal rank against evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures.

Third, this ability protects from all mind-affecting spells and effects.

Finally, if an evil creature succeeds on a melee attack against a creature warded by a holy aura, the offending attacker is blinded (Fortitude save negates, as blind, but against holy aura’s save DC).

Sword of Holy Damage

Whenever Sword of Heaven is active, this ability allows the Light Warden to transform all damage dealt by the Light Warden into holy damage.

Summon Forgiven Whimsy

Once per day, this ability summons a forgiven whimsy for 1 minute. Summoned monsters appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability. This ability replaces the previous summon.

Light Warrior

Table: Crystal Path (Light Warrior)

Crystal RankAbilities
1Crystal Ability, Light Bearer, Blessing of the Light, Holy Defensive Stance
2Crystal Feat, Blessing of the Light, Gear of Light (+2)
3Crystal Ability, Blessing of the Light, Paladin Spells
4Crystal Feat, Blessing of the Light, Gear of Light (+4)
5Crystal Ability, Blessing of the Light, Improved Holy Defensive Stance
6Crystal Feat, Blessing of the Light, Gear of Light (+6)
7Crystal Ability, Blessing of the Light, Tireless Stance
8Crystal Feat, Blessing of the Light, Gear of Light (+8)
9Crystal Ability, Blessing of the Light
10Crystal Feat, Blessing of the Light, Gear of Light (+10), Superior Holy Defensive Stance

Light Bearer

Once per day, for a number of minutes per day equal to your crystal rank, the Light Warrior can imbue all his weapons to deal an additional 1d6 holy damage plus an additional 1d6 per two crystal ranks after 1st. This holy damage cannot be reduced by resistances, be immuned/absorbed, or be affected by any class feature that normally affect it.

Holy Defensive Stance (Ex)

Starting at 1st crystal rank, a Light Warrior can enter a holy defensive stance, a position of readiness and trance-like determination. A Light Warrior can maintain this stance for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Constitution modifier. At each rank after 1st, he can maintain the stance for 2 additional rounds per day. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from spells like dwarf’s endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that the light warden can maintain a holy defensive stance per day. The Light Warrior can enter a holy defensive stance as a free action. The total number of rounds of holy defensive stance per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.

While in a holy defensive stance, the Light Warrior gains a +2 bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will saving throws. In addition, he gains a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class. He also gains 2 temporary hit points per Hit Die. These temporary hit points are lost first when a character takes damage, disappear when the holy defensive stance ends, and are not replenished if the Light Warrior enters a holy defensive stance again within 1 minute of his previous holy defensive stance. While in a holy defensive stance, a Light Warrior cannot move more than half of his movement speed or his stance ends.

A Light Warrior can end his holy defensive stance as a free action, and is fatigued for 1 minute after a holy defensive stance ends. This fatigue cannot be reduced or mitigated in any way and applies even to normally fatigue-immune characters but can be cured as normal. A Light Warrior can’t enter a new holy defensive stance while fatigued or exhausted, but can otherwise enter a holy defensive stance multiple times per day. If a Light Warrior falls unconscious, his holy defensive stance immediately ends. Holy defensive stance does not stack with rage. If mounted or otherwise not on his feet, this stance ends automatically.

Blessing of the Light

The Light Warrior gains 5 holy resistance per crystal rank and 5 shadow resistance per two crystal ranks.

Gear of Light

At 2nd crystal rank, the Light Warrior imbues any weapon and armor with up to +2 enhancement bonus. This, however, does not work on stuff already magical. Every 2 crystal ranks thereafter, another +2 enhancement bonus is added. Each crystal rank, the Light Warden can decide on how the enhancement bonuses are applied (as appropriate for magical weapons and armor).

Paladin Spells

At 3rd crystal rank, the Light Warrior receives the ability to cast paladin spells, using their total character level as their paladin level.

Improved Holy Defensive Stance (Ex)

At 5th crystal rank, a Light Warrior’s bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, Will saves, dodge bonus to AC while in a holy defensive stance increases to +3. Also, the amount of temporary hit points gained when entering a holy defensive stance increases to 3 per Hit Die. In addition, while in a holy defensive stance, he may move up to his normal movement without losing the benefit of the stance.

Tireless Stance (Ex)

At 7th crystal rank, a Light Warrior no longer becomes fatigued at the end of his holy defensive stance. If he enters a holy defensive stance again within 1 minute of ending his holy defensive stance, he doesn’t gain any temporary hit points from his holy defensive stance.

Superior Holy Defensive Stance (Ex)

At 10th crystal rank, a Light Warrior’s bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, Will saves, dodge bonus to AC while in a holy defensive stance increases to +4. In addition, the amount of temporary hit points gained when entering a holy defensive stance increases to 4 per Hit Die.

Kefka’s Chosen

Table: Crystal Path (Kefka's Chosen)

Crystal RankAbilities
1Crystal Ability, Touch of Insanity
2Crystal Feat, Black Magic
3Crystal Ability, Aura of Insanity
4Crystal Feat, Cracked Perspectives
5Crystal Ability, Powered Confusion
6Crystal Feat, Improved Aura of Insanity
7Crystal Ability, Sense the Unearthly
8Crystal Feat, Vision of Madness
9Crystal Ability, Greater Aura of Insanity
10Crystal Feat, Insanity Void

Touch of Insanity

Kefka’s Chosen can inflict a random insanity on a creature with a melee touch attack unless they make a Will save (DC 20 + crystal ranks). An insanity’s DC indicates the Will save you need to roll in order to resist contracting the insanity when you are initially exposed to it, but also the DC you need to make to recover. Recovering from an insanity naturally is a lengthy process—once per week, you make a Will save against the insanity’s current DC. If you succeed on this save, the insanity’s DC is reduced by a number of points equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum of 1). You continue to suffer the full effects of the insanity until its DC is reduced to 0, at which point you are cured and the insanity vanishes completely. Restora reduces the current DC of one insanity currently affecting a target by an amount equal to the caster’s level. Basuna will cure the insanity completely.









Multiple Personality Disorder








  • Amnesia: The character suffers a –4 penalty on Will saving throws and all skill checks; loss of memory. A character suffering from amnesia cannot remember things; his name, his skills, and his past are all equal mysteries. He can build new memories, but any memories that existed before he became an amnesiac are suppressed. Worse, the amnesiac loses all class abilities, feats, and skill ranks for as long as his amnesia lasts. He retains his base attack bonus, base saving throw bonuses, combat maneuver bonus, combat maneuver defense, total experience points, and hit dice (and hit points), but everything else is gone until the amnesia is cured. If a character gains a class level while suffering from amnesia, he may use any abilities gained by that class level normally. If the class level he gained was of a class he already possesses levels in, he gains the abilities of a 1st-level character of that class, even though he is technically of a higher level in that class. If his amnesia is later cured, he regains all the full abilities of this class, including those gained from any levels taken while he was suffering from amnesia.
  • Manic/Phobia: The character is sickened (if manic) or shaken (if phobic) as long as the source of the mania or phobia is obvious; chance of becoming fascinated or frightened. A mania is an irrational obsession with a (usually inappropriate) particular object or situation, while a phobia is an irrational fear of a (usually commonplace) object or situation. Additionally, if a manic or phobic character is directly confronted by his obsession (requiring a standard action), he must make a Will save against the insanity or become fascinated (if manic) or frightened (if phobic) by the object for 1d6 rounds.
  • Multiple Personality Disorder: The character suffers a –6 penalty on Will saving throws and Wisdom based skill checks; multiple personalities. This is a complicated disorder that manifests as 1 or more distinct and different personalities within the same body and mind. The number of additional personalities the victim manifests equals the DC of the insanity divided by 10 (round down, minimum of 1 additional personality). Should the insanity worsen in some way (such as by the save DC increasing), the number of additional personalities increases as well. Likewise, the number of additional personalities decreases as the sufferer recovers and the insanity’s DC decreases. The GM should develop these additional personalities. Every morning, and each time the afflicted character is rendered unconscious, he must make a Will save against his insanity’s DC. Failure indicates that a different personality takes over. A character’s memories and skills remain unchanged, but the various personalities have no knowledge of each other and will deny, often violently, that these other personalities exist.
  • Paranoia: The character suffers a –4 penalty on Will saves and Charisma-based skill checks; cannot receive benefit from or attempt the Aid Another action; cannot willingly accept aid (including healing) from another creature unless he makes a Will save against his insanity’s DC. The paranoid character is convinced that the world and all that dwell within it are out to get him. Paranoid characters are typically argumentative or introverted.
  • Psychosis: Character becomes chaotic evil; gains +10 competence bonus on Bluff checks to hide insanity. This complex insanity fills the victim with hate for the world. He may suppress his psychosis for a period of 1 day by making a Will save against the DC of his insanity, otherwise he cannot help but plot and plan the death and destruction of his friends and enemies alike. For the most part, the impact of psychosis must be roleplayed, although not all players find entertainment in roleplaying a lunatic who’s trying to do in his friends. In such cases, the GM should assume control of the character whenever his psychosis is in control.
  • Schizophrenia: The character suffers a –4 penalty on all Wisdom and Charisma-based skill checks; cannot take 10 or take 20; chance of becoming confused. A schizophrenic character has lost his grip on reality, and can no longer tell the difference between what is real and what is not. These constant hallucinations cause the schizophrenic to appear erratic, chaotic, and unpredictable to others. Each time a schizophrenic character finds himself in a stressful situation (such as combat) he must make a Will save against his insanity’s DC. Failure indicates that the character becomes confused for 1d6 rounds.

Black Magic

At crystal rank 2, the Kefka’s Chosen gains spells/MP pool as a 5th level black mage. Further crystal ranks increase his MP pool and spells as if he took a level in black mage.

Aura of Insanity

At crystal rank 3, the Kefka’s Chosen’s madness begins to leak out. As a standard action, he can manifest an aura of insanity, letting bits of his psyche penetrate the minds of those around him. The aura is centered on the Kefka’s Chosen and has a radius of 10 feet, increasing by 5 feet for every crystal rank beyond 3rd. Any creature starting its turn within the aura must succeed at a Will save (DC = 20 + half of his crystal ranks + his Charisma modifier) or be confused for 1 round. The Kefka’s Chosen can exclude a number of targets inside the radius equal to his crystal ranks, shielding them from his madness. The aura of insanity lasts for a number of rounds equal to his crystal ranks + his Charisma modifier. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Cracked Perspectives

At crystal rank 4, the Kefka’s Chosen’s growing madness renders him immune to confusion and insanity effects.

Powered Confusion

At crystal rank 5, when the Kefka’s Chosen causes the confused condition, he adds his crystal rank to the d% rolled to determine what the target does that round (maximum 100%).

Improved Aura of Insanity

At crystal rank 6, when a creature rolls to determine the effects of a confusion effect while within the aura of insanity, the Kefka’s Chosen can force the affected creature to roll twice. He selects which result is used.

Sense the Unearthly

At crystal rank 7, the Kefka’s Chosen automatically becomes aware that something unnatural is nearby whenever he is within 60 feet of an aberration, outsider, undead, or open dimensional gate. At crystal rank 8, he can discern its direction and recognize it as if he had the scent ability. At crystal rank 9, he can locate such creatures as if with blindsight. At crystal rank 10, he can predict their actions as if with the spell foresight.

Vision of Madness

At crystal rank 8, the Kefka’s Chosen can give a creature a vision of madness as a melee touch attack. Choose one of the following: attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. The target receives a bonus to the chosen rolls equal to his crystal rank and half of his crystal ranks as a penalty to the other two types of rolls. This effect fades after 3 rounds. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his crystal ranks + his Charisma modifier.

Greater Aura of Insanity

At crystal rank 9, when a creature would roll to determine the effects of a confusion effect while within the aura of insanity, the Kefka’s Chosen can select the result of the affected creature’s confused condition without rolling. This does not allow him to control how that result is applied.

Insanity Void

At crystal rank 10, the Kefka’s Chosen can hurl all creatures in the area of effect (in a 30-ft.-radius, within 100 feet) into a black, starless void unless they make a Will save (DC 20 + half his crystal ranks + his Charisma modifier). Characters trapped in the void can breathe normally and gain the effects of a fly spell while in the void. While affected by insanity void, each character is driven temporarily insane by the unknowably vast immensity of the surrounding nothingness. Such characters act as if under the effects of a confusion spell while in the void. Spells and abilities that move a creature within a plane (such as bend space and time) do not help a creature escape the insanity void, but a plane shift spell returns the subject to the spot it occupied before being cast into the void. Characters returning from the void appear in the spot they occupied when this ability was used. If this location is filled by a solid object, they appear in the nearest open space. Characters returning from the void are dazed for one round by the strangeness of their experience. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier.


Table: Crystal Path (Trickster)

Crystal RankAbilities
1Crystal Ability, Sneak Attack +1d6
2Crystal Feat, Illusion Magic
3Crystal Ability, Crystal Trick, Sneak Attack +1d6, Sneaky Quack
4Crystal Feat, Crystal Trick, Improved Crystal Trick
5Crystal Ability, Crystal Trick, Sneak Attack +1d6
6Crystal Feat , Crystal Trick, Improved Crystal Trick
7Crystal Ability, Crystal Trick, Greater Crystal Trick, Sneak Attack +1d6
8Crystal Feat, Crystal Trick, Improved Crystal Trick
9Crystal Ability, Crystal Trick, Improved Crystal Trick, Sneak Attack +1d6
10Crystal Feat, Crystal Trick, Greater Crystal Trick

Sneak Attack

If a character can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage. The character’s attack deals extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the character flanks her target. The Trickster gains sneak attack +1d6 at crystal rank 1. Their sneak attack increases by +1d6 at crystal ranks 3, 5, 7, and 9. The character must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot.

Illusion Magic

At crystal rank 2, the Trickster gains spells/MP pool as a 5th level illusionist. Further crystal ranks increase his MP pool and spells as if he took a level in illusionist.

Sneaky Quack

If a character can catch an ally when they are is unable to defend themselves effectively from her healing, she can heal a vital spot for extra healing. The character’s heal heals extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the character flanks her target. This extra healing is 1d6 per die of your sneak attack. This additional healing is precision healing.

Crystal Trick

Crystal Tricksters can find creative uses for their skills. At 3rd rank and each crystal rank thereafter, the Trickster gains a new Crystal Trick. In addition, at crystal ranks 4, 6, 8, and 9, the Trickster gains an Improved Crystal Trick. At crystal ranks 7 and 10, the Trickster gains a Greater Crystal Trick. The Trickster must have the Crystal Trick for a given skill in order to select the Improved version. The Trickster must have the Improved Crystal Trick for a given skill in order to select the Greater version.

Warrior of Darkness

Table: Crystal Path (Warrior of Darkness)

Crystal RankAbilities
1Crystal Ability, Dark Bearer, Protection of the Darkness
2Crystal Feat, Protection of the Darkness, Gear of Darkness (+2)
3Crystal Ability, Protection of the Darkness, Dark Knight Spells, Dark Rage
4Crystal Feat, Protection of the Darkness, Gear of Darkness (+4)
5Crystal Ability, Protection of the Darkness
6Crystal Feat, Protection of the Darkness, Gear of Darkness (+6)
7Crystal Ability, Protection of the Darkness
8Crystal Feat, Protection of the Darkness, Gear of Darkness (+8)
9Crystal Ability, Protection of the Darkness
10Crystal Feat, Protection of the Darkness, Gear of Darkness (+10)

Dark Bearer

Once per day, for a number of minutes per day equal to your crystal rank, the Warrior of Darkness can imbue all his weapons to deal an additional 1d6 shadow damage plus an additional 1d6 per two crystal ranks after 1st. This shadow damage cannot be reduced by resistances, be immuned/absorbed, or be affected by any class feature that normally affect it.

Dark Rage

A Warrior of Darkness can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting him additional combat prowess. At 1st crystal rank, a Warrior of Darkness can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Constitution modifier. For each crystal rank after 1st he possesses, the Warrior of Darkness can rage for 2 additional rounds per day. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as that gained from dwarf’s endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a Warrior of Darkness can rage per day. A Warrior of Darkness can enter a rage as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours need not be consecutive.

While in a rage, a Warrior of Darkness gains a +2 bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will saving throws but takes a –2 penalty to her Armor Class. He also gains 2 temporary hit points per Hit Die. At 11th level this increases to 3 temporary hit points per level, and at 20th level this increases to 4 temporary hit points per level. These temporary hit points are lost first when a character takes damage, disappear when the rage ends, and are not replenished if the Warrior of Darkness enters a rage again within 1 minute of his previous rage. While in a rage, a Warrior of Darkness cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skill (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration (such as spellcasting). A Warrior of Darkness can end his rage as a free action and is fatigued for 1 minute after a rage ends. This fatigue cannot be reduced or mitigated in any way and applies even to normally fatigue-immune characters, but can be cured as normal. A Warrior of Darkness can’t enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter a rage multiple times per day. If a Warrior of Darkness falls unconscious, his rage immediately ends. Dark Rage does not stack with defensive stance but will stack with normal rage, including the penalities.

Protection of the Darkness

The Warrior of Darkness gains 5 shadow resistance per crystal rank and 5 holy resistance per two crystal ranks.

Gear of Darkness

At 2nd crystal rank, the Warrior of Darkness imbues any weapon and armor with up to +2 enhancement bonus. This, however, does not work on stuff already magical. Every 2 crystal ranks thereafter, another +2 enhancement bonus is added. Each crystal rank, the Warrior of Darkness can decide on how the enhancement bonuses are applied (as appropriate for magical weapons and armor).

Dark Knight Spells

At 3rd crystal rank, the Warrior of Darkness receives the ability to cast dark knight spells, using their total character level as their dark knight level.

Greater Dark Rage

At 5th crystal rank, a Warrior of Darkness in a rage gains the benefit of his greater dark rage form. While raging, a Warrior of Darkness’s bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will saves while raging increases to +3. While raging, he is immune to fear effects. In addition, the amount of temporary hit points gained when entering a rage increases to 3 per Hit Die.

Tireless Dark Rage

At 7th crystal rank and higher, a Warrior of Darkness no longer becomes fatigued at the end of his rage. If he enters a rage again within 1 minute of ending a rage, he doesn’t gain any temporary hit points from his rage.

Mighty Dark Rage

At 10th crystal rank, a Warrior of Darkness in a rage gains the benefit of his mighty dark rage form. While raging, a Warrior of Darkness’s bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will saves while raging increases to +4. In addition, the amount of temporary hit points gained when entering a rage increases to 4 per Hit Die.