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Happy Halloween Update!
10/31/2024 by Vili
System Rules
Optional Systems
Page Descendants
Crystal Paths
Angelic Halo Effects
Aspect of the Archfiends
Crystal Abilities
Crystal Feats
Crystal Tricks
Divine Decrees
Enforcing Gazes
Hell's Seals
Lich Powers
Major Aspects of the Fiend
Minor Aspect of the Fiends
Skeletal Champion Upgrades
Sword of Heaven Effects
Guardian Force Pacts
Hero Points
Blitz Bowl
Blocks, Injuries, and Casualties
Converting a FFd20 character into Blitz Bowl
Creating Your Blitz Bowl Team
Kick-Off and Weather
League Play
Star Player Points (SPP)
Star Players
Allstar 9 (Burmercian, Genome, and Qu)
Backstreet Brawlers (Half-Gigas, Orc, and Seeq)
Claws & Honor (Au Ra and Varg)
Defenders of the Green (Mandragora and Viera)
Farplane Explorers (Forgiven, Guado, and Kindred)
Machina Mobsters (Al Bhed, Garlean, and Hume)
Not Quite Human (Genome, Immortal, and Shindroid)
Rock-N-Roll Crew (Dwarves and Tarutaru)
Scaly Skirmishers (Bangaa, Lizardmen, and Syricta)
The Backstabbers (Goblin, Kobold, and Tonkin)
The Lion Guard (Mithra, Palico, and Ronso)
The Swarm (Antica and Gnath)
Thundercats (Mithra)
Zanarkand Abes (Hume and Al Bhed)
Touchdowns and Scoring
Fort Condor
Moogle in the Room
Revengeance Limits
Spell Exhaustion
Static Hit Points
Sub Jobs
Variable MP
Variant Multiclassing