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Limit Breaks

Limit Breaks are special abilities unique to FFd20 that all base and prestige classes get at 1st level.

Usage: To activate a limit break, most require a standard action (though some limit breaks allow swift actions to be used) and you can only activate a limit break while your health (or the health of your animal companion, automaton, bone commander, etc. that is within 50 feet of you, must also be alive) is 50% or less. Temporary hit points (Temp HP) are not considered when calculating if you can use a limit break. In addition, you cannot activate a limit break while you have another one activated or is in effect (like some that have durations). Non-lethal damage does not let you activate a Limit Break, except for Black Belt.

Type: Unless stated otherwise, all limit breaks are considered supernatural (Su) abilities  

Uses: At 1st level, you get 1 limit break usage per day, and for every four character levels thereafter, you gain an additional limit break usage.

As an alternate Limit Break, all characters gain access to Recuperate. This is in addition to the normal 2 limit breaks provided by classes, and still use up 1 usage per day.

Recuperate (Su): This Limit Break allows a character to regain a number of hit points equal to their Constitution score or 1/4th of their total health rounded down, whichever is higher. This limit break requires only a swift action.

Limit Break Feats: