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Gods are the divine beings that bring life, reason and purpose to all of creation. They come together to build new planets and systems, but are vastly dissimilar from one another. While they may have opposing thoughts, they know they are all needed to make a working pantheon. Gods are referred to as both Gods and Deities as the term is interchangeable for most sentient beings.

Divine beings come in 4 variations, Greater, Old, New, and Astral, and 2 power levels of greater and lesser.

Greater gods have been around for almost all of creation, with only Kefka being the newest addition to the fold due to his power. Minerva counts as a greater god due to her creation by the greater ones, along with the power instilled within her, though her station is much lower than that of the other greater gods.

Old gods are deities that have moved between different planets along with the greater gods to aid in their creation and management of such. They are some of the more well-known gods due to being around for so long, with larger religions surrounding them than newer gods.

New gods are deities that have been recently created within the current planet, or planets. They take over very specific fields, with tasks assigned to them based on their expertise. New gods tend to have help from other gods as well as Astrals. New gods are also attached to the calendar of the planet, often giving this knowledge to the sentient beings that live there.

Old and New gods share a similarity in the fact that they are all of lesser power, answering to the greater gods as well as asking them for help when the lesser beings cannot handle issues.

While Eidolons and Astrals are commonly mixed in conversation there is a distinct difference between the two. Astrals are the progenitor of the two, with Astrals being immortal beings. Created by the Gods, Astrals harness, control and create the natural energies of the planet, from elements of water or fire to disease and phenomena. While they are immortal, Astrals can be killed, once they are killed another Astral shall materialize to take the dead being’s place. Astrals hold leagues more power than that of normal Eidolons, as well as wisdom due to their long existence. They are also sometimes referred to as Aeons, though that name is less common. Some people also mistakingly refer to Astrals as Primals, though that is the name that denotes a manifestation of the Astral or other Gods, normally a combination of a ritual or strong feelings with the magical forces of the world like mana or mist.

All Greater gods grant access to five domains, with the exception of Althena and Bahamut, while Old gods and Astrals grant access to four domains, and New gods only granting access to three domains. If a deity grants more than 1 option for a favored weapon then they grant fewer domains than normal for their variation.

Greater Gods

Table: Greater Gods

NameAlignPortfolioDomainsFavored Weapon
AlthenaNGBeauty, Creation, Healing, Light, Love, Magic, WisdomCommunity, Good, Healing, Knowledge, Magic, Protection.Longsword
BahamutLGCreation, Destruction, Dragons, Kings, Planets, Power, SpaceDestruction, Good, Knowledge, Law, Nobility, Scalykind.Knight Sword
ChaosCEChaos, Destruction, Discord, Monsters, War, Time LoopsChaos, Destruction, Evil, Time, WarGreatsword
HydaelynNGLight, Destruction, Life, Creation, BalanceMagic, Good, Healing, Repose, SunPower Rod
KefkaCEChaos, Destruction, Insanity, Knights, Magic, MagitekChaos, Destruction, Evil, Magic, Trickery.Power Flail
MinervaTNDeath, Healing, Life, Mana, RebirthAnimal, Earth, Healing, Magic, Repose.Power Staff
PromathiaLEBeastmen, Planes, Moon, TwilightDeath, Destruction, Evil, Law, VoidSpiked Chain
ZodiarkLNCreation, Change, Order, Darkness, Life, MagicDarkness, Destruction, Death, Law, VoidPower Staff
ZomalaLNBalance, Planes, Teleportation, TimeDeath, Destruction, Law, Time, Void.Scythe

Old Gods

Table: Old Gods

NameAlignPortfolioDomainsFavored Weapon
AlexanderLGCities, Divinity, Judgment, Law, Protection, TrialsArtifice, Good, Law, Protection.Knight Sword
EdenTNBounty, Evil, Gardens, Good, Knowledge, Men, Paradise, WomenCommunity, Knowledge, Protection, Trickery.Gunblade (Standard)
EtroCGBalance, Birth, Death, Primordial Chaos, Rebirth, TimeChaos, Good, Repose, Time.Greatbows
HadesNECorrupt Souls, Death, Decay, Disease, Illness, SicknessArtifice, Death, Evil, Repose.Scythe
IfritTNFire, Heat, War, VolcanoesDestruction, Fire, Strength, War.Scimitar
LeviathanTNEnvironment, Oceans, Sea-Life, WaterGlory, Protection, Water, Weather.Trident
PhoenixNGBirds, Fire, Rebirth, Sky, SunFire, Good, Healing, Sun.Katana
RamuhCGElderly, Knowledge, Lightning, Magic, StormsChaos, Good, Knowledge, Lightning.Power Staff
ShivaTNBeauty, Children, Cold, Compassion, Ice, Love, ProtectionCharm, Community, Ice, Protection.Longsword
TitanLNEarth, Natural Land, StrengthDestruction, Earth, Protection, Strength.Earth Breaker

New Gods

Table: New Gods

NameAlignPortfolioDomainsFavored Weapon
Althyk the KeeperTN12th Month, Earth, Future, History, Space, Surveying, TimeEarth, Nobility, Time.Greataxe
Azeyma the WardenTN9th Month, Fire, Inquiry, Judges, Sun, TruthFire, Nobility, Sun.Fighting Fan
Byregot the BuilderNG7th Month, Architecture, Arts, Industry, Lightning, Smiths, StudyArtifice, Good, Lightning.Warhammer
Halone the FuryCN1st Month, Fury, Ice, War, WarriorsChaos, Ice, War.Shortspear
Llymlaen the NavigatorTN5th Month, Fishing, Navigation, Seas, Waves, WindAir, Travel, Water.Trident
Menphina the LoverCG2nd Month, Ice, Love, Romance, Moons, NightChaos, Charm, Ice.Combat Wok
Nald’thal the TraderTN10th Month, Commerce, Fire, Merchants, Trade, UnderworldFire, Travel, Trickery.Dire Flail
Nophica the MatronNG11th Month, Earth, Farmers, Farming, HarvestsEarth, Good, Plant.Scythe
Nymeia the SpinnerTN4th Month, Divination, Fate, Planets, Space, WaterTime, Void, Water.Rapier
Oschon the WandererTN6th Month, Archery, Travelers, Vagrants, Wanderers, WindAir, Community, Travel.Longbow
Rhalgr the DestroyerLE8th Month, Destruction, Lightning, Magic, WarDestruction, Lightning, Rune.Power Staff
Thaliak the ScholarLN3rd Month, Libraries, Magic, Research, Rivers, Scholars, Teachers, Water, WisdomKnowledge, Law, Water.Power Staff


Table: Astrals

NameAlignPortfolioDomainsFavored Weapon
ArkLNAir, Airships, Preservation, TransportAir, Artifice, Liberation, Travel.Halberd
AsuraLNAstrals, Benevolence, Fists, Joy, Queen, SireGlory, Law, Strength, War.Katana
BismarckTNBounty, Devouring, Fish, Fishing, Vanu Vanu, Water, WishesAir, Animals, Protection, Water.Rifle
CarbuncleNGAnimals, Humanity, Protection. ShieldAnimal, Community, Good, Protection.Shortsword
CerberusLEAnimals, Dogs, Flame, Gates, HellAnimal, Evil, Law, Protection.Spiked Chain
Chocobo and Fat ChocoboNGChocobos, Gysahl Greens, TransportationAnimal, Community, Good, Travel.Feral Claw Gauntlets
DiablosCEDemons, Devils, Gravity, Planes, Shadows, VoidChaos, Darkness, Evil, Travel.Scythe
DoomtrainCNAscendance, Ghosts, Traversal, UndeadArtifice, Chaos, Death, Travel.Glaive
FenrirTNCanines, Electrical Current, Motorcycles, SpeedAnimal, Artifice, Lightning, Travel.Feral Claw Gauntlets
GarudaCEAir, Birds, Devotion, Ixal, Loyalty, SpeedAir, Animal, Chaos, Evil.Quarterstaff
GolemLNMinerals, Natural Formations, Rock, StoneArtifice, Earth, Law, Protection.Warhammer
Good King Moggle Mog XIILGCourage, Knights, Moogles, Peace, RoyaltyGood, Law, Liberation, Nobility.Planson
IxionTNHorses, Lightning, StormsAnimal, Community, Lightning, Weather.Lance
KirinLGElderly, Healing, Horses, Passing, RegenerationGood, Healing, Law, Repose.Hooves
KujataCNBulls, Destruction, Disaster, Earth, Fire, Gravity, Ice, LightningChaos, Fire, Ice, Lightning.Gore
LakshmiNGAnanta, Beauty, Courage, Embrace, Fertility, Fortune, Light, Luck, Mercy, Shelter, Wealth, WisdomGood, Healing, Luck, Sun.Light Flail
MaduinLNAstrals, Co-Existence, Elements, Patience, WisdomFire, Ice, Law, Lightning.Power Staff
OccuriaLNHistory, Humanity, Magic, WarGlory, Law, Nobility, WarKnight Sword
OdinLEDarkness, Duels, Horses, Scythes, SwordsEvil, Law, War.Scimitar or Lance or Knight Sword.
PandemonaCNAir, Gas, Speed, Tornadoes, VacuumsAir, Chaos, Destruction, Madness.Chakram
QuetzalcoatlLNBirds, Explosions, Pulse, Squalls, Static ElectricityAir, Destruction, Law, Lightning.Grenade Launcher
RavanaLEBattle, Duels, Strength, Swords, WarEvil, Strength, WarScimitar or Two-Bladed Sword
SirenCNDrowning, Rain, Sailors, Sea, SleepChaos, Charm, Trickery, Water.Shortbow
ValeforLNFlying, Freedom, WindAir, Animal, Glory, Liberation.Whip
YojimboLNBargaining, Dogs, Fire, Gil, MercenariesLaw, Strength, Travel.Katana, Wakizashi, or Nodachi