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Racial TraitsRace Point Cost
TypeHumanoid (moogle)0
Base SpeedSlow-1
Base SpeedWeakened Flight1
Ability Score ModifiersStandard (+2 Dex, +2 Cha, –2 Str)0
DefenseLesser Defensive Training (giant)1
DefenseEternal Hope2
Feat and SkillEmissary1
Feat and SkillGood Merchant3
Feat and SkillScavenger2
Feat and SkillSkill bonus (choose one Craft or Profession)2
Feat and SkillSkill bonus (Perception)2
OffenseHatred (constructs)1
OffenseLesser Defensive Training (constructs)1
SensesLow-Light Vision1

Moogles are a resourceful race known to be skillful in mechanics and engineering; they were the first pioneers of airship construction. They are also skillful merchants, their cheerful disposition often charming potential customers. Moogles typically get no taller than 3 to 4 feet. They tend to have small eyes (like moles) and black, red, or purple bat-like wings. Their most distinguishing feature is a single black antenna that sticks up from the head with a small, usually red, ball (or “pompom”) at the end. Their ears are usually shaped like a cat’s, but sometimes they have longer rabbit-like ears. Most Moogles have white or pink fur. When speaking hume languages, they tend to end their sentences with the sound ‘kupo’. Moogles are mostly found in large cities, working as engineers, or serving aboard airships. They are avid storytellers and holders of many superstitions. Moogles also hate water, preferring instead to bathe in dust or sand.

Standard Racial Traits

  • Ability Score Racial Traits: Moogles’ small stature makes them weaker than other races, but moogles have nimble hands and are easy to get along with. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, and –2 Strength.
  • Type: Moogles are Humanoid creatures with the moogle subtype.
  • Size: Moogles are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
  • Base Speed: Moogles have a base speed of 20 feet on land. While moogle wings are too small to provide true flight, lingering remnants of their fey heritage allow moogles to achieve limited flight for short periods of time while wearing light or no armor and carrying no more than a light load. A moogle can fly with clumsy maneuverability a number of rounds at a time equal to his Constitution bonus. A moogle can attempt to fly for longer durations by making Constitution check each additional round of flight (DC 10 + 2 per extra round). A moogle’s natural fly speed is equal to his base land speed. After flying, a moogle must rest a number of rounds equal to twice the number of rounds spent flying before flying again. Additionally, a moogle gains +4 on Acrobatics checks as long as he is able to fly.
  • Languages: Moogles begin play speaking Common and Moogle. Moogles with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aklo, Auran, Banganese, Draconic, Goblin, Numish, Seeq, and Sylvan. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Defense Racial Traits

  • Defensive Training: Moogles gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype.
  • Eternal Hope: Moogles rarely lose hope and are always confident that even hopeless situations will work out. Moogles receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear and despair effects. Additionally, once per day, after rolling a 1 on a d20, the moogle may reroll and use the second result

Feat and Skill Racial Traits

  • Emissary: Once per day, moogles can roll twice when making a Bluff or Diplomacy check and take the better roll.
  • Good Merchant: Moogles seem to have the innate ability to identify the value of items and sell them at a good margin. Moogles receive a +2 racial bonus on all Appraise checks. Furthermore, moogles gain a +2 racial bonus on all Diplomacy checks concerning any type of business transaction.
  • Handy: Moogles receive a +2 racial bonus on a Craft or Profession skill of their choice.
  • Keen Senses: Moogles receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
  • Scavenger: Moogles gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise and Perception checks to find hidden objects (including traps and secret doors), determine whether food is spoiled, or identify a potion by taste.

Offense Racial Traits

  • Construct Familiarity: Moogles get a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against constructs and receive a +4 dodge bonus to AC against them.

Senses Racial Traits

  • Low-Light Vision: Moogles can see twice as far as humes in conditions of dim light.

Weakness Racial Traits

  • Hydrophobia: When drenched in water or some other liquid, a moogle receives a –2 penalty on attack rolls and concentration checks.

Alternate Racial Traits

The following alternate racial traits may be selected in place of one or more of the standard racial traits above. Consult your GM before selecting any of these new options.

  • Academician: Some moogles are more academically inclined than their kin. Moogles with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on any single Knowledge skill. This racial trait replaces good merchant.
  • Attentive: Moogles with this trait receive a +2 racial bonus on Sense Motive checks. This bonus increases to +4 to notice when someone is enchanted or possessed. This racial trait replaces handy.
  • Darkvision: Some moogle strains have lived in the underground depths for so long they have given up on light entirely and gained darkvision with a range of 60 feet. This racial trait replaces low-light vision and keen senses.
  • Engineer: Moogle engineers tinker endlessly with fire, explosives, and the engines of war. Moogles with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy) and Knowledge (engineering) checks. This racial trait replaces good merchant.
  • Explorer: Many moogles are obsessed with seeing as much of the world as possible, rather than perfecting some specific talent or vocation. These moogles gain a +2 racial bonus on Climb checks and checks for one Knowledge skill of their choice. This racial trait replaces construct familiarity and good merchant.
  • Gift of Tongues: Moogles love languages and learning about those they meet. Moogles with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks, and they learn one additional language every time they put a rank in the Linguistics skill. This racial trait replaces defensive training and handy.
  • Grounded: Some moogles lack their innate ability to fly. Not being ones to give up, they let nothing stop them! These moogles still move at speed of 20 ft, but are no longer slowed down by encumberance, medium/heavy armor and similar effects. They also gain +1 racial bonus on saves against effects that would reduce their movement speed. This racial trait modifies their base speed.
  • Knack with Poison: Some moogles have an instinctive understanding of poisons and their uses. Moogles gain a +2 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison and a +2 bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks to make poison. The bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poisons increases to +4 if the moogle accidentally poisons himself when applying or readying the substance. This racial trait replaces construct familiarity and good merchant.
  • Kupo-Recovery: For some moogles, the promise of a kupo-nut is enough to push them beyond their normal limits. If a moogle with this racial trait is dying, and a creature gives it a taste of a kupo-nut (a standard action for an adjacent creature), it immediately stabilizes. This racial trait replaces handy.
  • Limited Telepathy: Moogles are able to mentally communicate with any moogle within 1 mile with whom they know of. Otherwise this ability is identical to the telepathy ability. This racial trait replaces eternal hope and construct familiarity.
  • Low Blow: Some moogles train extensively in the art of attacking larger creatures. Moogles with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on critical confirmation rolls against opponents larger than themselves. This racial trait replaces handy.
  • Master Tinker: Moogles experiment with all manner of mechanical devices. Moogles with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks. They are also treated as proficient with any non-exotic weapon they have personally crafted. This racial trait replaces defensive training and good merchant.
  • Mognet: Some Moogles share a psychic bond with other members of their race, allowing them to connect to each other across great distances. Once per week, a moogle with this racial trait can send a message to another moogle, as though using the Sending spell. This racial trait replaces keen senses.
  • Moogle Magic: Rarely, fey ancestry will manifest in moogles attuned to their heritage. Moogles with Charisma scores of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities 1/day: dancing lights, detect magic, grab, and ignite. The caster level for these effects is equal to the moogle’s level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the moogle’s Charisma modifier. This racial trait replaces good merchant and handy.
  • Outrider: Some moogles specialize in mounted combat. Moogles with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks. This racial trait replaces good merchant.
  • Shiftless: Some moogles have a reputation for larceny and guile—and sometimes it’s well deserved. Moogles with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Sleight of Hand checks, and Sleight of Hand is always a class skill for them. This racial trait replaces handy.
  • Unfettered: Former moogles liberated from slavery train to ensure they will never be slaves again. They gain a +4 racial bonus on Escape Artist checks and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against effects that cause the entangled condition, to CMD against grapples, and on combat maneuver checks to escape a grapple. This racial trait replaces handy and good merchant.
  • Wanderlust: Moogles love travel and maps. Moogles with this racial trait receive a +2 bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Survival checks. When casting spells or using abilities that provide or enhance movement, moogles treat their caster level as +1 higher than normal. This racial trait replaces handy and good merchant.
  • Wright: Some moogles prefer to use their natural talents with mechanisms to drive machines. These moogles gain a +2 racial bonus on Drive checks and on Craft and Repair checks to build or repair vehicles. This racial trait replace handy and scavenger.

Variant Moogle Heritages

Although many moogles follow the general model of the standard moogle, many more do not. Those of different lineages may evince dramatically different manifestations of their heritage, both in appearance and in ability. Here are 5 different potential heritages for moogle PCs. If you choose to use a specific bloodline instead of the general rules for creating a moogle, you should work with your GM to ensure that your character’s appearance reflects that bloodline.

  • Alternate Skill Modifiers: While most moogles gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks, those of the variant heritages listed below gain a modifier to a different skill.

Table: Variant Moogle Heritages

HeritageAbility ModifiersAlternate Skill ModifierDescription
Chalice Keepers+2 CON, +2 CHA, -2 WISKnowledge (Nature)After years of carrying a large vase meant to collect Myrrh, these smaller puffier moogles have gained significantly muscle. Which seems to have somehow increased their fluffiness that much more, kupo.
Eorzean+2 DEX, +2 CHA, -2 WISFlyEorzean Moogles are much more lighthearted and carefree than your average moogle, but this at times can make them quite insufferable to be around. These mischievous creatures are oft blamed for the disappearance of food or drink overnight.
Goug Tinker+2 DEX, +2 INT, -2 WISKnowledge (Technology) or Knowledge (Engineering)Hailing from the city of Goug, the birthplace of technologies throughout Ivalice, these moogles are inquisitive and inventive, often to problematic extremes, kupo.
Mogs+2 CON, +2 CHA, -2 DEXPerform (Dance)These moogles tend to be a bit more rounder than your average moogle, but that only makes them that more adorable when they dance, kupo!
Split-World+2 DEX, +2 WIS, -2 STRSurvivalMoogles from the Split-World take residence in a hidden forest village, being a bit more attuned to nature then other moogles, kupo.

Racial Feats

The following feats are available to a moogle character who meets the prerequisites.

Racial Archetypes

The following racial archetypes are available to moogles:

Favored Class Options

The following favored class options are available to all characters of this race who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the favored class reward.

  • Archer: Add +1 foot to the range increment with bows or crossbows. This option has no effect unless the archer has selected it 5 times (or another increment of 5).
  • Astrologian: Select one item creation feat known by the astrologian. Whenever he crafts an item using that feat, the amount of progress he makes in an 8-hour period increases by 200 gil (50 gil if crafting while adventuring). This does not reduce the cost of the item; it just increases the rate at which the item is crafted.
  • Bard: Add +1/6 to the bonus provided by the bard’s inspire courage bardic performance.
  • Beastmaster: Add +1 hit point or +1 skill rank to the beastmaster’s animal companion. If the beastmaster ever replaces his companion, the new companion gains these bonus hit points or skill ranks.
  • Berserker: Add a +1/2 bonus on diplomacy and intimidate checks to change a creature’s attitude.
  • Black Belt: Gain a +1 bonus to the black belt’s CMD when resisting a grapple or overrun combat maneuver.
  • Black Mage: Select one item creation feat known by the black mage. Whenever he crafts an item using that feat, the amount of progress he makes in an 8-hour period increases by 200 gil (50 gil if crafting while adventuring). This does not reduce the cost of the item; it just increases the rate at which the item is crafted.
  • Blue Mage: Add +1/4 bonus to damage to the blue mage’s natural attacks.
  • Chemist: Add +1 foot to the range increment of the chemist’s thrown splash weapons (including the chemist’s bombs). This option has no effect unless the chemist has selected it 5 times (or another increment of 5); a range increment of 24 feet is effectively the same as a range increment of 20 feet, for example.
  • Chocobo Knight: Add +1 hit point or +1 skill rank to the chocobo knight’s mount. If the chocobo knight ever replaces his mount, the new mount gains these bonus hit points or skill ranks.
  • Cleric: Add +1 to channel energy damage dealt to creatures denied their Dexterity bonus to AC (whether or not the creature has a Dexterity bonus to AC).
  • Dancer: Add +1/6 of a new mystic dance.
  • Dark Knight: Add +1/2 hit point to the dark knight’s harm touch ability (whether using it to heal or harm).
  • Dragoon: Add +1/6 to reduce armor check penalty and increase maximum Dexterity bonus when wearing armor.
  • Druid: Add a +1/4 luck bonus on the saving throws of the druid’s animal companion.
  • Engineer: Add +1/4 to the number of times the engineer can use the Repair ability.
  • Fencer: Add +1/6 to the AC bonus of the fencer’s duelist stance.
  • Freelancer: Add +1 JP to the freelancer’s JP pool. This has no effect unless the freelancer has selected this reward ten times.
  • Gambler: Add +1/6 for a new gambler gambit.
  • GeomancerAdd +1/4 to the number of times the geomancer can use the Geomancy ability.
  • Gunbreaker: Add +1/6 to the shield bonus to AC of the keen edge class feature.
  • Gunner: Add +1/3rd of an additional use of Gun Fix per day.
  • Illusionist: Add +1/4 to the DC for the Cloaked Casting ability.
  • Knight: Add +1/6 to gain a new knight talent.
  • Medic: Add +1/6 to the dodge bonus granted by the medic’s evasive ability.
  • Monk: Add +1/4 point to the monk’s ki pool.
  • Necromancer: Add +1 hit point to the necromancer’s bone commander.
  • Ninja: Gain a +1/4 bonus to CMD against trip and on damage rolls against prone targets that add the ninja’s Strength modifier.
  • Paladin: Add +1/2 hit point to the paladin’s lay on hands ability (whether using it to heal or harm).
  • Psychic: The psychic gains +1/6th of a new phrenic amplification.
  • Red Mage: Add a +1/2 circumstance bonus on critical hit confirmation rolls when using spellstrike (to a maximum of +4). This bonus does not stack with Critical Focus.
  • Samurai: Add +1/2 to Knowledge (Nobility) checks.
  • Scholar: Gain 1/6 of a new scholar exploit.
  • Summoner: Add +1 hit point to the summoner’s avatar.
  • Sword Saint: Add +1 to the sword saint’s CMD when resisting a trip or grapple attempt.
  • Thief: The thief gains a +1/2 bonus on Disable Device and Use Magic Device checks related to glyphs, symbols, scrolls, and other magical writings.
  • Time Mage: Add +1/6 of an additional d3 to one skill check or ability check when you spend a mote to boost such a check.
  • Warrior: Add +1 to the warrior’s CMD when resisting a dirty trick or steal attempt.
  • White Mage: The white mage gains elemental resistance 1 against shadow. Each time the white mage selects this reward, increase her resistance by +1 (maximum 10).