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Note: Crafting the following wondrous items requires the Craft Wondrous Item (d20pfsrd link) feat and knowledge of the associated spell as indicated in the “Spell(s) Needed” column of the table.

Items that start their entry with └- can be upgraded into their stronger variants via the Craft Wondrous Item feat, paying the difference in price/cost depending on if you ask an NPC to do it or through your own crafting.

Belt Slot Wondrous Items

Wondrous Items (Belt Slot)

Item NameDescriptionPrice (gil)AuraCLSpell(s) Needed
Curing BeltUser can cast Cure 3/day, healing a single target within 30ft for 1d6+3.900faint healing3rdCure
Glass BeltThis belt prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Sleep and Poison status.32,000faint enhancing4thBar-Status
Muscle BeltThis belt grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution.10,000moderate enhancing8thLesser Galka’s Strength, Lesser Dwarf’s Endurance
└- Black BeltThis belt grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution, and prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Poison status.56,000moderate enhancing12thLesser Galka’s Strength, Lesser Dwarf’s Endurance, Bar-Status
└-- Champion BeltThis belt grants a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution, and prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Poison and Curse status.122,000strong enhancing18thGalka’s Strength, Dwarf’s Endurance, Bar-Status

Body Slot Wondrous Items

Wondrous Items (Body Slot)

Item NameDescriptionPrice (gil)AuraCLSpell(s) Needed
Rainbow DressIf the wearer has levels in dancer and is wearing this item, it increases the DC saves of her mystic dances by 1 and makes the wearer immune to Confusion status effect.72,000strong enhancing12th24 Hours and Bar-Status;
Sabin’s Tunic
If the wearer has levels in black belt, her AC and unarmed damage is treated as a black belt of five levels higher.13,000moderate enhancing10th24 Hours or Protect III;

Eyes Slot Wondrous Items

Wondrous Items (Eyes Slot)

Item NameDescriptionPrice (gil)AuraCLSpell(s) Needed
Glasses of Magical TeachingsWearer may use detect magic at will.1,000faint enhancing1stDetect Magic
└- Glasses of Magical UnderstandingWearer may use detect magic or read magic at will.3,000faint enhancing1stDetect Magic, Read Magic
Safety GogglesThese goggles prevent the wearer from being inflicted with Doom status.64,000strong enhancing16thBar-Status
Silver GlassesThese glasses prevent the wearer from being inflicted with Blind status.16,000faint enhancing4thBar-Status

Feet Slot Wondrous Items

Wondrous Items (Feet Slot)

Item NameDescriptionPrice (gil)AuraCLSpell(s) Needed
Freedom BootsThese boots prevent the wearer from being inflicted with Immobilize status.24,000moderate enhancing6thBar-Status
Quasimodo BootsThese boots prevent the wearer from being inflicted with Sap status.32,000moderate enhancing8thBar-Status
Red SlippersWhen worn, if the wearer has levels in dancer and is wearing this item, it adds an extra dice to any mystic dances with a number of dice, bypassing the maximum (if any).12,000moderate enhancing8th24 Hours and Temper
Sprint ShoesThese shoes grant the wearer the Improved Initiative feat and +30 ft enhancement bonus to base land speed.50,000moderate enhancing14thHaste, Lesser Mithra’s Grace

Hand Slot Wondrous Items

Wondrous Items (Hands Slot)

Item NameDescriptionPrice (gil)AuraCLSpell(s) Needed
Blazer GlovesThese gloves grant a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength but only while at full health.18,000strong enhancing16thGalka’s Strength
Blind GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Blind status (Fortitude DC 12) for 1d4 rounds. Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.4,000faint enfeebling4thBlind
Burnt GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Burning status (Fortitude DC 12) for 1d4 rounds. Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.4,000faint enfeebling/elemental (fire)4thFire
Chaos GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Confuse status (Will DC 16) for 1d4 rounds. Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.78,000moderate enfeebling12thConfusion
Drawing GlovesGrants the wearer a +2 competence bonus on Spellcraft. SeeD Operatives can 3/day gain 1 extra spell using the draw ability.30,000strong enfeebling11thSyphon
Dream GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Sleep status (Will DC 12) on enemies with 4 or fewer HD for 1d4 rounds. Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.4,000faint enfeebling4thSleep
Flood GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Drenched status (Fortitude DC 12) for 1d4 rounds. Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.4,000faint enfeebling/elemental (water)4thWater
Freeze GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Frozen status (Fortitude DC 12) for 1d4 rounds. Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.4,000faint enfeebling/elemental (ice)4thBlizzard
Genji GlovesThese gloves grant the wearer the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. Additionally, a one-handed weapon is treated as a light weapon in your off-hand for the purpose of calculating two-weapon fighting attack penalties.56,000moderate enhancing12thenlarge, galka’s strength, Two-Weapon Fighting feat
Gust GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Squalled status (Fortitude DC 12 for 1d4 rounds). Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.4,000faint enfeebling/elemental (wind)4thAero
Lag GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Slow status (Fortitude DC 14) for 1d4 rounds. Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.18,000moderate enfeebling6thSlow
Luminous GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Illuminated status (Fortitude DC 12) for 1d4 rounds. Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.4,000faint enfeebling/light4thLight
Mute GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Silence status (Will DC 14) for 1d4 rounds. Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.8,000faint enfeebling4thSilence
Mythril GlovesThese gloves grant a +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and Constitution.10,000moderate enhancing8thLesser Tarutaru’s Cunning, Lesser Dwarf’s Endurance
└- Diamond GlovesThese gloves grant a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and Constitution, and prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Silence status.56,000moderate enhancing12thTarutaru’s Cunning, Dwarf’s Endurance,
Bar Status
└-- Crystal GlovesThese gloves grant a +6 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and Constitution, and prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Poison and Silence status.122,000strong enhancing18thTarutaru’s Cunning, Dwarf’s Endurance,
Bar Status
Paralyzing GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Immobilize status (Will DC 14) for 1d4 rounds. Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.18,000moderate enfeebling6thImmobilize
Rock GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Weighted status (Fortitude DC 12) for 1d4 rounds. Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.4,000faint enfeebling/elemental (earth)4thStone
Shadow GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Dimmed status (Fortitude DC 12) for 1d4 rounds. Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.4,000faint enfeebling/dark4thDark
Shock GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Static status (Fortitude DC 12) for 1d4 rounds. Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.4,000faint enfeebling/elemental (lightning)4thThunder
Sneak GlovesThese gloves grant a +10 competence bonus to Sleight of Hand skill checks.10,000moderate enhancing12thGuidance, Creator Must Have 2+ Ranks In Sleight Of Hand
Stone GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Petrify status (Fortitude DC 16) for 1d4 rounds. Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.32,000moderate enfeebling8thBreak
Stone Man’s HandAllows you to wear 3 rings on 1 hand, but disallows that hand to do anything else.24,000strong enhancing12thMeld Into Stone, Stone Fist, Stone Shape
Venom GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Poison status (Fortitude DC 14) for 1d4 rounds. Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.8,000faint enfeebling4thPoison
Zombie GlovesThese gloves grant your melee/ranged attacks a chance to inflict Zombie status (Fortitude DC 16) for 1d4 rounds. Firearms, gunblades, bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the enfeebling energy upon their ammunition.50,000moderate enfeebling10thZombify

Head Slot Wondrous Items

Wondrous Items (Head Slot)

Item NameDescriptionPrice (gil)AuraCLSpell(s) Needed
Captain’s HatThis hat grants the wearer the Airship Operations feat. It also grants the wearer 10 ranks in Profession (Sailor), Navigation, and Pilot skills. While wearing the hat, up to 8 hours, the wearer cannot be fatigued or exhausted. Upon removing the hat or using up the entire 8 hours, the wearer is immediately exhausted and must sleep triple the amount of hours while wearing the hat.100,000strong enhancing18thSeamantle, Restora
Doc's HatThis hat grants Auto-Potion ability. The wearer can take an immediate action upon getting hit by a melee or ranged attack to drink a Cure Potion, Hi-Potion, X-Potion, or Mega Potion. He must have a free hand to do so. He can only use this ability once a round. Dispel will only turn this ability off for 1 round.40,000moderate enhancing10thMithra’s Grace
Gold HairpinThis hairpin grants the wearer a +50 enhancement bonus to their maximum magic points (MP).687,500strong enhancing18thRestoraga
Hat of the Red WizardThis red feathered hat looks pristine and fashionable. The feather in the hat seems to glow and gleam.

This hat, while worn, confers on the wearer a continuous Choco Feather. It also grants several abilities per day with their own separate uses:

Once per day, as a standard action, the wearer can create any scroll from the red mage’s known spell list. This scroll vanishes at the end of the day. If the scroll leaves the hands of the red mage the magic will also deplete.
Once per day, as a standard action, the wearer can call forth a Yellow Chocobo (with maximum HPs) that lasts for 10 minutes per red mage level.
Once per day, as a swift action, the wearer can activate it, providing the red mage with 1 panache point that can be used for any Fencer 1-point deeds.
45,660strong enhancing and summoning12thChoco Feather, Major Summoning, Restora, Summon Chocobo
Lamia's TiaraWhen worn, if the wearer has levels in dancer and is wearing this item, it adds an extra Ki point.14,000moderate enhancing8th24 Hours and Elvaan's Splendor
RibbonThis red ribbon makes the wearer immune to all magical harmful status effects from spells (including ninjutsus and bard songs) and spell-like abilities except Countdown, Doom and Stop.332,000strong enhancing16thMagic Barrier
└- Super RibbonThis elaborate, red ribbon makes the wearer immune to all magical harmful status effects from supernatural, spells (including ninjutsus and bard songs), and spell-like abilities.578,000strong enhancing20thMagic Barrier

Headband Slot Wondrous Items

Wondrous Items (Headband Slot)

Item NameDescriptionPrice (gil)AuraCLSpell(s) Needed
Twisted HeadbandThis headband prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Sleep status.16,000faint enhancing4thBar-Status

Neck Slot Wondrous Items

Wondrous Items (Neck Slot)

Item NameDescriptionPrice (gil)AuraCLSpell(s) Needed
Beaded NecklaceThis necklace prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Silence and Blind status.32,000faint enhancing4thBar-Status
Black ChokerThis choker prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Confuse status.48,000 moderate enhancing12thBar-Status
Cat's Eye NecklaceThis necklace grants the wearer Fast Healing 1 up to 50% health.5,000 faint healing4thRegen
Chasuble of PowerWorn over the neck (occupying space on the body as an amulet), a chasuble of power adds an extra die of damage (lesser) or 2 extra dice of damage (greater) to any ranged touch attack supernatural ability that deals a number of dice up to d8 (such as d2, d3, d4, d6, d8.) points of damage the wearer has.8,000 (lesser), 18,000 (greater)moderate enhancing8th (lesser), 15th (greater)Temper
Goddess's AmuletThis amulet grants the wearer immunity to all magic, harmful and beneficial. This does not affect other worn wondrous items. Once worn, it cannot be taken off unless destroyed.200,000 strong enhancing20thMagic Barrier
Gris-Gris NecklaceThis necklace prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Curse status.32,000 faint enhancing8thBar-Status
Islander’s Wayfinder of LightGrants a +1/+2/+3 sacred bonus to specific ability checks and to specific saving throws, also counts as a +1/+3/+5 item for Materia.5,000 / 19,000 / 43,000moderate enhancing10thTorchlight, Galka’s Strength, Lesser, Mithra’s Grace, Lesser, Tarutaru’s Cunning, Lesser
Jade CollarThis collar grants the wearer the Dodge feat.32,000 moderate enhancing8thLesser Mithra’s Grace
Rose AmuletThis amulet prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Silence status.16,000 faint enhancing4thBar-Status
Rune AmuletThis amulet grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Wisdom and Constitution.10,000 moderate enhancing8thLesser Moogle’s Wisdom, Lesser Dwarf’s Endurance
└- Diamond AmuletThis amulet grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom and Constitution, and prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Silence status.56,000 moderate enhancing12thLesser Moogle’s Wisdom, Lesser Dwarf’s Endurance, Bar-status
└-- Crystal AmuletThis amulet grants a +6 enhancement bonus to Wisdom and Constitution, and prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Silence and Immobilize status.122,000 strong enhancing18thDwarf’s Endurance, Moogle’s Wisdom, Bar-status
Sandman's BagThe wearer adds their Casting Modifier to Sleep Spell and Song HD limits.16,000 moderate enfeebling9thSleepja
Star PendantThis pendant prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Poison status.16,000 faint enhancing4thBar-Status
Steel CollarThis collar grants a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength but only while at 25% health or less.18,000 moderate enhancing14thGalka’s Strength
Wizard AmuletThe wearer of this amulet regens 1 MP an hour.64,000 moderate enhancing8thRestora

Shoulders Slot Wondrous Items

Wondrous Items (Shoulders Slot)

Item NameDescriptionPrice (gil)AuraCLSpell(s) Needed
Kinesis CloakThis cloak prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Slow and Stop status.100,000 strong enhancing18thBar-Status
White CapeThis cloak prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Frog and Mini status.64,000 moderate enhancing8thBar-Status
Zephyr CapeThis cloak grants the wearer Evasion and a +1 bonus to their Caster Level.47,500strong enhancing13thDragon Jump III, Faith

Slotless Wondrous Items

Wondrous Items (Slotless)

Item NameDescriptionPrice (gil)AuraCLSpell(s) Needed
CrystoneDecrease d% by 1 and increase familiarity by 1 step for teleportation500 Faint chronomancy5thBend space and time
Dispel StoneDispels 1 magical effect on contact1,500 moderate enfeebling10thDispel
Elemental ShardsDark/Earth/Fire/Ice/Light/Lightning/Water/Wind crystals substitute the cost of magical item creation by 500 gil when used. 1-time use only.500
Faerie EarringsThese earrings prevent the wearer from being inflicted with Confuse and Berserk status.96,000moderate enhancing12thBar-Status
Glamour PrismPlace a glamour of a different item onto yours.2,575faint illusion (glamer)1stDisguise Self
Gold EarringsThese earrings prevent the wearer from being inflicted with Petrify status.32,000 moderate enhancing8thBar-Status
LinkshellLinkshells produce linkpearls that enable basic communication50,400 moderate chronomancy7thSending
Malboro CigaretteSmoke as a full-round action and then cast bad breath (DC 17)2,250moderate enfeebling9thBad Breath
└- Pack of Malboro CigarettesSmoke as a full-round action and then cast bad breath (DC 17). Contains 10.20,250moderate enfeebling9thRestore
Montblanc’s SatchelMontblanc’s Satchel opens into an extradimensional space: its inside is larger than its outside dimensions. Better variants cost 5,000 / 7,400 / 10,000.2,500moderate summoning9thSecret Chest
Partner FigurineCreates a phantasmal partner to aid in morning rituals like the spell.360 faint illusion 1stPhantasmal Partner
Sleeping BagSleeping in this grants double the sleeping recovery. 1 medium creature.150faint healing3rdRestore
└- TentSleeping in this grants double the sleeping recovery. 4 medium creatures or 1 large.600moderate healing7thRestora
└-- CottageSleeping in this grants quadruple the sleeping recovery. 6 medium creatures or 1 large and 2 medium1,200strong healing13thRestoraga
Strategy GuideRoll twice on knowledge checks to identify creatures and to navigate underground. 3/day can use the Augury spell.45,600faint enhancing3rdAugury, Future’s Boon, Know the Enemy
Talisman of the Summoned BirdTransforms into a yellow chocobo to act as your mount and can transform back into a talisman.3,600faint summoning1stMount

Wrist Slot Wondrous Items

Wondrous Items (Wrist Slot)

Item NameDescriptionPrice (gil)AuraCLSpell(s) Needed
Bronze BangleThis bangle grants the wearer a +10 enhancement bonus to their maximum hit points (HP).10,000moderate enhancing4thAid
└- Iron BangleThis bangle grants the wearer a +20 enhancement bonus to their maximum hit points (HP).30,000moderate enhancing8thAid
└-- Crystal BangleThis bangle grants the wearer a +30 enhancement bonus to their maximum hit points (HP).60,000moderate enhancing12thAid
└--- Titanium BangleThis bangle grants the wearer a +40 enhancement bonus to their maximum hit points (HP).100,000strong enhancing16thAid
└---- Platinum BangleThis bangle grants the wearer a +50 enhancement bonus to their maximum hit points (HP).150,000strong enhancing20thAid
Charm BraceletThis bracelet grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma and Constitution.10,000 moderate enhancing8thLesser Elvaan’s Splendor, Lesser Dwarf’s Endurance
└- Witty BraceletThis bracelet grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma and Constitution, and prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Curse status.56,000 moderate enhancing12thLesser Elvaan’s Splendor, Lesser Dwarf’s Endurance
└-- Personality BraceletThis bracelet grants a +6 enhancement bonus to Charisma and Constitution, and prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Silence and Curse status.122,000 strong enhancing18thElvaan's Splendor, Dwarf's Endurance, Bar-Status
Copper ArmletThis armlet grants the wearer a +5 enhancement bonus to their maximum magic points (MP).12,500moderate enhancing8thRestora
└- Silver ArmletThis armlet grants the wearer a +10 enhancement bonus to their maximum magic points (MP).37,500strong enhancing10thRestora
└-- Gold ArmletThis armlet grants the wearer a +15 enhancement bonus to their maximum magic points (MP).75,000moderate enhancing12thRestora
└--- Rune ArmletThis armlet grants the wearer a +20 enhancement bonus to their maximum magic points (MP).125,000strong enhancing14thRestora
└---- Mythril ArmletThis armlet grants the wearer a +25 enhancement bonus to their maximum magic points (MP).187,500strong enhancing16thRestora
Defense BracerThis bracer grants the wearer the Auto-Protect II and Auto-Shell II abilities. The wearer has the Protect and Shell status constantly. Dispel will only turn them off for 1 round.60,000 strong enhancing8thProtect II, Shell II
Earth ArmletThis armlet halves all Earth elemental damage.16,000 faint elemental (earth)4thElemental Resistance
└- Rock ArmletThis armlet nullifies all Earth elemental damage.64,000 moderate elemental (earth)8thProtection from Elements
└-- Stone ArmletThis armlet absorbs all Earth elemental damage, healing the wearer.96,000 moderate elemental (earth)12thProtection from Elements
Escort BraceletThis bracelet halves all elemental damage.184,000 strong elemental (all)16thElemental Resistance
└- Dragon BraceletThis bracelet nullifies all elemental damage.736,000 strong elemental (all)18thProtection from Elements
└-- Wizard BraceletThis bracelet absorbs all elemental damage.1,104,000 strong elemental (all)20thProtection from Elements
Expedited Gear GuardWith a standard action, the wearer may touch the vambrace to summon the gear stored within it onto the wearer. The gear inside the vambrace cannot be equipped if the wearer is currently wearing armor, or lacks a free hand for the weapons and/or shields. 23,000 moderate summoning9thSummon Equipment III
Fire ArmletThis armlet halves all Fire elemental damage.16,000 faint elemental (fire)4thElemental Resistance
└- Flame ArmletThis armlet nullifies all Fire elemental damage.64,000 moderate elemental (fire)8thProtection from Elements
└-- Blaze ArmletThis armlet absorbs all Fire elemental damage, healing the wearer.96,000 moderate elemental (fire)12thProtection from Elements
Force BraceletThis bracelet grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Wisdom and Intelligence.10,000 moderate enhancing8thLesser Moogle’s Wisdom, Lesser Tarutaru’s Cunning
└- Diamond BraceletThis bracelet grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom and Intelligence, and prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Poison status.56,000 moderate enhancing12thLesser Moogle’s Wisdom, Lesser Tarutaru’s Cunning, Bar-status
└-- Crystal BraceletThis bracelet grants a +6 enhancement bonus to Wisdom and Intelligence, and prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Poison and Curse status.122,000 strong enhancing18thTarutaru’s Cunning, Moogle’s Wisdom,
Fran’s Bracers, LesserGrants the wearer proficiency with all bows, if they already have proficiency with their bow they gain +1 competence bonus on attack rolls.5,000 faint enhancing4thSee text
└- Fran’s Bracers, GreaterGrants the wearer proficiency with all bows, if they already have proficiency with their bow they gain +2 competence bonus on attack rolls and a +1 competence bonus on damage rolls 25,000 moderate enhancing8thSee text
Haste ArmletThis armlet grants the wearer the Auto-Haste ability while at 25% health or less. Dispel will only turn it off for 1 round.16,000 moderate enhancing6thHaste
Holy ArmletThis armlet halves all Holy damage.16,000 faint light4thElemental Resistance
└- Divine ArmletThis armlet nullifies all Holy damage.64,000 moderate light8thProtection from Elements
└-- Sacred ArmletThis armlet absorbs all Holy damage, healing the wearer.96,000 moderate light12thProtection from Elements
Ice ArmletThis armlet halves all Ice elemental damage.16,000faint elemental (ice)4thElemental Resistance
└- Frost ArmletThis armlet nullifies all Ice elemental damage.64,000 moderate elemental (ice)8thProtection from Elements
└-- Freeze ArmletThis armlet absorbs all Ice elemental damage, healing the wearer.96,000moderate elemental (ice)12thProtection from Elements
Lightning ArmletThis armlet halves all Lightning elemental damage.16,000 faint elemental (lightning)4thElemental Resistance
└- Shock ArmletThis armlet nullifies all Lightning elemental damage.64,000 moderate elemental (lightning)8thProtection from Elements
└-- Bolt ArmletThis armlet absorbs all Lightning elemental damage, healing the wearer.96,000 moderate elemental (lightning)12thProtection from Elements
Moon BracerThis bracer grants the wearer the Auto-Protect III ability. The wearer has the Protect status constantly. Dispel will only turn it off for 1 round.100,000 moderate enhancing10thProtect III
Nimble BracerThis bracer grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and Wisdom.10,000 moderate enhancing8thLesser Mithra’s Grace, Lesser Moogle’s Wisdom
└- Agile BracerThis bracer grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and Wisdom, and prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Poison status.56,000 moderate enhancing12thLesser Mithra’s Grace, Lesser Moogle’s Wisdom, Barstatus
└-- Quick BracerThis bracer grants a +6 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and Wisdom, and prevents the wearer from being inflicted with Poison and Curse status.122,000 strong enhancing18thMithra’s Grace, Moogle’s Wisdom, Bar-status
Power WristbandThis wristband grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength.4,000 faint enhancing4thLesser Galka’s Strength
Recovery BracerThis bracer grants the wearer the Auto-Regen ability. The wearer has the Regen status constantly. Dispel will only turn it off for 1 round.75,000 moderate enhancing14thRegen
Ruined BracersAllows the wielder to cast Ruin 3/day, dealing 1d4+1 points of non-elemental damage per missile.1,200 faint non-elemental1stRuin
└- Ruined Bracers IIAllows the wielder to cast Ruinra 3/day, dealing 2d6+5 points of non-elemental damage, as well as half damage to all creatures in a 5ft radius (Reflex save 16 for half) per missile.33,600 moderate non-elemental7thRuinra
└-- Ruined Bracers IIIAllows the wielder to cast Ruinga 3/day, dealing 3d8+10 points of non-elemental damage, as well as half damage to all creatures in a 10ft radius (Reflex save 19 for half) per missile.79,200 moderate non-elemental11thRuinga
Shadow ArmletThis armlet halves all Shadow damage.16,000 faint dark4thElemental Resistance
└- Obscene ArmletThis armlet nullifies all Shadow damage.64,000 moderate dark8thProtection from Elements
└-- Profane ArmletThis armlet absorbs all Shadow damage, healing the wearer.96,000 moderate dark12thProtection from Elements
Shining BracerThis bracer grants the wearer the Auto-Shell III ability. The wearer has the Shell status constantly. Dispel will only turn it off for 1 round.100,000 moderate enhancing12thShell III
Slave Caster CuffsMakes it difficult for the wearer to use spells or spell-like abilities1,900 faint enfeebling1stDetect Magic, Ghost Sound, Ruin.
Speed BracerThis bracer grants the wearer the Auto-Haste ability. The wearer has the Haste status constantly. Dispel will only turn it off for 1 round.75,000 strong enhancing16thHaste
Water ArmletThis armlet halves all Water elemental damage.16,000 faint elemental (water)4thElemental Resistance
└- Tide ArmletThis armlet nullifies all Water elemental damage.64,000 moderate elemental (water)8thProtection from Elements
└-- Aqua ArmletThis armlet absorbs all Water elemental damage, healing the wearer.96,000 moderate elemental (water)12thProtection from Elements
Wind ArmletThis armlet halves all Wind elemental damage.16,000 faint elemental (wind)4thElemental Resistance
└- Aero ArmletThis armlet nullifies all Wind elemental damage.64,000 moderate elemental (air)8thProtection from Elements
└-- Air ArmletThis armlet absorbs all Wind elemental damage, healing the wearer.96,000 moderate elemental (air)12thProtection from Elements