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Home > Magical Items > Materia > Support Materia >

Type support; Rarity legendary
Price (Materia Level) 25,000 gil (L1); 40,000 gil (L2); 60,000 gil (L3)
Attachable Slot weapon or armor
Aura strong healing; Caster Level 18th
Activation —

This materia provides the user the ability to deal holy damage with a weapon or gain the ability to rise back to life from death. When attuned with the Use Magic Device skill, the user can cast Raise spells.

  • Level 1: This grants the user the ability to Auto-Raise once per day.
  • Level 2: This grants the user the ability to Auto-Arise once per day.
  • Level 3: This grants the user the ability to Auto-Full-Life once per day.
  • Level 1: This adds an extra 1d6 points of holy damage to the weapon’s damage.
  • Level 2: This adds an extra 2d6 points of holy damage to the weapon’s damage.
  • Level 3: This adds an extra 3d6 points of holy damage to the weapon’s damage. On a successful critical hit versus undead, the target must succeed a DC 20 Fortitude save or be destroyed.