Type spell; Rarity common
Price (Materia Level) 1,500 gil (L1); 3,000 gil (L2); 6,000 gil (L3)
Attachable Slot weapon or armor
Aura faint elemental (fire); Caster Level 5th
Activation —
This materia provides the user the ability to deal fire damage with a weapon or gain an elemental resistance to the fire element. Once attuned with the Use Magic Device skill, the user can cast Fire spells.
- Level 1: This grants the user a fire elemental resistance of 2.
- Level 2: This grants the user a fire elemental resistance of 5.
- Level 3: This grants the user a fire elemental resistance of 10.
- Level 1: This adds an extra 1 point of fire damage to the weapon’s damage.
- Level 2: This adds an extra 1d6 points of fire damage to the weapon’s damage.
- Level 3: This adds an extra 2d6 points of fire damage to the weapon’s damage.