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Price +1 bonus; Aura moderate enhancing; CL 8th; Weight —


This special ability can only be placed on one-handed or two-handed firearms.

lucky firearm has its own magical reservoir of grit. Usually, this grit is stored within the marks of an engraving or in a trinket that hangs from the firearm. Often these marks take the form of holy symbols or fetishes, but such a reservoir can take just about any form. This reservoir holds 1 grit point, which is refreshed at the start of each day. Whether or not the wielder of a lucky firearm has any deeds (see Ultimate Combat), she can always spend 1 grit point from the lucky firearm to reroll an attack from it that would result in a misfire. When the wielder does so, she must take the second result, even if that attack roll also results in a misfire.


Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Spells heroism; Special creator must be a grit user; Cost +1 bonus