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Price 27,500 gil (+1), 55,000 gil (+2), 82,500 gil (+3), 110,000 gil (+4), 137,500 gil (+5); Tier 5; Slot -; CL 17th; Weight 0.5 lb; Aura strong enhancing


A deep-purple colored drink that tastes of sweet fruits.


Grants the user an inherent bonus from +1 to +5 (depending on the potency of the plus) to their Dexterity score, this stacks to a maximum of +5 as well as with other plusses but not other inherent bonuses. After consuming a plus, the user cannot benefit from any plus until 1 week has passed.


Cost 26,250 gil (+1), 52,500 gil (+2), 78,750 gil (+3), 105,000 gil (+4), 131,250 gil (+5); Feats Craft Alchemical ItemSpells Overwhelming Presence