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Magic >
Spells >
- Saber
- Sacrament
- Saintly Beam
- Samba de Flan
- Sanctuary
- Sandblast
- Sandpit
- Sandstorm
- Sapphire Laser
- Sapphire Prison
- Savage Maw
- Saving Finale
- Scale Spikes
- Scale Spikes, Greater
- Scamper
- Scarify
- Scarify, Mass
- Scathe
- Scent Trail
- Scintillating Pattern
- Scop’s Operetta
- Scop’s Operetta II
- Scop’s Operetta III
- Scourge
- Scouring Winds
- Screen
- Scripted Hallucination
- Scrying
- Scrying, Greater
- Sculpt Corpse
- Sea of Dust
- Sea Song
- Sea Stallion
- Sea Steed
- Seamantle
- Sear
- Searing Light
- Second Chance
- Secret Chest
- Secret Coffer
- Seducer’s Eyes
- See Invisibility
- Seed Cannon
- Seeming
- Self Destruct
- Sending
- Sense Vitals
- Sensory Cascade
- Sentinel’s Scherzo
- Sentry Skull
- Severed Fate
- Shackle
- Shades
- Shadow Anchor
- Shadow Barbs
- Shadow Blast
- Shadow Blasty
- Shadow Blink
- Shadow Body
- Shadow Elemental
- Shadow Elemental, Greater
- Shadow Elemental, Lesser
- Shadow Flare
- Shadow Healing
- Shadow Landscape
- Shadow Projection
- Shadow Space
- Shadow Step
- Shadow Summoning
- Shadow Summoning, Greater
- Shadow Summoning, Lesser
- Shadow Walk
- Shadow Weapon
- Shadowbard
- Shadowfire Ray
- Shadowy Grappler
- Shambler
- Shapechange
- Share Skin
- Sheepfoe Mambo
- Sheepfoe Mambo II
- Sheepfoe Mambo III
- Shell
- Shell II
- Shell III
- Shell IV
- Shell V
- Shellra
- Shellra II
- Shellra III
- Shellra IV
- Shelter Outside of Time
- Shield
- Shield of Chaos
- Shield of Evil
- Shield of Good
- Shield of Law
- Shield Other
- Shield Other, Greater
- Shieldra
- Shift Fate
- Shifting Paths
- Shifting Sand
- Shillelagh
- Shining Ruby
- Shock
- Shock II
- Shock Spikes
- Shock Spikes II
- Shock Spikes III
- Shocking Grasp
- Shocking Image
- Shockwave
- Shooting Star
- Shriek
- Shrink
- Shrink Item
- Shrink, Greater
- Shrink, Mass
- Shukuchi
- Sickening Breath
- Sickening Entanglement
- Siege of Trees
- Siege of Trees, Greater
- Signs of the Land
- Silence
- Silencega
- Silenceja
- Silent Image
- Silent Object
- Silent Verse
- Silver Powder
- Simulacrum
- Simulacrum, Lesser
- Sinewy Etude
- Sinewy Etude II
- Sinewy Etude III
- Siphon Life
- Skillful Moment
- Skim
- Slay Living
- Sleep
- Sleepga
- Sleepja
- Sleet Storm
- Slice
- Slice II
- Slick
- Slick II
- Slick III
- Slide
- Slidestream
- Slipstream
- Slow
- Slow Fall
- Slow Magic
- Slow Skin
- Slowga
- Slowja
- Sluggish Movement
- Snake Staff
- Snare
- Snowpit
- Snowstorm
- Soften Earth and Stone
- Solid Fog
- Solid Note
- Solipsism
- Song of Serenity
- Song of Winter
- Songbird
- Songbird
- Sonic Dive
- Sonic Tail
- Soul Bind
- Soul-Drained Breath
- Southern Cross
- Spark
- Spark II
- Spark III
- Spark Shower
- Speak No Evil
- Speak with Animals
- Speak with Dead
- Speak with Plants
- Spectral Hand
- Spectral Mist
- Spectral Touch
- Speed
- Spell Resistance
- Spellbane
- Spike Growth
- Spike Stones
- Spinning Mogshield
- Spirit Blades
- Spirit Worm
- Spirited Etude
- Spirited Etude II
- Spirited Etude III
- Spore Burst
- Spring Breeze
- Spring Water
- Stabilize
- Stage Fright
- Stage Light
- Starry Eye
- Starsight
- Status
- Status, Greater
- Stench of Prey
- Stona
- Stone
- Stone Breath
- Stone Call
- Stone Fist
- Stone II
- Stone III
- Stone IV
- Stone Shape
- Stonega
- Stonera
- Stoneskin
- Stoneskin, Communal
- Stop
- Stop Gaze
- Stopga
- Storm of Vengeance
- Stormbolts
- Stretch
- Strong Jaw
- Stunning Finale
- Sturdy Tree Fort
- Subjective Reality
- Suffocation
- Suffocation, Mass
- Suggestion
- Suggestion, Mass
- Suit of the Dancer
- Suiton-Ichi
- Suiton-Ni
- Suiton-San
- Summer Breeze
- Summon Ammunition
- Summon Avatar
- Summon Black Pudding
- Summon Carriage
- Summon Chocobo
- Summon Chocobo, Communal
- Summon Clothing
- Summon Cottage
- Summon Deadfall
- Summon Demiplane
- Summon Demiplane, Greater
- Summon Demiplane, Lesser
- Summon Driver
- Summon Equipment I
- Summon Equipment II
- Summon Equipment III
- Summon Equipment IV
- Summon Equipment V
- Summon Feast
- Summon Food and Water
- Summon Ghost Wolf
- Summon Hungry Pit
- Summon Instrument
- Summon Laborers
- Summon Mage’s Robes
- Summon Mansion
- Summon Materia I
- Summon Materia II
- Summon Materia III
- Summon Minor Ally
- Summon Minor Monster
- Summon Monster I
- Summon Monster II
- Summon Monster III
- Summon Monster IV
- Summon Monster IX
- Summon Monster V
- Summon Monster VI
- Summon Monster VII
- Summon Monster VIII
- Summon Nature’s Ally I
- Summon Nature’s Ally II
- Summon Nature’s Ally III
- Summon Nature’s Ally IV
- Summon Nature’s Ally IX
- Summon Nature’s Ally V
- Summon Nature’s Ally VI
- Summon Nature’s Ally VII
- Summon Nature’s Ally VIII
- Summon Pit
- Summon Resplendent Mansion
- Summon Spiked Pit
- Summon Stampede
- Summon Swarm
- Summon Undead I
- Summon Undead II
- Summon Undead III
- Summon Undead IV
- Summon Undead IX
- Summon Undead V
- Summon Undead VI
- Summon Undead VII
- Summon Undead VIII
- Sun Metal
- Sunbeam
- Sunburst
- Sure Strike
- Suspend Life
- Suspend Life
- Swarm of Fangs
- Swarm Skin
- Sweet Breath
- Swim
- Switch Fate
- Sword Madrigal
- Sword Madrigal II
- Sword Madrigal III
- Swords of Chance
- Symbol of Death
- Symbol of Mirroring
- Symbol of Slowing
- Syphon