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School elemental (earth); Level black mage 4, druid 4, geomancer 4, white mage 4


Casting Time see text


Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect 10ft by 10ft section of road
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw None; Spell Resistance no


This spell forms materials into a usable road on any terrain except in mid-air or in water, though the process is long it is considerably quicker than manually labouring the road and waiting for it to settle. A road can be made up of stone or brick but requires different qualities/quantities of said material.

A road cannot be formed inside of a creature or object unless it is being dug into the earth to form foundations. Once formed the road becomes a mundane structure and cannot be dispelled.

  • Forming: To form a road, you must spend 1-minute casting per section of road 10ft wide, 10ft long, and 1ft thick. You must be carrying, or have nearby, materials worth 10 gil of rock to form a section of road or 15 gil of brick. If the materials are not processed for road building, for example, are not cut to size/shape, the casting requires an additional minute per section.

If a road is being formed onto a terrain that is ill-suited, like sand in deserts, swamps in marshes, you must spend an additional casting per segment to create suitable columns and foundations beneath the surface.

  • Effects: A road created by this spell reduces the movement penalty of terrain by 1 tier, refer to the Terrain and Terrain Improvements table for more details. These roads are wide enough to allow for a single carriage to travel along with it, a double casting to make the road 20ft wide will allow carriages to move both directions.

Due to the effectiveness of roads, removing most debris or obstacles and creating a smooth surface, any creature moving with the aid of a formed road gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the Constitution check made for forced marches.