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School enhancing/elemental (wind); Level astrologian 2, black mage 2, druid 2, white mage 2, red mage 2, geomancer 2


Casting Time 1 standard action


Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)


The target of this spell receives the Float status effect.

Float: This status effect gently floats a creature a couple of feet into the air, allowing them to move as if they were grounded. For the duration of this status effect, the subject floats above all surfaces (even water or other non-solid surfaces) and ignores the adverse movement effects of difficult terrain, and can even take 5-foot steps into difficult terrain. If the subject falls more than 10 feet, he begins to fall slowly, as the choco feather spell, to the ground and this status effect ends, regardless of duration left.