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Home > Magic > Spells > D >

School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level illusionist 7


Casting Time 1 standard action


Range unlimited
Target one or more living creatures
Duration see text
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes


This spell functions as dream, but you and the target of your dream can converse in a limited fashion as long as the recipient is also asleep. You can send or receive a number of dream messages equal to your caster level. Each message can be up to 25 words long or a single vague image that can’t convey fine details such as words. You can send and receive these dream messages with a single target or multiple targets, but each message you send or receive counts against the total number of messages allowed. Sending a message takes 1 round. The spell ends and you wake up when you run out of messages.

If you use dream council to send a message to a sleeping creature that has dream or dream council is their spells known (or as a spell-like ability), the recipient can expend one of your allotted messages to cast that spell while remaining asleep. This uses up that creature’s MP per day, or spell-like ability use as normal. Instead of replying to your message, that character is able to enter your dreamscape. If the sleeping recipient has the Lucid Dreamer feat, it can enter your dreamscape without casting either of those spells. While in the original caster’s dreamscape, those involved in the council can interact with one another and that dreamscape for 10 minutes for each message remaining. When that time elapses, the spell ends.