- 100-Kuponze Swipe
- Abhorrent Blight
- Absolute Zero
- Abyss
- Abyss II
- Abyssal Maw
- Accelerate Poison
- Acid Droplet
- Acid Rain
- Adaptive Defense
- Adhesive Blood
- Adoration
- Advancing March
- Aera
- Aerial Armor
- Aerial Tracks
- Aero
- Aero II
- Aero III
- Aero IV
- Aeroga
- Aerospark
- Aetherial Manipulation
- Age Resistance
- Age Resistance, Greater
- Age Resistance, Lesser
- Aging Touch
- Aid
- Air Bubble
- Air Walk
- Air Walk, Communal
- Aire Tam Storm
- Aisha-Ichi
- Aisha-Ni
- Alarm
- Allegro
- Alleviate
- Alluring Air
- Alluring Embrace
- Alpha Instinct
- Alter Flow
- Alter Food
- Alter Fortune
- Alter Musical Instrument
- Alter Object
- Alter River
- Alter Self
- Alter Taste
- Alter Winds
- Amanuensis
- Amplify
- Analyze Dweomer
- Anathema
- Anchored Step
- Angel Feathers
- Angel Whisper
- Animal Ambassador
- Animal Aspect
- Animal Aspect, Greater
- Animal Growth
- Animal Messenger
- Animal Purpose Training
- Animal Shapes
- Animal Trance
- Animate Dead
- Animate Dead, Lesser
- Animate Objects
- Animate Plants
- Animate Rope
- Annihilate
- Anthropomorphic Animal
- Anti-Life Shell
- Anti-Summoning Shield
- Anticipate Peril
- Anticipatory Strike
- Antimagic Field
- Antiplant Shell
- Ape Walk
- Aqualung
- Aquatic Cavalry
- Aquaveil
- Aqueous Orb
- Arboreal Hammer
- Ardor
- Arise
- Arisega
- Army’s Paeon
- Army’s Paeon II
- Army’s Paeon III
- Ash Storm
- Ashen Blight
- Aspect of the Bear
- Aspect of the Falcon
- Aspect of the Nightingale
- Aspect of the Stag
- Aspect of the Wolf
- Assimilate
- Asura’s Boon
- Atavism
- Atavism, Mass
- Atonement
- Audiovisual Hallucination
- Auditory Hallucination
- Augury
- Aura Break
- Aura of Terror
- Aura of the Unremarkable
- Aurorastorm
- Auto-Cure
- Auto-Raise
- Autumn Breeze
- Avalanche
- Avascular Mass
- Avasculate
- Avoid
- Awaken