Table: 0-Level White Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Alleviate | Ends a sickened condition for a target. |
Alter Food | Alter the properties of food to be delicious or disgusting. |
Alter Object | Make slight alterations to a single object, or create objects, as a party trick. |
Burst of Light | Dazzles one creature (-1 on attack rolls). |
Create Water | Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water. |
Dancing Lights | Creates torches or other lights. |
Daze | A single humanoid creature with 4 HD or less loses its next action. |
Detect Magic | Detects all spells and magic items within 60 ft. |
Detect Poison | Determine if a creature, object, or area has been poisoned or is poisonous. |
Drench | A sudden downpour soaks a target creature or object. |
Enhanced Diplomacy | +2 on one Diplomacy or Intimidate check. |
Gather Coin | Command all nearby coins into your possession. |
Guidance | +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. |
Holy Orb | Orb deals 1d3 holy damage. |
Magical Cleaning | Clean a single object of all dirt. |
Magical Hygiene | Clean a creature's body of filth, making them fit for a social gathering. |
Mending | Makes minor repairs on an object. |
Message | Whisper conversation at distance. |
Purify Food and Drink | Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water. |
Read Magic | Read magical scrolls. |
Resistance | Subject gains +1 on saving throws. |
Stabilize | Cause a dying creature to stabilize. |
Torchlight | Object shines like a torch. |
Virtue | Subject gains 1 temporary hp. |
Table: 1st-Level White Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Air Bubble | Provides breathable air for one creature. |
Alarm | Wards an area for 2 hours/level. |
Bless Weapon | Weapon strikes true against evil foes. |
Brighten | Target sheds bright light out to a 10-ft.-radius, disrupting Concentration checks for dark spells. |
Charm | Target is inflicted with Charm status. |
Choco Feather | Quick reaction to slow a creature’s fall. |
Chocobo Haul | Subject’s carrying capacity triples. |
Cure | Heals 1d6 damage + Wisdom modifier + 1 per level (max of +5). |
Deodorize | Subject cannot be tracked by scent. |
Deprotect | Target is inflicted with a -2 penalty to AC. |
Deshell | Target is inflicted with a -2 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Dia | Target takes 1d4 holy damage per round and suffers a -1 penalty to Attack rolls and Skill checks. |
Diagnose Disease | Determine if a creature, object, or area carries any sort of disease or infestation |
Dragon Jump | Subject gains a +10 enhancement bonus on all Acrobatics checks to jump. |
Endure Elements | Subject is protected from hot and cold environments. |
Envelope | Subject gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC. |
Fastidiousness | Keep yourself and your equipment clean and dry. |
Fearna | Target is cured of Fear effect. |
Holy Favor | You gain +1 luck bonus per three levels on attack and damage rolls. |
Light | Ranged touch that deals 1d6 points of holy damage + 1 per level (max of +5) and inflicts Illuminated status effect. |
Mage Armor | Gives subject +4 armor bonus. |
Mount | Summons a yellow chocobo to serve the caster as a mount. |
Protect | Subject gains a +2 deflect bonus to AC. |
Rain | 20-ft.-radius spread, inflicts Drenched status. |
Recharge Innate Magic | Regain one use of all 0 and 1st-level spell-like abilities of a racial trait. |
Regen | Subject gains Fast Healing 2. |
Sanctuary | Opponents can’t attack you, and you can’t attack. |
Shell | Subject gains a +2 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Shield | Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, negates an amount of ruin damage. |
Skim | Read four times faster than normal. |
Sleep | Target is inflicted with Sleep status. |
Swim | Subject gains a swim speed of 30 feet. |
Water Blast | A blast of water pushes the target back. |
Waterproof | Target becomes waterproof for the spell's duration. |
Wind Armor | Subject is surrounded by a field of wind, providing a +2 deflection bonus to AC. |
Wind Runner | Caster increases his base land speed by 30 feet. |
Wind Shield | Caster creates a field of ever-flowing gust of wind around him to deflect ranged attacks. |
Winter Feathers | The target’s feathers thicken and fluff up to ward against winter’s chill. The target suffers no harm from being in a cold environment, and can exist comfortably in conditions as low as –50 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make Fortitude saves. |
Table: 2nd-Level White Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Aid | Subject gains a bonus to attack rolls and saves versus fear plus temporary hit points. |
Bar-Element | Subject gains a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws versus elemental effects. |
Bar-Status | Subject gains a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws versus status effects. |
Blindna | Target is cured of Blind status. |
Brighten II | Target sheds bright light out to a 20-ft.-radius, disrupting Concentration checks for dark spells. |
Chocobo Haul, Communal | As chocobo haul, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Close Wounds | Target immediately heals for 2d4 + 1 per caster level (up to 5) damage. |
Consecrate | Fills area with positive energy, weakening undead. |
Cure II | Heals for 3d6 + Wisdom modifier + 1 per level (max of +10). |
Dia II | Target takes 2d4 holy damage per round and suffers a -2 penalty to Attack rolls and Skill checks. |
Dwarf’s Endurance, Lesser | Subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution. |
Elemental Resistance | Subject gains elemental resistance of a chosen type. |
Elvaan’s Splendor, Lesser | Subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma. |
Endure Elements, Communal | As endure elements, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Escape Alarm | As alarm, but alerts you when a creature leaves the area. |
Escaping Ward | Move 5 feet away from a larger attacking creature as an immediate action. |
Float | Subject floats a couple of feet off the ground. |
Galka’s Strength, Lesser | Subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength. |
Glide | Caster can fall slowly like choco feather and able to glide. |
Grace | Caster’s movements do not provoke attacks of opportunity. |
Heal | Heals living allies equal to caster level + the caster’s Wisdom modifier. |
Holy Weapon | Creates a magical floating weapon of light. |
Levitate | Subject is able to move up or down up to 20 feet each round. |
Light II | Ranged touch that deals 3d6 points of holy damage + 1 per level (max of +10) and inflicts Illuminated status effect. |
Mithra’s Grace, Lesser | Subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity. |
Moogle’s Wisdom, Lesser | Subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom. |
Mount, Communal | As mount, but summons up to 6 yellow chocobos and may divide the duration among chocobos summoned. |
Paralyna | Target is cured of Paralyzed status. |
Poisona | Target is cured of the Poison status effect. |
Restore | Subject is healed of 1d4 temporary ability damages and fatigue. |
See Invisibility | Caster is granted the ability to see invisible beings and objects. |
Silence | Target is inflicted with Silence status. |
Slipstream | Subject rides a low-cresting wave of water to travel along the surface of water or ground. |
Status | Caster can monitor the touched subjects of their relative positions and general condition. |
Tarutaru’s Cunning, Lesser | Subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence. |
Temper | Affected weapon deals an additional +2 damage. |
Vox | Target is cured of Silence status. |
Wall Climb | Subject gains a climb speed of 20 feet. |
Whispering Wind | Caster is able to send a message or sound on the wind to a designated spot. |
Wind Barrier | Subject gains damage reduction 10/- against projectiles. |
Table: 3rd-Level White Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Aquaveil | Creates a magical barrier to allow you to automatically make concentration checks after being damaged while casting a spell. |
Aurorastorm | Creates an aurora in a 30ft radius. Spells cast within or into this aurora have their damage/healing altered by 10% if they roll 1-33 on a d100. |
Barrier | Subject gains damage reduction 5/-. |
Brighten III | Target sheds bright light out to a 30-ft.-radius, disrupting Concentration checks for dark spells. |
Choco Feather, Mass | As choco feather, but multiple creatures. |
Cleanse | Target is cured of Diseased status. |
Cloak of Winds | Surrounds a creature with a shroud of wind to deflect ranged attacks. |
Cross | Target is cured of Cursed status. |
Cura | Allies heal for 1d6 per level. |
Cure III | Heals 5d6 damage + Wisdom modifier + 1 per level (max of +15). |
Dancing Light Storm | A swirl of lights illuminate the way for the caster, filling lights within a 100-ft.-radius. |
Daylight | Touched object sheds bright light in a 60-ft.-radius. |
Deprotect II | Target is inflicted with a -4 penalty to AC. |
Deprotectra | Targets are inflicted with a -2 penalty to AC. |
Deshell II | Target is inflicted with a -4 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Deshellra | Targets are inflicted with a -2 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Dia III | Target takes 3d4 holy damage per round and suffers a -3 penalty to Attack rolls and Skill checks. |
Dispel | Cancels one magical spell or effect. |
Downpour | 40-ft.-radius spread, inflicts Drenched status. |
Dragon Jump II | Subject gains a +20 enhancement bonus on all Acrobatics checks to jump. |
Elemental Resistance, Communal | As elemental resistance, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Envelopga | Targets gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC. |
Fly | Subject gains a flying speed of 20 feet. |
Haste | Subject becomes hasted. |
Heroism | Subject gains +2 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks. |
Immobilize | Target is inflicted with Immobilize status. |
Light III | Ranged touch that deals 5d6 points of holy damage + 1 per level (max of +15) and inflicts Illuminated status effect. |
Lightra | 1d6 points of holy damage per level, 20-ft. radius. |
Magic Vestment | Armor or shield gains +1 enhancement bonus per four levels. |
Null Element | Subject gains immunity to a single element for 1 attack. |
NulStatus I | Subject gains a protection that negates a status effect. |
Petrina | Subject is relieved of the Petrification status effect. |
Protect II | Subject gains a +4 deflect bonus to AC. |
Protectra | Allies gain a +2 deflect bonus to AC. |
Regen II | Subject gains Fast Healing 4. |
Renew | Allies gain Fast Healing 2. |
Rescue | You pull an ally adjacent to you. |
Searing Light | Ranged touch that deals 1d8 points of holy damage per two levels. |
Shell II | Subject gains a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Shellra | Allies gain a +2 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Sleepga | As sleep, except all within 30 feet. |
Slow | Target is inflicted with Slow status. |
Stone Shape | Caster is able to form an existing piece of stone into any shape. |
Torchlight, Greater | As torchlight, but permanent. |
Wall Climb, Communal | As wall climb, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Water Breathing | Subjects gain the ability to breathe underwater. |
Water Walk | Subjects gain the ability to walk upon water. |
Wind Barrier, Communal | As wind barrier, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Wind Wall | Creates an invisible vertical curtain of wind to deflect projectiles. |
Table: 4th-Level White Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Air Walk | Subject gains the ability to tread on air as if walking on solid ground. |
Bar-Elementra | Allies gain a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws versus elemental effects. |
Bar-Statusra | Allies gain a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws versus status effects. |
Close Wounds, Mass | Targets immediately heal for 4d4 + 1 per caster level (up to 20) damage. |
Cure IV | Heals 7d6 damage + Wisdom modifier + 1 per level (max of +20). |
Dazera | As daze, but all within 30 feet. |
Death Ward | The subject gains a +4 morale bonus on saves against all death spells and magical death effects. |
Decoy | Causes enemies that look at your target to become antagonized if they fail a will save. |
Diara | As dia II, except it affects one creature per two levels (maximum of 5) within 30 feet of each other. |
Disable | Subject is inflicted with the Disabled status effect. |
Disablna | Subject is relieved of the Disabled status effect. |
Dwarf’s Endurance | Subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to Constitution. |
Elvaan’s Splendor | Subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to Charisma. |
Esuna | Subject is cured of all lesser negative status effects. |
Floatga | As float, but multiple creatures. |
Form Road | Creates a section of road made of rock or brick, decreasing the movement penalty of ill-suited terrain. |
Galka’s Strength | Subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength. |
Healara | Heals living allies equal to caster level + twice the caster’s Wisdom modifier. |
Hold | Target is paralyzed, unable to take actions or speak. |
Holy | 60-ft.-line, dealing 1d4 points of holy damage per level and inflicts Illuminated status. |
Holy Mantle | Subject is shrouded by a shimmering mantle of light that glows like a torch. |
Hurricane Blast | Creates a severe blast of air that batters creatures. |
Hydraulic Torrent | Creates a powerful stream of water that batters creatures and obstacles in its path. |
Light IV | Ranged touch that deals 7d6 points of holy damage + 1 per level (max of +20) and inflicts Illuminated status effect. |
Mithra’s Grace | Subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to Dexterity. |
Mini | Target is reduced to fine size and all physical attacks deal 10% damage. |
Moogle’s Wisdom | Subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to Wisdom. |
Panacea | Target is cured of any currently ongoing Poison statuses and effects. |
Protection from Elements | Subject gains temporary immunity to a chosen element. |
Radiant Spikes | Creatures attacking the subject of this spell take 1d6 points of holy damage. |
Raise | Subject is raised from the dead. |
Repose | Causes 1 target with up to 13HD to receive the Sleep status effect. Can affect undead and cie'th. |
Restora | As restore, except it also dispels temporarily negative levels or one permanent negative level. |
Shield Other | Subject is warded, gaining a +1 deflection AC and +1 bonus to saves and the caster can transfer some of the subject’s wounds to him. |
Shieldra | As shield except it affects up to 5 creatures that grants an invisible disc that gives +4 to AC, negates an amount of ruin, ruinra, and ruinga damage. |
Silencega | As silence, except all within 30 feet. |
Silent Object | Touched object negates sound in 20-ft. radius. |
Status, Greater | As status, but can also cast a limited selection of spells through the link. |
Stona | Target is relieved of the Petrification and Statue status effects. |
Stoneskin | Subject gains damage reduction 10/adamantine. |
Tarutaru’s Cunning | Subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to Intelligence. |
Tongues | Subject gains the ability to speak and understand the language of any intelligent creature. |
Vanish | Subject becomes invisible. |
Water Walk, Communal | As water walk, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Table: 5th-Level White Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Air Walk, Communal | As air walk, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Aura Break | Allows a creature to use limit breaks without needing to be below 50% hp. |
Avoid | Allows the caster to avoid any attacks that require attack rolls at the cost of MP. |
Bless | Allies heal for 1d6 per level and receive Fast Healing 2. |
Breath of Life | Dead creature is brought back to life, healing for 5d8 points of damage + 1 per level. |
Bright | Target takes 1d6 points of holy damage per level per round. |
Curaga | Allies heal for 1d8 per level. |
Deprotect III | Target is inflicted with a -6 penalty to AC. |
Deprotectra II | Targets are inflicted with a -4 penalty to AC. |
Deshell III | Target is inflicted with a -6 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Deshellra II | Targets are inflicted with a -4 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Diaga | As dia III, except it affects one creature per two levels (maximum of 5) within 30 feet of each other. |
Dragon Jump III | Subject gains a +30 enhancement bonus on all Acrobatics checks to jump. |
Flight | Caster gains a flying speed of 40 feet. |
Holy Ice | Creates either a wall of holy ice or flying ice javelins. |
Holy Light | Caster infuses himself with healing energy, healing for 4d8 points of damage + 1 per level. |
Immobilize, Mass | As immobilize, but all within 30 feet. |
Lightga | 1d8 points of holy damage per level, 30-ft. radius. |
NulStatus II | Subject gains a protection that negates a status effect. |
Passwall | Caster is able to pass through plaster and stone walls. |
Pillar of Life | Creates a pillar of healing energy that anyone can touch to be healed. |
Protect III | Subject gains a +6 deflect bonus to AC. |
Protection from Elements, Communal | As protection from elements, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Protectra II | Allies gain a +4 deflect bonus to AC. |
Regen III | Subject gains Fast Healing 6. |
Renew II | Allies gain Fast Healing 4. |
Shell III | Subject gains a +6 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Shellra II | Allies gain a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Sleepja | As sleepga, except it affects any number of creatures within 50 feet of each other. |
Spell Resistance | Subject gains SR 12 + level. |
Stoneskin, Communal | As stoneskin, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Tongues, Communal | As tongues, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Wall of Stone | Creates a wall of rocks that merges into adjoining rock surfaces. |
Zombna | Subject is relieved of the Zombie status effect. |
Table: 6th-Level White Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Arise | Subject is raised from death, to full health. |
Auto-Cure | Subject is healed once by a cure III spell upon being hit. |
Bar-Elementga | Allies gain a +6 resistance bonus to saving throws versus elemental effects. |
Bar-Statusga | Allies gain a +6 resistance bonus to saving throws versus status effects. |
Berserkna | Subject is relieved of the Berserk status effect. |
Chains of Light | Target is held immobile by glowing golden chains composed of pure light. |
Confusna | Subject is relieved of the Confused status effect. |
Control Water | Allows the caster to lower or raise the water. |
Curada | Subject is healed for 10 hit points per level and cured of one condition. |
Disable, Mass | As disable, but all within 30 feet. |
Dispel, Greater | As dispel, but with multiple targets. |
Dissipation | Subject is protected from 1 negative level, 1 level drain, 1 point of ability damage, or 1 point of ability drain. |
Dwarf’s Endurance, Mass | As dwarf’s endurance, but all allies within 30 feet. |
Elvaan’s Splendor, Mass | As elvaan’s splendor, but all allies within 30 feet. |
Esunaga | Allies are cured of a negative status effect of 3rd level or lower. |
Flamestrike | A vertical column of holy fire deals 1d6 points of damage (half fire/holy). |
Galka’s Strength, Mass | As galka’s strength, but all allies within 30 feet. |
Hastega | As haste, except all allies within 30 feet. |
Healaga | Heals living allies equal to caster level + thrice the caster’s Wisdom modifier. |
Heroism, Greater | Subject gains +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp. |
Holy II | 60-ft.-line, dealing 1d6 points of holy damage per level and inflicts Illuminated status. |
Magic Status | As status, except that you also know the name and caster level of any spell cast upon your allies. |
Mithra’s Grace, Mass | As mithra’s grace, but all allies within 30 feet. |
Moogle’s Wisdom, Mass | As moogle’s wisdom, but all allies within 30 feet. |
NulStatusra | Subjects gain a protection that negates a status effect. |
Path of the Winds | Winds sweep area clear of anything of Small or smaller size, and after act as wind wall. |
Radiance | Target takes 1d6 holy damage per level (maximum 15d6) and is inflicted with Illuminated status. |
Radiant Spikes II | Creatures attacking the subject of this spell take 3d6 points of holy damage. |
Resurrection | One dead creature is revived as if by a Raise spell and may be teleported adjacently to the caster. |
Silenceja | As silencega, except it affects one creature per two levels (maximum of 10) within 50 feet of each other. |
Slowga | As slow, except all enemies within 30 feet. |
Tarutaru’s Cunning, Mass | As tarutaru’s cunning, but all allies within 30 feet. |
Vanish, Greater | As vanish, except that it doesn’t end if the subject attacks. |
Wind Walk | Subjects transforms into a cloud-like vapor, able to move through the air. |
Table: 7th-Level White Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Auto-Raise | Subject is raised by a raise spell upon death. |
Bless II | Allies heal for 1d8 per level and receive Fast Healing 4. |
Bravery | Increase one ally's physical damage, melee and range by +1 per two character levels. |
Bright II | Target takes 1d8 points of holy damage per level. |
Deprotect IV | Target is inflicted with a -8 penalty to AC. |
Deprotectra III | Targets are inflicted with a -6 penalty to AC. |
Deshell IV | Target is inflicted with a -8 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Deshellra III | Targets are inflicted with a -6 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Faith | Increase one ally's magical damage and healing by +1 per two character levels. |
Fluid Form | Caster’s body transforms into a liquid state. |
Fly, Mass | As fly, except all creatures within 30 feet. |
Ice Body | Caster’s body transforms into living ice. |
NulStatus III | Subject gains a protection that negates a status effect. |
Protect IV | Subject gains a +8 deflect bonus to AC. |
Protectra III | Allies gain a +6 deflect bonus to AC. |
Reflect | Reflect 1d4+6 spell levels back at caster. |
Regen IV | Subject gains Fast Healing 8. |
Renew III | Allies gain Fast Healing 6. |
Restoraga | As restore, except it also dispels all temporarily and permanent negative levels. |
Shell IV | Subject gains a +8 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Shellra III | Allies gain a +6 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Vanishga | As vanish, except all allies within 30 feet. |
Table: 8th-Level White Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Arisega | As arise, except all allies within 30 feet. |
Condemn | As countdown, except only works on evil creatures. |
Curaja | As curada, except all allies within 30 feet. |
Full-Cure | Subject is cured of all damage. |
Holdga | As hold, except it affects one creature/two levels (maximum of 5) within 30 feet of each other. |
Holy III | 60-ft.-line, dealing 1d8 points of holy damage per level and inflicts Illuminated status. |
Holy Aura | Subjects are surrounded a brilliant holy radiance, protecting them from evil creatures. |
Holy Burst | A globe of searing radiance explodes for 6d6 points of holy damage and causes Blind status. |
Iron Body | Your body becomes living iron. |
Magic Barrier | Subject becomes immune to magical effects up to 4th level spells. |
Radiant Spikes III | Creatures attacking the subject of this spell take 5d6 points of holy damage. |
Radiance II | Target takes 1d8 holy damage per level (maximum 20d8) and is inflicted with Illuminated status. |
Regenerate | Subject’s severed body members, broken bones, and ruined organs grow back. |
Seamantle | Caster is sheathed in a churning column of elemental water. |
Shield Other, Greater | As shield other, except that, in addition to affecting multiple targets, the caster may also have any spell that he cast on himself affect the target creatures as well. |
Table: 9th-Level White Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Basuna | As esuna, but affects all magical status effects. |
Bravera | As bravery, except it affects all creatures in a 20-ft.-radius burst. |
Deprotect V | Target is inflicted with a -10 penalty to AC. |
Deprotectra IV | Targets are inflicted with a -8 penalty to AC. |
Deshell V | Target is inflicted with a -10 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Deshellra IV | Targets are inflicted with a -8 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Faithra | As faith, except it affects all creatures in a 20-ft.-radius burst. |
Full-Life | Subject is raised from death to full maximum hit points. |
NulStatus IV | Subject gains a protection that negates a status effect. |
NulStatusga | Subjects gain a protection that negates a status effect. |
Overwhelming Presence | Targets prostrates themselves before your holy presence. |
Protect V | Subject gains a +10 deflect bonus to AC. |
Protectra IV | Allies gain a +8 deflect bonus to AC. |
Regen V | Subject gains Fast Healing 10. |
Reflectga | As reflect, except all allies within 30 feet. |
Renew IV | Allies gain Fast Healing 8. |
Saintly Beam | 30-ft.-radius blast, dealing 1d10 holy damage per level and inflicts Illuminated status. |
Shell V | Subject gains a +10 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Shellra IV | Allies gain a +8 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Storm of Vengeance | Creates a storm that rains water, lightning, and ice. |
Winds of Vengeance | Caster is surrounded by a buffeting shroud of supernatural, tornado-force winds, granting him a fly speed of 60 feet with perfect maneuverability. |
World Wave | Caster is able to cause any sort of natural terrain to surge beneath his feet and safely propel him with devastating force over great distances. |
Spell List
Spell Descriptions