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Table: 0-Level Time Mage Spells

Spell NameDescription
AmanuensisCopy nonmagical text.
DazeA single humanoid creature with 4 HD or less loses its next action.
Detect MagicDetects all spells and magic items within 60 ft.
GrabAble to grab an unattended object up to 5 pounds from close range.
MendingMakes minor repairs on an object.
MessageWhisper conversation at distance.
MomentCan act in a surprise round.
Read MagicRead magical scrolls.
TimerSounds an audible alarm after a set time, up to 2 hours per caster level.
TorchlightObject shines like a torch.

Table: 1st-Level Time Mage Spells

Spell NameDescription
Anticipate PerilTarget gains a bonus on one initiative check.
Crafter's KnowledgeTarget gains a +5 insight bonus on its next Craft skill check.
DecelerationTarget’s speed is halved.
Delayed OpponentTarget acts a little slower than normal.
Dissipating TouchYour touch deals 1d6 damage.
EnvelopeSubject gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC.
Mage ArmorGives subject +4 armor bonus.
Memory LapseSubject forgets events back to last turn.
Precognition, DefensiveSubject gains +1 insight bonus to AC and saving throws.
Precognition, OffensiveSubject gains +1 insight bonus on their attack rolls.
Precognition, TacticalSubject gains +2 insight bonus on a chosen combat maneuver.
Prescience, OffensiveSubject gains +2 insight bonus on their damage rolls.
Omen of PerilYou know how dangerous the future will be.
Recall Agony, LesserFoe takes 2d6 points of non-elemental damage.
RepairHeals a construct creature for 1d6 damage + Intelligence modifier + 1 per level (max of +5).
ShieldInvisible disc gives +4 to AC, negates an amount of ruin damage.
Skillful MomentTake 20 on a chosen skill check.
SkimRead four times faster than normal.
Slow FallObjects and creatures fall slowly.
Sluggish MovementCreatures of 5 HD or less within 20 ft. slowed for 1 round.
SpeedTarget’s movement speed increases by 10 ft.
True StrikeAdd +20 insight bonus to your next attack roll.

Table: 2nd-Level Time Mage Spells

Spell NameDescription
Accelerate PoisonHastens targeted poison’s onset.
Celerity, LesserTake a move action immediately, but be dazed for a round.
Clockwork TimerCaster delays another spell.
Contingent ActionPrepare a readied action.
Defy GravityYou move up and down via mental support.
Delay DiseaseRavages of disease staved off for a day.
Delay PoisonStops poison from harming target for 1 hour/level.
Delay ResponseTarget is forced to delay their action.
Dimension HopYou, touched objects, and your familiar or companion teleport to any spot within 5 feet per two caster levels.
False FutureTarget is shown a false future and is reposition 5 ft.
Future's BoonOn any d20 roll, roll two dice and takes the better result.
Gentle ReposePreserves one corpse.
HasteSubject becomes hasted.
Make WholeRepairs an object.
Masterwork TransformationMake a normal item into a masterwork one.
Recall AgonyFoe takes 4d6 points of non-elemental damage.
Repair IIHeals a construct creature for 3d6 damage + Intelligence modifier + 1 per level (max of +10).
Rope TrickAs many as eight creatures hide in extradimensional space.
SlideYou rapidly teleport a short distance, but the movement is inaccurate.
SlowTarget is inflicted with Slow status.
Slow MagicAs dispel, but only suppresses magic.
Switch FateSwap your initiative score with a targeted creature.
Time ShudderNearby creatures are affected by haste or slow each round.
UnlockOpens locked doors, boxes, or chests.

Table: 3rd-Level Time Mage Spells

Spell NameDescription
Aetherial ManipulationPull yourself towards an adjacent square to an ally within close range.
Aging TouchTouch attack that deals 1 point of strength, dexterity, and constitution damage.
Alter FlowSpeed up or slow the flow of time around subjects, granting +1 or -1 to AC and Reflex.
Alter FortuneCause one creature to reroll any die roll.
Bend Space and Time, LesserInstantly transports you as far as 100 miles per level.
BlinkYou randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level.
Deceleration, MassAs deceleration, but all creatures within range.
Delay Poison, CommunalAs delay poison, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Dimension StepAllies can immediately teleport a distance equal to their speed.
DispelCancels one magical spell or effect.
EnvelopgaTargets gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC.
FlySubject gains a flying speed of 20 feet.
Quicken, LesserYou grant a target creature an immediate move action.
ReconstructConstruct allies heal for 1d6 per level.
Repair IIIHeals a construct creature for 5d6 damage + Intelligence modifier + 1 per level (max of +10).
Reversion, MinorYou create an imperfect replica of yourself that you can absorb into yourself, healing for 1d8 + 1 per caster level (max of 5).
Shelter Outside of TimeAll creatures and objects within a 5 ft. square are instantly transferred to a temporary extradimensional space in which time does not pass.
Shrink ItemObject shrinks to one-sixteenth size.
Wind Back the KeyRestores an item to its original, undamaged state.

Table: 4th-Level Time Mage Spells

Spell NameDescription
Age Resistance, LesserIgnore penalties from middle age.
Baleful BlinkSubject has 50% chance of failure on attacks and spells.
CelerityTake a standard action immediately, but be dazed for a round.
CometSummons 1d4 comets dealing 4d6 + casting modifier ice/earth damage each, 10-ft radius.
CorrodeItems disintegrate under the stress of centuries.
DazeraAs daze, but all within 30 feet.
Delay DeathLosing hit points doesn’t kill subject.
Dimension DoorTeleports you a short distance.
Dimensional AnchorBars extradimensional movement.
HastegaAs haste, but all allies within 30 feet.
Make Whole, GreaterRepairs 1d6 +1 points per caster level on a construct (maximum 10d6+10) and can fix destroyed magic items or technological items (items at 0 hit points or fewer),
QuintessenceLiquid time, coating something in this renders a subject immobile and immune to time.
Reality RiftSubject is cast outside of time and space for 1 round/level.
Repair IVHeals a construct creature for 7d6 damage + Intelligence modifier + 1 per level (max of +10).
SendingDelivers short message anywhere, instantly.
ShieldraAs shield except it affects up to 5 creatures that grants an invisible disc that gives +4 to AC, negates an amount of ruin, ruinra, and ruinga damage.
SlowgaAs slow, but all enemies within 30 feet.
Symbol of SlowingTriggered rune slows creatures.
Temporal JoltUnstable time deals 1d6/two caster levels damage and destroys non-magical items.
Time ShieldSpells are consumed at double the normal rate in the area around you.
Time to ActYou may make a single skill check in the same round you cast the spell.

Table: 5th-Level Time Mage Spells

Spell NameDescription
Anticipatory StrikeTurn your next turn right now, even interrupting other actions.
AvoidAllows the caster to avoid any attacks that require attack rolls at the cost of MP.
Baleful TransformTurns subject into harmless animal.
Bend Space and TimeInstantly transports you as far as 100 miles per level.
Blink, GreaterControlled blinking between the Material Planes grants defenses for 1 round/level.
Contingent Spell ImmunityProtect against a specific spell once / 5 levels.
Dimension ShuffleTeleport multiple creatures short distances within line of sight.
FlightCaster gains a flying speed of 40 feet.
GravityTarget loses half of current hit points.
Gravity BallCreates a black hole that slowly sucks in creatures within a 20 ft. radius, dealing non-elemental damage and inflicting immobilized/stunned.
Gravity WellAmplified gravity burdens creatures, causes flying creatures to fall.
Miasma of EntropyRot all natural materials in 30-ft. cone-shaped burst.
Past’s FacadeReturn a body to a previous more youthful state
PermanencyMakes certain spells permanent.
Reconstruct IIConstruct allies heal for 1d8 per level.
Reversion, GreaterYou create an imperfect replica of yourself that you can absorb into yourself, healing for 3d8 + 1 per caster level (max of 15).
Second ChanceCaster can reroll one attack roll, saving throw, ability check, or skill check.
Spell ResistanceSubject gains SR 12 + level.
TelekinesisMoves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature.
Temporal ReiterationOngoing effects on you do not progress in duration for one round.
Temporal RepairDispels time affecting spells in the area around you.
Threefold AspectAppear older or younger.
TransformGives one willing subject a new form.

Table: 6th-Level Time Mage Spells

Spell NameDescription
24 HoursReceive a full day of restful healing.
Age ResistanceIgnore penalties from old age.
Antimagic FieldNegates magic within 10 ft.
BalanceTarget suffers damage equal to difference in caster's current and max HP.
CometraSummons 1d6 comets dealing 4d8 + casting modifier ice/earth damage each, 15-ft radius.
ContingencySets trigger conditions for another spell.
Counter MagicYou counter a 1st-5th level spell or spell-like ability as it is being cast.
Dispel, GreaterAs dispel, but with multiple targets.
Elude TimePuts you in temporary suspended animation.
Hostile JuxtapositionYou create a dimensional link with a targeted creature, and switch spots with it.
QuickenYou grant a target creature an immediate standard action.
Recall Agony, MassAs recall agony, but deals 8d6 non-elemental damage to all creatures within range.
ReassembleTarget constructed creature is healed for 10 hit points per level and cured of one condition.
ReincarnateBrings dead subject back in a random body.
RetrieveTeleport to your hand an item you can see.
Reversion, MassYou create imperfect replicas of yourself and other creatures that you or they can absorb into themselves, healing for 1d8 + 1 per caster level (max of 20).
SlidestreamYou and allies slip between dimensions to travel fast.
Suspend LifePut yourself in a state akin to suspended animation.
Temporal AccelerationYour time frame accelerates for 1 round.
Temporal DisjunctionTarget creature is permanently lagged in time.
Time to PauseAs time to act, but take 10 on the check.
Unlock, MassOpens multiple locked doors, boxes, or chests.

Table: 7th-Level Time Mage Spells

Spell NameDescription
Age Resistance, GreaterIgnore penalties from venerable age.
Bend Space and Time, GreaterAs bend space and time, but no range limit and no off-target arrival.
Deja VuCreature experiences lasts round’s actions all over again.
Fate of OneReroll any roll you just failed.
GravigaAs gravity, but all within 30 feet.
HastejaAs hastega, but grants an enhanced version of haste.
Phase DoorCreates an invisible passage through a barrier.
Plane ShiftAs many as eight subjects travel to another plane.
ReverseAll healing effects are reversed.
Slow SkinDelays the damage attacks deal you.
StopTarget is inflicted with Stop status.
Teleport ObjectAs bend space and time, but affects a touched object.
Time SpellsurgeReduce the casting time of your chronomancy spells.
Time Stop, LesserAs time stop, but only free to act for 1 round.
Transform, GreaterGives one willing subject a new, more powerful form.
Walk Through SpaceYou can spend a move action to teleport 30 feet or to stand while prone without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Table: 8th-Level Time Mage Spells

Spell NameDescription
Celerity, GreaterTake a full-round action immediately, but be dazed for a round.
Counter Magic, GreaterYou counter a 1st-7th level spell or spell-like ability as it is being cast.
Dimensional LockTeleportation and interplanar travel blocked for 1 day/level.
Direct GravityChange the direction of gravity, causing creatures to fall in a specified direction.
HindsightYou see into the past.
Hostile Juxtaposition, GreaterYou may target one creature for every four of your caster levels.
MazeTraps subject in extradimensional maze.
Moment of PrescienceYou gain +1/level insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save.
Out of TimePush creature out of the flow of time for a short while.
Reality Rift, MassAs reality rift, but all creatures within range.
Reassemble, GreaterAs reassemble, except all constructed allies within 30 feet.
RebuildTarget constructed creature is cured of all damage.
Recall DeathSubject dies or takes 5d6 damage.
Rift of RuinTears a rift in reality, creating an extra-dimensional hole with a depth of 60 feet.
Temporal StasisPuts subject into suspended animation.
Time to Act, GreaterAs time to act, but take 20 on the check.
Transform ObjectChanges a subject into anything else.
WitheringEveryone within the area of effect is aged 5d4 years.

Table: 9th-Level Time Mage Spells

Spell NameDescription
Black HoleA hole in space crushing and pulling creatures into it.
Counter Magic, SuperbYou counter a 1st-8th level spell or spell-like ability as it is being cast and prevent them from casting spells from that school for 1 round per level.
Foresight"Sixth Sense" warns of impending danger.
GravijaAs graviga, but affects one creature per two levels (max of 10) within 50 feet.
MeteorSummons a meteor dealing 15d10 earth/fire damage, 80-ft.-radius.
Paradox MazeYou distort the nature of time, granting all creatures two rounds worth actions per round.
Quicken, GreaterYou grant a target creature an immediate full-round action.
Reality Rift, GreaterAs reality rift, except creature disappears permanently on a failed save.
SlowjaAs slowga, but affects an enhanced version of slow.
SpellbanePrevent 1 spell per 5 levels from working in a 10-foot emanation.
StopgaAs stop, but all creatures within range.
Temporal AbstractionConcentrate 5 rounds of time into a single round.
Temporal DistortionStop the flow of time around you.
Timeless BodyIgnore all harmful and helpful effects for 1 round.
Time RegressionRelive the last round.
Time StopYou act freely for 1d4 + 1 rounds.
Time WalkAs bend space and time, but to a different time period.

Spell List
Spell Descriptions