Table: 0-Level Necromancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Bleed | Cause a stabilized creature to resume dying. |
Dark Orb | Orb deals 1d3 shadow damage. |
Detect Magic | Detects all spells and magic items within 60 ft. |
Disrupt Undead | Deals 1d6 damage to one undead. |
Message | Whisper conversation at distance. |
Penumbra | Protects creature or object from bright light. |
Putrefy Food and Drink | Makes food and water inedible. |
Read Magic | Read magical scrolls. |
Touch of Fatigue | Touch attack fatigues target. |
Touch of Lethargy | Target is staggered for one round. |
Touch of Torment | Touch attack inflicts –1 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. |
Undead Voice | Throws voice from a corpse for 1 round/level. |
Table: 1st-Level Necromancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Backbiter | Weapon strikes wielder. |
Blizzard | Ranged touch that deals 1d6 points of ice damage + casting modifier + 1 per level (max of +5) and inflicts Frozen status effect. |
Bone Armor | Caster is surrounded by a tangle of bones, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC. |
Curse Water | Turns 1 flask of water into unholy water, damaging good outsiders as if it were holy water. |
Dark | Ranged touch that deals 1d6 points of shadow damage + casting modifier + 1 per level (max of +5) and inflicts Dimmed status effect. |
Dead Silence | Undead can’t perceive one subject/level. |
Deathwatch | Detect the health of creatures in view, seeing a range of HP or undeath. |
Decompose Corpse | Rapidly decomposes flesh from a corpse, or inflicts a -2 to all rolls and AC on undead. |
Detect Undead | Reveals undead within 60 ft. |
Discern Next of Kin | Read the target’s mind to learn about its family. |
Dread | Target becomes shaken. |
Fear | Target becomes frightened. |
Grasping Corpse | Animates a corpse to make a trip or grapple attempt without provoking an AoO. |
Instant Clot | Stop bleed effects and any blood flowing from slashing or piercing attacks. |
Interrogation | Torture targets for 1d4+mod damage that do not answer your questions, impose a -4 on bluff checks to lie. |
Itching Curse | Inflict a –1 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks, on one target. |
Night Blindness | Lower a target's vision's light by 1 step, and disables darkvision, low-light vision, and see in darkness. |
Obscure | Target radiates darkness out to a 10-ft.-radius. |
Phantom Blood | If you lose health due to a loss of temporary CON and become unconscious or dead, such as rage, you gain temp hp. |
Ray of Enfeeblement | Target takes a 1d6 Strength penalty + 1 per two levels. |
Ray of Sickening | Ranged touch that inflicts Sickened status. |
Restore Corpse | Grow flesh on a corpse to allow you to make it into a zombie instead of a skeleton. |
Scarify | Touched subject repairs wounds but suffers nonlethal damage in its place. |
Sculpt Corpse | Reshape a corpse to look like something else. |
Spirit Worm | Subject takes 1 point Con damage every round for 1 round/level. |
Summon Undead I | Summons an undead creature (of CR 1/3 or lower) to fight for you. |
Undead Touch | Touch deals 1d6 points of shadow damage + 1 point of Strength damage. |
Unmend | You deal 1d6 points of damage + Charisma modifier + 1 per level (max of +5). |
Virulence | Target suffers a -2 penalty to saving throws versus poison and disease spells and effects. |
Table: 2nd-Level Necromancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Adhesive Blood | When hit by a piercing or slashing weapon, the weapon is stuck to you as if like a mimic. |
Animate Dead, Lesser | Create one skeleton or zombie. |
Blizzard II | Ranged touch that deals 3d6 points of ice damage + casting modifier + 1 per level (max of +10) and inflicts Frozen status effect. |
Blood Armor | Piercing and slashing damage grants your equipped armor a +1 enhancement bonus every time you're struck. |
Bloodbath | Cause yourself and enemies to bleed. |
Blood Transcription | Consume the blood of a dead spellcaster to learn their spells for 24 hours. |
Bone Shield | Caster animates a bone to protect him from physical attacks, gaining damage reduction 5/-. |
Calm Spirit | Calm ghosts and haunts to stop their violence and haunting. |
Command Undead | Undead creature obeys your commands. |
Crafter’s Nightmare | Cause a ghost or haunt to disrupt the crafting, profession, and long-term casting of a target. |
Dark II | Ranged touch that deals 3d6 points of shadow damage + casting modifier + 1 per level (max of +10) and inflicts Dimmed status effect. |
Darkness | Causes an object to radiate darkness out to 20 feet. |
Darkvision | Subject gains darkvision up to 60 feet. |
Death Armor | Black aura damages creatures attacking you. |
Death Candle | Touching a near-death target causes them to turn into a small fire elemental. |
Death Knell | Kills dying creature and caster gains temporary hit points and Strength bonus. |
Desecrate | Fills area with negative energy, making undead stronger. |
Detect Relations | Detect how creatures are related by blood. |
False Life | Caster gains 1d10 temporary hit points + 1 per level. |
Gentle Repose | Preserves one corpse. |
Ghoul Touch | Paralyzes one subject, which exudes stench that makes those nearby sickened. |
Mark of Blood | Coat a weapon with your blood, and when that weapon strikes a target they are marked for life and you can track them. |
Mortal Terror | Frighten creature with an existential crisis. |
Obscure II | Target radiates darkness out to a 20-ft.-radius. |
Pernicious Poison | Target takes a -4 penalty against poison. |
Poison | Target is inflicted with Poison status effect that deals 1d6 points of non-elemental damage + casting modifier per round. |
Protective Penumbra | Protects target with light blindness, light sensitivity, or vulnerability to sunlight, against such effects. |
Rotting Touch | Your touch deals 1d4 shadow damage per level. |
Sentry Skull | Return the senses to a recently killed head to grant you its vision and watch. |
Spectral Hand | Creates a ghostly hand to deliver low-level touch spells. |
Summon Undead II | Summons an undead creature (of CR 1 or lower) to fight for you. |
Unmend II | You deal 3d6 points of damage + Charisma modifier + 1 per level (max of +10). |
Wound | Target takes 2d6 points of non-elemental damage and start bleeding. |
Table: 3rd-Level Necromancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Abhorrent Blight | Target suffers 1d6 hit points/level and suffers 1 point of Charisma damage/2 levels. |
Animate Dead | Creates undead skeletons and zombies out of corpses. |
Bio | Target is inflicted with Sapped status effect. |
Blacklight | Creates an area of impenetrable darkness. |
Blizzara | 1d6 ice damage per level, 20-ft. radius. |
Blizzard III | Ranged touch that deals 5d6 points of ice damage + casting modifier + 1 per level (max of +15) and inflicts Frozen status effect. |
Blood Biography | Determine who or what shed some blood, and how it was shed. |
Claws of the Vampire | The caster's claws gains a dark ominous glow and drains health from those that he attacks with them. |
Dark III | Ranged touch that deals 5d6 points of shadow damage + casting modifier + 1 per level (max of +15) and inflicts Dimmed status effect. |
Darkra | 1d6 shadow damage per level, 20-ft. radius. |
Darkvision, Communal | As darkvision, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Dead Silence, Greater | As dead silence, except the spell does not immediately end if a warded creature attempts to turn or command undead, channels energy, touches an undead creature, or attacks any creature. Instead, when the warded creature takes one of these actions, an intelligent undead creature can attempt another Will saving throw to negate the effects of the spell. |
Deeper Darkness | Object sheds supernatural shadow in 60-ft. radius. |
Disable Breathing | The caster causes the target to expel all air and prevents them from breathing normally. |
Dispel | Cancels one magical spell or effect. |
Enfeeblement, Mass | As enfeeblement, except all within 30 feet. |
Fangs of the Vampire King | Grow vampire fangs. |
Halt Undead | Up to three undead becomes immobilized. |
Healing Thief | Touched creature receives only half the healing, granting the other half to the caster. |
Infect | Target is inflicted with Disease status. |
Mastery of Flesh | Damages enemies or heals allies for 4d8+CL or 2d8+CL depending on if they are allies, enemies, undead, or living. |
Obscure III | Target radiates darkness out to a 30-ft.-radius. |
Pain | Target is inflicted with Blind, Poison and Silence status effects. |
Power from Death | Caster gains a +1 profane bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and damage rolls for every dead creature in 30 feet radius up to a max of +3. |
Ray of Exhaustion | Ranged touch that inflicts exhaustion. |
Speak with Dead | Corpse answers one question/two levels. |
Summon Undead III | Summons an undead creature (of CR 2 or lower) to fight for you. |
Unmend III | You deal 5d6 points of damage + Charisma modifier + 1 per level (max of +15). |
Unmend, Greater | 1d6 damage per level to all undead creatures, 20-ft. radius. |
Vampiric Aura | Imbues an undead creature with the ability to fly and a bite attack. |
Vampiric Touch | Touch deals 1d6 points of shadow damage per two levels and caster gains that much in temporary hit points. |
Void Aura | Caster is surrounded by an aura of nothingness that causes fatigue and disallows creatures from speaking while adjacent to him. |
Waves of Blood | Shoot a wave of blood in a 30ft cone, making a bull rush attempt against all creatures in the area. |
Table: 4th-Level Necromancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Bestow Curse | –6 to an ability score; –4 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action. |
Blizzard IV | Ranged touch that deals 7d6 points of ice damage + casting modifier + 1 per level (max of +20) and inflicts Frozen status effect. |
Blood Crow Strike | After you finish casting this spell you can make an unarmed strike or flurry of blows in medium range, dealing half fire half shadow damage. |
Boneshatter | Target takes 1d6 points of shadow damage per level and becomes exhausted. |
Burning Blood | Subject takes 1d8 earth damage plus 1d8 fire damage/round. |
Consume Undead | Deals 1d8 per caster level to targeted undead creature, healing the caster for that much. |
Contagion | Infects subject with chosen disease. |
Dark IV | Ranged touch that deals 7d6 points of shadow damage + casting modifier + 1 per level (max of +20) and inflicts Dimmed status effect. |
Darkvision, Greater | As darkvision, but the range extends out to 120 feet. |
Death Ward | The subject gains a +4 morale bonus on saves against all death spells and magical death effects. |
Dread Spikes | Creatures attacking the subject of this spell take 1d4 points of shadow damage and subject is healed for that much. |
Enervation | Ranged touch that makes the target gain 1d4 temporary negative levels. |
Explosion of Rot | Call forth a burst of decay that damages and can stagger targets. |
Eyes of the Bodak | Caster gains a gaze attack, inflicting temporary negative levels. |
False Life, Greater | As false life, but the caster gains 2d10 temporary hit points +2 points per level. |
Fear, Greater | As fear, but all within 30-ft.-cone burst. |
Interrogation, Greater | Torture targets for 1d8+mod damage that do not answer your questions, impose a -4 on bluff checks to lie. |
Poisoned Touch | Touch deals 1d3 Con damage 1/round for 6 rounds. |
Poisonga | As poison, but all within 30 feet. |
Raise | Subject is raised from the dead. |
Shadow Projection | Temporarily become a shadow. |
Shadow Step | Caster is able to transport from an area of dim light or darkness to another. |
Slay Living | Touch attack deals 12d6 +1 per level. |
Summon Undead IV | Summons an undead creature (of CR 4 or lower) to fight for you. |
Umbral Spikes | Creatures attacking the subject of this spell take 1d6 points of shadow damage. |
Undead Torch | Undead creature gains blue aura that gives +2d6 damage against living creatures. |
Unmend IV | You deal 7d6 points of damage + Charisma modifier + 1 per level (max of +20). |
Vampiric Blade | Caster’s weapon deals an additional 1d6 + CL shadow damage, healing the caster for half of the extra damage dealt. |
Woundra | Creatures take 5d6 points of non-elemental damage and start bleeding. |
Table: 5th-Level Necromancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Bioga | Inflicts the Bio status effect on up to 10 creatures that are within 30 ft. of each other. |
Black Spot | Curse a creature so that it is easier for others to attack it and it takes Constitution damage every day until removed. |
Blight | Withers one plant or deals 1d6/level damage to plant creature. |
Blizzaga | 1d8 ice damage per level, 30-ft. radius. |
Blood Boil | Raise temperature of target creature's blood (or other similar body fluid) over 3 rounds causing first fatigue, then Constitution damage, then HP damage. |
Blood Tentacles | Create 1 tentacle/level and attack creatures in 15ft with them, absorbing temporary hp. |
Bone Explosion | If the target fails a Fortitude saving throw, it receives 1d6 non-elemental damage per caster level and may explode dealing half as much damage to all creatures within a 20 feet radius. |
Breath of Life | Dead creature is brought back to life, healing for 5d8 points of damage + 1 per level. |
Darkga | 1d8 shadow damage per level, 30-ft. radius. |
Deny Death | For the duration, the target creature survives death once, becomes paralyzed if the creature would die. |
Drain | Touch deals 1d6 / two levels shadow damage; caster gains damage as hit points. |
Exsanguinate | Target creature’s blood spurts of its body, taking 1d6 points of non-elemental damage per level, and if they fail a save take 1d6 strength damage and 2d6 bleed. |
Freeze | Target takes 1d6 points of ice damage per level per round. |
Gloom | Target takes 1d6 points of shadow damage per level. |
Gravity | Target loses half of current hit points. |
Gravity Ball | Creates a black hole that slowly sucks in creatures within a 20 ft. radius, dealing non-elemental damage and inflicting immobilized/stunned. |
Half-Blood Extraction | Make a half-breed a full-blooded race of one of its parents. |
Infectga | As infect, but all within 30 feet. |
Magic Jar | Enables possession of another creature. |
Painga | As pain, except it affects one creature per two levels (maximum of 5) within 30 feet of each other. |
Plague Carrier | Target's attacks carry filth fever. |
Poisonja | As poisonga, except it affects one creature per two levels (maximum of 10) within 50 feet of each other and damage increases to 2d6 points of non-elemental damage + casting modifier per round. |
Repurpose | Target creature suffers 1d6 points of shadow damage per round, if the creature dies, it rises up as an undead zombie creature under the caster’s control. |
Scarify, Mass | Allies within the area of effect repair their wounds but suffer nonlethal damage in its place. |
Suffocation | Target begins suffocating. |
Summon Undead V | Summons an undead creature (of CR 6 or lower) to fight for you. |
Unmend II, Greater | 1d8 damage per level to all undead creatures, 30-ft. radius. |
Waves of Fatigue | Creatures within the 30-ft.-cone burst become fatigued. |
Zombify | Target is inflicted with the Zombie status effect. |
Table: 6th-Level Necromancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Abyss | Target takes 1d6 points of shadow damage per caster level (maximum 15d6) and is inflicted with the Dimmed status effect. |
Anti-Life Shell | Creates a mobile, hemispherical energy field that prevents creatures from entering. |
Arise | Subject is raised from death, to full health. |
Aura of Terror | You gain an aura of fear, or your frightful presence becomes more effective. |
Bone Shield, Greater | Caster gains 10/- damage reduction to a max of 200 damage prevented. |
Brutalize Wounds | The caster increases the target's damage it takes from physical attacks. |
Circle of Death | Snuffs out 1d4 HD worth of living creatures per level. |
Contagion, Greater | Infects a subject with a magical disease. |
Dispel, Greater | As dispel, but with multiple targets. |
Dread Spikes II | Creatures attacking the subject of this spell take 3d4 points of shadow damage and subject is healed for that much. |
Eyebite | Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose. |
False Grace | Functions like False Life, except affects all allies in 30 feet radius and grants 3d10 + caster level temporary hit points. |
Feeblemind | Target’s Intelligence and Charisma scores each drop to 1. |
Fleshshiver | Subject is stunned for 1 round, takes 1d6/level damage, and is nauseated for 1d4+2 rounds. |
Meltdown | If the target fails a Fortitude save, they lose the benefit of Armor, Deflection, Dodge, Natural Armor, and Shield bonuses to their AC. |
Raise Undead | You raise a corpse into a Zombie. |
Rasp | Target loses 1d6 points of MP per two caster levels (maximum of 8d6). |
Ray of Entropy | Subject takes –4 Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. |
Repulsion | Creatures can’t approach you. |
Resurrection | One dead creature is revived as if by a Raise spell and may be teleported adjacently to the caster. |
Revive Undead | Restores undeath to undead that was destroyed up to 1 day/level ago. |
Shadowfire Ray | Ranged touch attack that deals 1d6 points of damage (half fire/shadow). |
Siphon Life | Functions like Vampiric Touch, except it's a ranged touch attack in close range and the amount of damage is 1d6 shadow damage per caster level (maximum 15d6). |
Spectral Touch | Your touch bestows one negative level/round. |
Summon Undead VI | Summons an undead creature (of CR 8 or lower) to fight for you. |
Syphon | Touch drains 1d6 / five levels of MP; caster gains the siphoned MP. |
Umbral Spikes II | Creatures attacking the subject of this spell take 3d6 points of shadow damage. |
Unwilling Shield | Subject shares wounds you receive. |
Woundga | Creatures take 8d6 points of non-elemental damage and start bleeding. |
Table: 7th-Level Necromancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Auto-Raise | Subject is raised by a raise spell upon death. |
Avasculate | Reduce foe to half HP and stun. |
Bioja | Inflicts the Bio status effect on any number of creatures that are within 50 ft. of each other. |
Blessing of Undead | Caster gains several undead traits like immunity to mind-affecting effects and DR 5/bludgeoning. |
Control Undead | Undead don't attack you while under your command. |
Countdown | Target falls to 0 HP in 2d4 rounds. |
Drainra | Drains health of nearby creatures, up to 15-ft.-radius, dealing 1d6 points of shadow damage per two levels (maximum 9d6) and healing caster for half amount dealt. |
Epidemic | Infect a subject with a highly contagious disease. |
Erase | Remove reflect from a single creature and stop them from benefitting from the reflect status effect. |
Feast of Blood | As exsanguinate, except it affects all creatures in a 20-ft.-radius and grants caster temporary hit points. |
Freeze II | Target takes 1d8 points of ice damage per level. |
Gloom II | Target takes 1d8 points of shadow damage per level. |
Graviga | As gravity, but all within 30 feet. |
Infectja | As infect, except it affects one creature per two levels (maximum of 10) within 50 feet of each other. |
Plague Storm | Cloud infects creatures like contagion. |
Restore Undead | Heals one allied undead creature within close range to full health. |
Reverse | All healing effects are reversed. |
Shadow Blast | Target takes 10 points of shadow damage per level. |
Summon Undead VII | Summons an undead creature (of CR 10 or lower) to fight for you. |
Temporary Resurrection | Bring a creature to life for 24 hours, after which it dies again. |
Waves of Exhaustion | Creatures within the 30-ft.-cone burst become exhausted. |
Withering Touch | Cause the target’s muscles to lose their strength. |
Zombify, Mass | As zombify, but all within 30 feet. |
Table: 8th-Level Necromancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Abyss II | As abyss, except it deals 1d8 points of shadow damage per caster level (maximum 20d8) and inflicts the Dimmed status effect for 1d8 rounds. |
Arisega | As arise, except all allies within 30 feet. |
Avascular Mass | Reduce foe to half HP and stun, entangle in 20-ft. radius from victim. |
Bestow Curse, Greater | As bestow curse, but harder to remove. |
Bite of the King | Swallow enemies whole. |
Blackfire | Subject is engulfed in black flame, takes 1d4 Con damage and becomes nauseated; flames and effects can spread to adjacent living creatures. |
Black Orb | Creates an orb of pure darkness and inflicts negative levels. |
Blood Mist | Create a red mist, granting creatures concealment but damaging their wisdom and enraging them. |
Delay Fatality | You avoid death through suspended animation. |
Domain of the Hungry Flesh | Summons an abomination that attacks creatures in the area. |
Doom | Target is inflicted with Doom status. |
Dread Spikes III | Creatures attacking the subject of this spell take 5d4 points of shadow damage and subject is healed for that much. |
Embrace of Death | Puts a target creature to sleep, inflicting 1d6 Constitution damage per round. |
Evaporate | 1d6 shadow damage per level. |
Leech Field | Leech MP each time you make a saving throw. |
Polar Ray | Ranged touch attack deals 1d6/level ice damage and 1d4 points of Dexterity drain. |
Shadow Body | You become a living shadow (not the creature). |
Summon Undead VIII | Summons an undead creature (of CR 12 or lower) to fight for you. |
Suspend Life | Put yourself in suspended animation. |
Symbol of Death | Triggered rune kills nearby creatures. |
Umbral Spikes III | Creatures attacking the subject of this spell take 5d6 points of shadow damage. |
Veil of Undeath | You gain undead traits. |
Table: 9th-Level Necromancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Assimilate | The caster assimilates a creature with just a touch. |
Banshee Wail | Targets take 10 points of shadow damage per level. |
Cursed Earth | Plants die, living creatures catch diseases, or dead creatures rise as zombies. |
Death | Kills one subject. |
Destroy Spells | You delete target’s spells. |
Drainga | As drainra, except the area of effect is increased to a 30-ft.-radius spread and it deals 1d6 points of shadow damage per two caster levels (maximum of 12d6). |
Energy Drain | As enervation, except the creature gains 2d4 temporary negative levels. |
Feeblemind, Mass | As feeblemind, but all within 30 feet. |
Flay for Purpose | As Repurpose, except it deals 2d6 damage per round, after effect is over, it deals 10 damage per level. |
Full-Life | Subject is raised from death to full maximum hit points. |
Grave Knight | You raise a corpse into a Grave Knight. |
Impact | 1d6 points of shadow damage and deals 2 damage to STR, DEX, CON, WIS, INT and CHA. |
Negative Eruption | Inflicts 10 damage per level to all creatures within 30 feet. All undead creatures within the area of effect are healed for this much instead and gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and Will saving throws. |
Polar Midnight | Plunges an area into the brutal chill of an arctic night, dropping visibility, dealing 5d6 points of ice damage and 1d6 points of Dexterity damage per round. |
Suffocation, Mass | As suffocation, but all within 30 feet and lasts longer. |
Summon Undead IX | Summons an undead creature (of CR 14 or lower) to fight for you. |
Transmute Blood to Acid | Turn a living creature's blood into acid, dealing 1d6/2 levels of earth damage per round, dissolving their corpses. |
Spell List
Spell Descriptions