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Table: 0-Level Illusionist Spells

Spell NameDescription
Alter TasteChanges the taste of one meal to a taste that is pleasant for the creature consuming it.
Clandestine ConversationAllows two subjects to speak without being overheard.
Dancing LightsCreates torches or other lights.
DazeA single humanoid creature with 4 HD or less loses its next action.
Detect MagicDetects all spells and magic items within 60 ft.
DistractTarget gets -4 penalty on Perception and Sense Motive checks.
False BlinkIllusion causes attacker to suffer a -1 penalty to hit.
Ghost SoundFigment sounds.
Haunted Fey AspectYou surround yourself with disturbing illusions.
Illusory MealSummoned food that fights against starvation effects.
Moogle’s GilTouched object appears more valuable than it is.
Phantasmal TripwireIllusion causes subject to fall prone and suffer 1d3 nonlethal damage.
Read MagicRead magical scrolls.
TimerCreates a single sound after a preset amount of time.
TorchlightObject shines like a torch.
Trifling ImageCreates tiny and immobile image.
Unearthly TerrorYou cause a target to see frightening images.

Table: 1st-Level Illusionist Spells

Spell NameDescription
Auditory HallucinationCreate a phantasm with auditory effects.
BlendGain a bonus to Stealth and make checks without cover or concealment.
Blurred MovementAs blur, but only while you are moving.
CharmTarget is inflicted with Charm status.
Charm AnimalMakes one animal your friend.
Color SprayKnocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns weak creatures.
CommandOne subject obeys a command for 1 round.
Dancing LanternAnimates a lantern that follows you.
Dazzling BladeYour weapon becomes shiny, gaining bonuses to several combat maneuvers.
DeodorizeSubject cannot be tracked by scent.
DisappearAs vanish for 1 round/level (5 max).
Disguise SelfChanges your appearance.
Disguise WeaponChanges one weapon's appearance.
Dream FeastDream of a rich feast and when you awake, you are sated as if you ate and drank a nutritious meal.
HypnotismFascinates 2d4 HD of creatures.
Illusion of CalmYou appear to be standing still, even when you take some actions.
Mage ArmorGives subject +4 armor bonus.
Magic AuraAlters object's magic aura.
Mind MapCreates a temporary illusory map made up of the caster's own knowledge.
Moment of GreatnessDoubles a morale bonus.
Negative ReactionTargeted creature may not positively influence anyone.
Phantasmal Killer, Lesser Fearsome illusion causes subject to go unconscious or deals 1d6 damage.
Phantasmal PartnerCreates an phantasmal partner to speed up morning routines like meditation for Magic Point regeneration or reading books.
Poof!As vanish, except for only it lasts until the end of the caster's turn.
Shadow WeaponCreate a quasi-real masterwork weapon.
Silent ImageCreates minor illusion of your design.
Unnatural LustTarget is compelled to kiss or caress another creature.
VentriloquismThrows voice for 1 min./level.

Table: 2nd-Level Illusionist Spells

Spell NameDescription
Alter SelfAssume form of a Small or Medium humanoid.
BlurAttacks miss subject 20% of the time.
Compulsive LiarPrevent target from speaking the truth.
Covetous UrgeTarget is compelled to steal valuable objects.
Dark WhispersWhisper through the shadows.
Demand OfferingMake a creature give you an object it’s holding.
Disguise OtherAs disguise self, but affects you or another.
Ghostly DisguiseYou look like a ghost of yourself.
Haunting MistsCreatures are shaken and take Wis damage.
Haunting ReminderAfter Intimidating a creature, make it afraid of your retribution.
Hidden PresencePrevent creatures from noticing your presence.
Hypnotic PatternFascinates 2d4 + level HD of creatures.
Intensify PsycheAmplify the targets emotions.
JitterbugsTargets gets –4 penalty on all Dex and Dex-based skill checks, and cannot take the delay, ready, or total defense actions.
Mad HallucinationTarget takes penalties to mental actions.
Magic MouthObject speaks once when triggered.
Magic PrismConjure a magic prism that refracts ranged touch spells.
Minor ImageAs silent image, plus some sound.
Mirror ImageCreates decoy duplicates of you.
MisdirectionMisleads divinations for 1 creature or object.
Mortal TerrorFrighten creature with an existential crisis.
ParanoiaTarget becomes hostile to all creatures.
Phantom TrapMakes item seem trapped.
PlanetariumProject an image of the night sky based on your current location and the local time, allowing you to observe the heavens and all of its celestial bodies and features.
Seducer's EyesYou become more attractive to those around you.
See InvisibilityCaster is granted the ability to see invisible beings and objects.
Shadow AnchorTarget needs to make a bull rush to move more than 5 feet away from his current square.
Silent ObjectTouched object negates sound in 20-ft. radius.
Symbol of MirroringTriggered rune creates mirror images.
True TerrorCause the target to become stunned.
VanishSubject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks.
VertigoYou cause creatures to become dizzy to the point of being sickened and perhaps fall prone.
Zone of TruthSubjects within range cannot lie.

Table: 3rd-Level Illusionist Spells

Spell NameDescription
Audiovisual HallucinationCreate a phantasm with auditory and visual effects.
Burdened ThoughtsTarget creature gains heavy encumbrance and is unable to fly.
Dancing Light StormA swirl of lights illuminate the way for the caster, filling lights within a 100-ft.-radius.
Dazzling Blade, MassMultiple weapons become shiny, granting bonuses to combat maneuvers.
DispelCancels one magical spell or effect.
DisplacementAttacks miss subject 50% of the time.
Draconic MaliceYou surround yourself with a palpable aura of draconic fear and dread.
Dream, MinorAs dream but messenger is you or the creature touched, and the message cannot be longer than 20 words.
Fearsome DuplicateMake a monstrously distorted duplicate of you and control it.
Illusion of TreacheryMake it seem like another is also responsible for your attacks.
Illusory PoisonCoat a weapon with phantasmal poison.
Illusory ScriptOnly select creatures can read text.
Invisibility SphereMakes everyone within 10 ft. invisible.
Loathsome VeilNauseate and/or sicken weak creatures.
Magic Aura, GreaterAs magic aura, but also affects creatures and allows more options.
Major ImageAs silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects.
NondetectionHides subject from divination and scrying spells.
Shadow Elemental, LesserMimics elemental (of any type) spell below 3rd level, but only 20% real.
Shadow Summoning, LesserMimics summoning (that summons a creature or item) spell below 3rd level, but only 20% real.
SuggestionCompels a subject to follow stated course of action.
Vision of HellIllusory hellscape makes creatures shaken.
Phantasmal FoeYou create an illusory foe in your opponent’s mind that hounds them in combat, causing them to become flanked.

Table: 4th-Level Illusionist Spells

Spell NameDescription
Aura of the UnremarkableMake actions seem mundane to nearby creatures.
Charm MonsterMakes monster believe it is your ally.
Crushing DespairSubjects take –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
DazeraAs daze, but all within 30 feet.
Dominate PersonControls humanoid telepathically.
Geas, LesserCommands subject of 7 HD or less.
Hallucinatory TerrainMakes one type of terrain appear like another (field as forest, or the like).
Illusory WallWall, floor, or ceiling looks real, but anything can pass through.
Moment of TerrorKnocks target prone and make them more susceptible to mind-affecting effects.
Phantasmal KillerFearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage.
Phantasmal WebCatches subjects in illusory web.
Phantom Object, MinorAs minor creation spell, except the object created is a semi-real phantasm).
Rainbow PatternLights fascinate 24 HD of creatures.
Shadow BarbsCreates a shadowy vicious spiked chain that radiates darkness around you.
Shadow StepTeleport from one shadow to another.
Shocking ImageAs mirror image, but the duplicates emit lightning damage when destroyed.
Simulacrum, LesserCreates a double of a weak creature.
Vanish, GreaterAs vanish, but subject can attack and stay invisible.
Wandering Star MotesOutlines subject and produces light as a sunrod.

Table: 5th-Level Illusionist Spells

Spell NameDescription
Command, GreaterAs command, but affects one subject/level.
Compelling RantPeople believe your ridiculous speech as long as you keep talking.
DreamSends message to anyone sleeping.
False PainTarget creature takes 2d6 nonlethal damage per round and suffers a –2 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks and ability checks.
Fear CascadeParalyze one target and cause nearby enemies to become shaken.
Grand DestinyThe target gains a +4 competence bonus that it can choose to apply before rolling any attack roll, caster level check, saving throw, or skill check.
Mirage ArcanaAs hallucinatory terrain, plus structures.
NightmareSends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue.
Persistent ImageAs major image, but with no concentration required.
Phantasmal PutrefactionTrick creatures into thinking their flesh is rotting.
Phantom Object, MajorAs minor phantom object but the creation is semi-real phantasm.
Scripted HallucinationAs complex hallucination, but without concentration.
SeemingChanges appearance of 1 person per 2 levels.
Sensory CascadeTrigger a dazing cascade of the senses in the target.
Shadow ElementalMimics elemental (of any type) spell below 5th level, but only 40% real.
Shadow SummoningMimics summoning spell below 5th level, but only 40% real.
Shadow HealingIllusion of cure III grants 5d6 temp hp plus 1 temp hp/level (max +15); target has attitude improved by one-step, takes –2 a penalty on saves against your illusion spells.
VanishgaAs vanish, but all within 30 feet.

Table: 6th-Level Illusionist Spells

Spell NameDescription
Crime WaveCompel targets to commit criminal actions.
Dispel, GreaterAs dispel, but with multiple targets.
Dream CastingAlter subject’s dreams to produce desired effect.
Geas/QuestAs lesser geas, but affects any creature.
Illusion of Treachery, GreaterMake it seem like another is responsible for your attacks while concealing your own actions.
Illusory PitCreatures in area are knocked prone while believing they’re falling.
MisleadTurns you invisible and creates illusory double.
Nondetection, GreaterAs nondetection, but also hides subject from true seeing, tremorsense, blindsense, and blindsight.
Permanent ImagePermanent illusion, includes sight, sound, smell, and thermal effects.
Phantasmal DisorientationFools creature’s sense of direction, making movement difficult.
Programmed ImageAs major image, but triggered by event.
Shadow WalkStep into shadow to travel rapidly.
Shadowy GrapplerIllusory force grapples subject.
Suggestion, MassAs suggestion, affects 1 subject/level.
Unconscious AgendaPlant subconscious directive in target creature.
VeilChanges appearance of a group of creatures.

Table: 7th-Level Illusionist Spells

Spell NameDescription
Dream CouncilYou enter the dreamscape with another sleeping person to convey images and messages.
Dream TravelTeleports you and one creature per level to the location of a person's dreamscape.
InsanitySubject suffers continuous confusion.
Lunar VeilDispel light and revert lycanthropes.
Phantasmal RevengeGhost from corpse hunts killer.
PhobiaInduce an irrational fear in a creature to the point of madness.
Prismatic SprayRays hit subjects with variety of effects.
Project ImageIllusory double can talk and cast spells.
Shadow SpaceOverlap real world with Plane of Shadow, causing area to distort randomly.
SimulacrumCreates partially real double of a creature.
SolipsismSubject believes it alone exists.
Triggered HallucinationAs scripted hallucination, but it only appears when triggered.

Table: 8th-Level Illusionist Spells

Spell NameDescription
Charm Monster, MassAs charm monster, but all within 30 ft.
Euphoric TranquilityMakes a creature friendly.
Prismatic WallWall’s colors have array of effects.
Scintillating PatternTwisting colors confuse, stun, or render unconscious.
ScreenIllusion hides area from vision.
Shadow Elemental, GreaterAs shadow elemental, but up to 7th level and 60% real.
Shadow Summoning, GreaterAs shadow summoning, but up to 7th level and 60% real.
Shifting PathsIllusion hides path, creates false new path.
Subjective RealityYou alter your perceptions to become convinced the target is an illusion.
Urge to DanceForces subject to dance.

Table: 9th-Level Illusionist Spells

Spell NameDescription
Dominate MonsterAs dominate person, but any creature.
Heroic InvocationGrants a number of creatures bonuses on attacks and damage, temporary hit points, and immunity to fear and charm effects.
Life of CrimePermanently turn someone into a crazed criminal.
Maddening WhispersYou induce confusion and madness in subjects.
MajestyCreatures bow before you as if you were royalty.
Mindchasm Creature or creature lives forevermore in world of their own imagination.
Prismatic SphereAs prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides.
ShadesAs shadow summoning, but up to 8th level and 80% real.
Shadow LandscapeMakes natural terrain more dangerous, creates guardians that you command.
Vanish, SuperiorAs vanish, but subject is invisible to sight, hearing, and scent for 1 minute/3 levels, and can attack.
WeirdAs phantasmal killer, but affects all within 30 ft.

Spell List
Spell Descriptions