Table: 0-Level Geomancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Alter Food | Alter the properties of food to be delicious or disgusting. |
Alter Object | Make slight alterations to a single object, or create objects, as a party trick. |
Create Water | Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water. |
Detect Magic | Detects all spells and magic items within 60 ft. |
Drench | A sudden downpour soaks a target creature or object. |
Elemental Orb | Orb deals 1d3 elemental damage of chosen type. |
Gather Coin | Command all nearby coins into your possession. |
Guidance | +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. |
Ignite | Ignites flammable objects. |
Know Direction | You discern north. |
Magical Cleaning | Clean a single object of all dirt. |
Magical Hygiene | Clean a creature's body of filth, making them fit for a social gathering. |
Mending | Makes minor repairs on an object. |
Message | Whisper conversation at distance. |
Purify Food and Drink | Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water. |
Read Magic | Read magical scrolls. |
Resistance | Subject gains +1 on saving throws. |
Stabilize | Cause a dying creature to stabilize. |
Torchlight | Object shines like a torch. |
Virtue | Subject gains 1 temporary hp. |
Table: 1st-Level Geomancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Air Bubble | Provides breathable air for one creature. |
Alter Winds | Increase/decrease strength of natural winds. |
Burning Disarm | A metal object instantly becomes red hot possibly causing the wielder to drop it or take damage. |
Choco Feather | Quick reaction to slow a creature’s fall. |
Endure Elements | Subject is protected from hot and cold environments. |
Expeditious Construction | You create a low wall or other simple structure of packed earth or loose stone measuring 3 feet thick, 3 feet tall, and 10 feet long per 3 caster levels you possess (minimum 10 feet). |
Dragon Jump | Subject gains a +10 enhancement bonus on all Acrobatics checks to jump. |
Flame Breath | Caster breathes a cone of fire in 15-ft.-cone burst, dealing 1d4 points of fire damage per level. |
Frostbite | Target takes ice damage and is fatigued. |
Icicle Dagger | Creates a magical dagger out of ice, dealing additional ice damage. |
Longstrider | Your speed increases by 10 ft. |
Pass without Trace | One subject/level leaves no tracks. |
Produce Flame | 1d6 damage + 1/level, touch or thrown. |
Rain | 20-ft.-radius spread, inflicts Drenched status. |
Stone Fist | Caster transforms his hands into living stone and able to deal lethal unarmed strikes. |
Summon Nature’s Ally I | Summons creature to fight. |
Swim | Subject gains a swim speed of 30 feet. |
Water Blast | A blast of water pushes the target back. |
Wind Armor | Subject is surrounded by a field of wind, providing a +2 deflection bonus to AC. |
Wind Runner | Caster increases his base land speed by 30 feet. |
Wind Shield | Caster creates a field of ever-flowing gust of wind around him to deflect ranged attacks. |
Table: 2nd-Level Geomancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Barkskin | Grants +2 (or higher) enhancement to natural armor. |
Binding Earth | Target creature treats areas of earth and stone as difficult terrain. |
Burning Arc | Deals 1d6 points of fire damage per level to primary target and arcs to secondary targets. |
Elemental Resistance | Subject gains elemental resistance of a chosen type. |
Elemental Speech | Enables you to speak to elementals and some creatures. |
Elemental Touch | Caster infuses his hands with elemental energy of a chosen type. |
Elemental Weapon | Creates a magical floating weapon of a chosen element type. |
Endure Elements, Communal | As endure elements, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Flaming Sphere | Creates a globe of fire that rolls in the direction the caster desires, dealing 3d6 points of fire damage. |
Float | Subject floats a couple of feet off the ground. |
Frigid Touch | Target takes ice damage and is staggered. |
Frost Fall | Creates an area of chilling frost, dealing 2d6 points of ice damage to all within a 5-ft.-radius burst. |
Geo-Regen | Creates a soft green glow radius in a selective area. All allies receive a Fast Healing 2 bonus as long as they're within the radius of the spell. |
Glide | Caster can fall slowly like choco feather and able to glide. |
Groundswell | Enable target to raise the ground he's standing on five feet, which negates flanking bonuses. |
Levitate | Subject is able to move up or down up to 20 feet each round. |
Slipstream | Subject rides a low-cresting wave of water to travel along the surface of water or ground. |
Soften Earth and Stone | Turns stone to clay, or dirt to sand or mud. |
Stone Call | Creates a rain of dirt, gravel, and small pebbles to fill the area, dealing 2d6 points of earth damage. |
Summon Nature’s Ally II | Summons creature to fight. |
Wall Climb | Subject gains a climb speed of 20 feet. |
Water Lung | Targets gain the ability to breathe water but can no longer breathe air. |
Whispering Wind | Caster is able to send a message or sound on the wind to a designated spot. |
Wind Barrier | Subject gains damage reduction 10/- against projectiles. |
Table: 3rd-Level Geomancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Aqueous Orb | Creates rolling sphere of water. |
Aurorastorm | Creates an aurora in a 30ft radius. Spells cast within or into this aurora have their damage/healing altered by 10% if they roll 1-33 on a d100. |
Battering Blast | Target takes wind damage and subjects the target to a Bull Rush. |
Burrow | Target gains a burrow speed of 15. |
Call Lightning | Calls down lightning bolts (3d6 per bolt) from sky. |
Choco Feather, Mass | As choco feather, but multiple creatures. |
Cloak of Winds | Surrounds a creature with a shroud of wind to deflect ranged attacks. |
Dispel | Cancels one magical spell or effect. |
Downpour | 40-ft.-radius spread, inflicts Drenched status. |
Dragon Jump II | Subject gains a +20 enhancement bonus on all Acrobatics checks to jump. |
Elemental Resistance, Communal | As elemental resistance, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Elemental Aura | Creates an aura of a chosen element around the caster. |
Fly | Subject gains a flying speed of 20 feet. |
Geo-Barrier | The affected allies within the selective area are protected by a shield that helps deflect physical attacks. |
Geo-Fend | The affected allies within the selective area are protected by an earthly shield that helps protect against magical attacks. |
Geo-Frailty | The affected foes within the selective area have their physical resistance reduced. |
Geo-Malaise | The affected foes within the selective area have their magical resistance reduced. |
Geo-Precision | Creates an accurate aroma in a selective area. |
Geo-Slip | Creates a non-accurate aroma in a selective area. |
Geo-Torpor | Creates a non-evasive gas in a selective area. |
Geo-Voidance | Creates an evasive gas in a selective area. |
Hurricane Blast | Creates a severe blast of wind. |
Hydraulic Torrent | Creates torrent of water that bull rushes any creature in its path. |
Ice Spears | Cause icy spears to strike foes for 2d6 piercing and 2d6 ice damage; can knock foes down. |
Longstrider, Greater | As longstrider, plus the speeds of other movement modes increase. |
Meld into Stone | You and your gear merge with stone. |
Quench | Extinguishes fires. |
Shifting Sand | Creates difficult terrain and erases tracks; can carry creatures or objects along. |
Sleet Storm | Creates a storm of driving sleet to block all sight and makes walking in the area difficult. |
Stone Shape | Caster is able to form an existing piece of stone into any shape. |
Summon Nature’s Ally III | Summons creature to fight. |
Wall Climb, Communal | As wall climb, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Water Breathing | Subjects gain the ability to breathe underwater. |
Water Walk | Subjects gain the ability to walk upon water. |
Wind Barrier, Communal | As wind barrier, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Wind Wall | Creates an invisible vertical curtain of wind to deflect projectiles. |
Table: 4th-Level Geomancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Air Walk | Subject treads on air as if solid (climb or descend at 45-degree angle). |
Ball Lightning | Globes of lightning that deal 3d6 points of lightning damage each. |
Control Water | Raises or lowers bodies of water. |
Create Holds | You create a path of handholds on earthen, plaster, stone, or wooden walls. |
Dimension Door | Teleports you a short distance. |
Earth Glide | Gain the ability to pass through stone, dirt and earth. |
Elemental Body I | Turns you into a Minor elemental. |
Floatga | As float, but multiple creatures. |
Form Road | Creates a section of road made of rock or brick, decreasing the movement penalty of ill-suited terrain. |
Freedom of Movement | Subject moves normally despite impediments to movement. |
Geo-Poison | Creates a poisonous gas in a selective area or target. All enemies receive the Poison status effect as long as they're within the radius of the spell. |
Geyser | Creates a geyser of boiling water. |
Ice Storm | Creates hailstones that pound down on creatures, dealing 3d6 bludgeoning and 2d6 ice damage. |
Life Bubble | Protects from environmental effects. |
Metallasis | Increases a target's metallic equipment's weight by 3x, increases to 4x at CL10, 5x at CL 14, and 6x at CL 19. |
Protection from Elements | Subject gains temporary immunity to a chosen element. |
Ride the Waves | Target can breathe water and swim. |
River of Wind | Creates a powerful tempest in a 120-ft.-line. |
Spike Stones | Creatures in area take 1d8 damage, may also be slowed. |
Summon Nature’s Ally IV | Summons creature to fight. |
Volcanic Storm | Creates hot volcanic rocks that pound down on creatures, dealing 3d6 bludgeoning and 2d6 fire damage. |
Water Walk, Communal | As water walk, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Table: 5th-Level Geomancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Air Walk, Communal | As air walk, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Call Lightning Storm | As call lightning, but 5d6 damage per bolt. |
Control Winds | Changes wind direction and speed. |
Dragon Jump III | Subject gains a +30 enhancement bonus on all Acrobatics checks to jump. |
Elemental Body II | Turns you into a Medium elemental. |
Fickle Winds | Wind walls selectively block attacks. |
Flight | Caster gains a flying speed of 40 feet. |
Form Highway | Creates a section of road made of concrete, decreasing the movement penalty of ill-suited terrain by 2 stages (to a max of normal speed). |
Icy Prison | Target becomes trapped in solid ice. |
Lightning Arc | Deals 1d6 points of lightning damage per level between two targets. |
Passwall | Caster is able to pass through plaster and stone walls. |
Protection from Elements, Communal | As protection from elements, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Stoneskin | Subject gains damage reduction 10/adamantine. |
Summon Nature’s Ally V | Summons creature to fight. |
Transmute Mud to Rock | Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level. |
Transmute Rock to Mud | Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level. |
Wall of Fire | Creates an immobile, blazing curtain of fire. |
Wall of Ice | Ice plane creates wall or hemisphere creates dome. |
Table: 6th-Level Geomancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Binding Earth, Mass | Target creatures treats areas of earth and stone as difficult terrain. |
Blazing Winds | Inflicts 4d6 points of fire damage + 1 per level and knocks them prone. |
Dispel, Greater | As dispel, but with multiple targets. |
Elemental Assessor | Elemental ray does 2d6 earth, fire, ice, and lightning damage, with one type persisting for 1d4 rounds. |
Elemental Body III | Turns you into a Large elemental. |
Freezing Sphere | Creates a globe of ice that explodes in a 40-ft.-radius burst, dealing 1d6 points of ice damage per level. |
Geo-Cha | The affected allies become more poised, articulate, and personally forceful within the selective area. |
Geo-Con | The affected allies gain greater vitality and stamina within the selective area. |
Geo-Dex | The affected allies become more graceful, agile, and coordinated within the selective area. |
Geo-Haste | The affected allies within the selective area receive the Haste status effect. |
Geo-Int | The affected allies become smarter within the selective area. |
Geo-Slow | Creates a slow gas in a selective area. |
Geo-Str | The affected allies become stronger within the selective area. |
Geo-Wis | The affected allies become wiser within the selective area. |
Icy Blast | Creates a line of ice slivers in a 30-ft.-line, dealing 1d6 points of ice damage per level. |
Move Earth | Moves all kinds of dirt. |
Path of the Winds | Winds sweep area clear of anything of Small or smaller size, and after act as wind wall. |
Stoneskin, Communal | As stoneskin, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Summon Nature’s Ally VI | Summons creature to fight. |
Wall of Stone | Creates a wall of rocks that merges into adjoining rock surfaces. |
Wind Walk | You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast. |
Table: 7th-Level Geomancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Control Weather | Changes weather in local area. |
Elemental Body IV | Turns you into a Huge elemental. |
Fire Storm | Deals 1d6/level fire damage. |
Fluid Form | Caster’s body transforms into a liquid state. |
Fly, Mass | As fly, except all creatures within 30 feet. |
Geo-Paralysis | All enemies must make a Will save per round as long as they are within reach of the spell or receive the Paralysis status effect. |
Ice Body | Caster’s body transforms into living ice. |
Polar Ray | Ranged touch attack that deals 1d6 points of ice damage per level and 1d4 Dexterity. |
Plane Shift | As many as eight subjects travel to another plane. |
Scouring Winds | Creates a windstorm of stinging sand, dealing 3d6 points of wind damage each round. |
Summon Nature’s Ally VII | Summons creature to fight. |
Vortex | Creates a powerful and immobile whirlpool in any body of liquid large enough. |
Word of Recall | Teleports you back to designated place. |
Table: 8th-Level Geomancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Earth Rupture | Intense tremor shakes 80-ft.-radius. |
Fiery Body | Caster’s body transforms into living flame. |
Icy Prison, Mass | As icy prison, but all within 30 feet. |
Iron Body | Your body becomes living iron. |
Lightning Form | Caster’s body transforms into lightning. |
Seamantle | Caster is sheathed in a churning column of elemental water. |
Stormbolts | Lightning spills forth from the caster’s body in all directions in a 30-ft.-radius, dealing 1d6 points of lightning damage per level and stuns creatures for 1 round. |
Summon Nature’s Ally VIII | Summons creature to fight. |
Wall of Lava | Creates a vertical wall of lava similar to wall of fire. |
Whirlwind | Cyclone deals damage and can pick up creatures. |
Table: 9th-Level Geomancer Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Clashing Rocks | Creates Colossal-sized rocks to crush a single creature for 20d6 points of damage (half earth/bludgeoning). |
Elemental Swarm | Summons multiple elementals. |
Geo-Acumen | The affected allies within the selective area are granted an increase to all magical damage and healing by +1 per two caster levels. |
Geo-Fade | The affected foes within the selective area have their magical damage reduced. |
Geo-Fury | The affected allies within the selective area are granted an increase to all physical damage and melee by +1 per two caster levels. |
Geo-Wilt | The affected foes within the selective area have their physical damage reduced. |
Iceburg | Creates a truly massive iceburg that can be used for many purposes. |
Magi | Create 1d6 cylinders of elemental energy (fire, ice, wind, earth, lightning, and water), dealing 10d4 damage each. |
Storm of Vengeance | Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail. |
Summon Nature’s Ally IX | Summons creature to fight. |
Tsunami | Creates a massive wave of water to crash over creatures and objects. |
Winds of Vengeance | Caster is surrounded by a buffeting shroud of supernatural, tornado-force winds, granting him a fly speed of 60 feet with perfect maneuverability. |
World Wave | Caster is able to cause any sort of natural terrain to surge beneath his feet and safely propel him with devastating force over great distances. |
Spell List
Spell Descriptions