Table: 0-Level Blue Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Dancing Lights | Creates torches or other lights. |
Daze | A single humanoid creature with 4 HD or less loses its next action. |
Detect Magic | Detects all spells and magic items within 60 ft. |
Elemental Orb | Orb deals 1d3 elemental damage of chosen type. |
Flying Sardine | Deals 1 point of bludgeoning damage and interrupts a spell (up to 2nd level). |
Guidance | +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. |
Ignite | Ignites flammable objects. |
Mending | Makes minor repairs on an object. |
Message | Whisper conversation at distance. |
Read Magic | Read magical scrolls. |
Resistance | Subject gains +1 on saving throws. |
Ten Needles | Target takes 1d4+1 points of piercing damage. |
Torchlight | Object shines like a torch. |
Table: 1st-Level Blue Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Bestial Fang | One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1 on attack and damage rolls. |
Blast Shot | Ranged touch that deals 1d6+5 fire damage. |
Blood Drain | Target takes 1d8 shadow damage and caster healed for damage inflicted. |
Chill | Caster imbues his weapon or natural weaponry to deal additional ice damage. |
Congeal Water | Target is inflicted with entangled and begins drowning. |
Dancehall Daze | Creatures within 20-ft.-radius spread dance uncontrollably. |
Engulfing Winds | Target takes 4d4 points of wind damage and is inflicted with Squalled status. |
Fiddle | Creatures within a 20-ft.-radius spread are compelled to dance. |
Frostbolt | Ranged touch that deals 1d6+5 ice damage. |
Goblin Punch | Ranged touch that deals 1d4+3 points of wind damage and causes the target to fall prone. |
Holybolt | Ranged touch that deals 1d6+5 holy damage. |
Hundred Needles | Target takes 3d4 points of piercing damage. |
Marrow Drain | Target takes 1d3+1 MP damage, heals caster's MP for same amount. |
Magic Hammer | Ranged touch that deals 1d4 points of MP damage. |
Mud Gun | Ranged touch that deals 1d6+2 earth damage and Weighted status effect. |
Photosynthesis | Caster heals 1d6+3 damage and gains Fast Healing 1. |
Poison Needles | Ranged touch that deals 2d4 non-elemental damage and is inflicted with Poison status. |
Pumpkin Head | Ranged touch that deals 1 point of non-elemental damage plus 1d4 per 5 hit points the caster has lost from max. |
Seed Cannon | Ranged touch that deals 2d6 points of piercing damage. |
Self Destruct | Caster explodes, dealing 1d6 half fire/bludgeoning damage per level to all creatures within 5-ft.-radius burst/level. |
Sickening Breath | Creatures suffer -2 penalty to Attack rolls/Skill checks, 15-ft.-cone-shaped burst. |
Tail Fling | Ranged touch that deals 1d6+5 points of earth damage. |
Terror Touch | Target becomes frightened. |
Umbral Gaze | Ranged touch that deals 1d6+2 points of lightning damage and is inflicted with Blind status. |
Water Gun | Ranged touch that deals 1d6+2 points of water damage and inflicts Drenched status. |
Table: 2nd-Level Blue Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Acid Droplet | Target takes 4d6 points of water damage and is inflicted with Poison status. |
Autumn Breeze | Caster heals for 3d6+12 damage. |
Choco Cure | Heals for 3d6+4 damage. |
Choco Dark | Ranged touch that deals 3d6+5 shadow damage and inflicts Dimmed status. |
Choco Flame | Ranged touch that deals 3d6+5 fire damage and inflicts Burning status. |
Choco Guard | Subject gains a +2 resistance bonus on saves vs spells and a +2 deflection bonus to AC. |
Choco Ice | Ranged touch that deals 3d6+5 ice damage and inflicts Frozen status. |
Choco Light | Ranged touch that deals 3d6+5 holy damage and inflicts Dazzled status. |
Choco Stone | Ranged touch that deals 3d6+5 earth damage and inflicts Weighted status. |
Choco Thunder | Ranged touch that deals 3d6+5 lightning damage and inflicts Static status. |
Choco Water | Ranged touch that deals 3d6+5 water damage and inflicts Drenched status. |
Choco Wind | Ranged touch that deals 3d6+5 wind damage and inflicts Squalled status. |
Corrosive Web | Cone-shaped burst that inflicts Entangled status effect and non-elemental damage per round. |
Dream Pollen | Creatures are inflicted with Sleep status. |
Electric Shock | Deals 2d8 points of lightning damage to a single living creature. |
Electrocute | Random lightning spell effect. |
Fireflash | Target takes 4d6 points of fire damage and inflicts Blind status. |
Flash | 15-ft.-radius, inflicts Blind status. |
Garuda's Favor | Blesses allies within a 30-ft.-radius with a +2 dodge bonus to AC. |
Healing Ruby | Heals 2d8+5 damage and bestows Fast Healing 2. |
Hear No Evil | Ranged touch attack that deals 3d6 shadow damage and inflicts Deafened status. |
Hell Slash | Touched slashing weapon deals an additional 1d6 points of shadow damage. |
Impulse | Ranged touch that deals 4d6 points of non-elemental damage. |
Leech | Target takes 2d6 points of shadow damage and the caster is healed for that much. |
Sandblast | Creatures are inflicted with Blind status. |
Sandpit | Target is inflicted with Immobilize status. |
Shadow Blink | Teleports caster to any foe within 15 ft. and is allowed 1 single melee attack. |
Shriek | Creatures within 30 feet become nauseated. |
Snowpit | 15-ft.-radius spread, all creatures are inflicted with the Frozen status. |
Telekinetic | Caster can launch movable objects. |
Wing Cutter | Creatures within the 30-ft.-cone burst take 4d6 points of wind damage. |
Zephyr Arrow | Ranged touch that deals 3d6 wind damage and knocks the target back 10 feet. |
Table: 3rd-Level Blue Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Ashen Blight | Enemies are inflicted with Blind status. |
Bacteria | Target is inflicted with Sap status. |
Bestial Fang, Greater | One natural weapon gets + 1/four levels (max +5). |
Black Cloud | Targets take 5d4 points of shadow damage and are inflicted with Blind status. |
Black Waves | Targets take 3d6+12 points of shadow damage. |
Blaster | Ranged touch that deals 3d6 lightning damage and is inflicted with Immobilize status. |
Blind Needles | Ranged touch that deals 6d4 non-elemental damage and is inflicted with Blind status. |
Blood Howl | Nearby allies are granted a +2 dodge bonus to AC and a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls. |
Bloody Claw | Melee touch that deals 3d6 shadow damage and caster is healed for that much. |
Choco Barrier | Caster gains a +2 resistance bonus on saves vs spells, +2 deflection bonus to AC, and Fast Healing of 2. |
Curse Gaze | Target is inflicted with the Curse status effect. |
Ecliptic Howl | Grants nearby allies a +3 morale bonus to Attack rolls and a +3 dodge bonus to Armor Class. |
Ectosmash | Teleports caster to any foe within 30 ft. and is allowed 1 single melee attack. |
Fireball | 20-ft.-radius burst that deals 5d8 points of fire damage. |
Fists of Lightning and Thunder | Caster imbues his natural attacks with lightning or thunder. |
Frightful Moan | 30’-radius, centered on caster, inflicted Panicked on all living creatures. |
Grave Reel | 2d6 shadow damage, 15-ft.-radius, heals caster for damage inflicted. |
Greater Magic Hammer | Ranged touch attack that deals 3d4 points of MP damage. |
Horror Cloud | Target is inflicted with Slow status. |
Ice Block | Target becomes encased in ice. |
Life Sounding | Allies are healed for 3d6 points of damage, cured of Poisoned status, and are no longer fatigued. |
Light Rays | Four ranged touch attacks that deal 2d6 points of holy damage each. |
Mind Purge | This spell functions like Dispel. |
Nausea Powder | Targets take 3d6 points of non-elemental damage and are inflicted with Poison status. |
Revered Weapon | Allies gain +1d6 holy damage to their weapon damage rolls. |
Rock Throw | Ranged attack that deals 3d6 (+ strength modifier) points of earth damage and inflicts Slow. |
Rolling Thunder | Allies gain +1d6 lightning damage to their weapon damage rolls. |
Shadow Blasty | Four ranged touch attacks that deal 2d6 points of shadow damage each. |
Shining Ruby | Allies gain a +3 deflection bonus to AC and +3 resistance bonus to saving throws. |
Silver Powder | Targets are inflicted with Blind, Silence, and Poison status. |
Sonic Tail | 20-ft.-radius, centered on caster, that deals 5d4 points of non-elemental damage and dazes creatures for 1 round. |
Speak No Evil | Ranged touch attack that deals 5d6 shadow damage and inflicts Silence status. |
Spectral Mist | Caster can assume a cat-like mist form. |
Spring Breeze | Targets are inflicted with Sleep status. |
Thousand Needles | 8d4 points of piercing damage, 30-ft.-cone burst. |
Tongue | Melee touch that inflicts Sleep status. |
Touch of Ages | Caster imbues his touch or melee weapons with the ability to magically age or de-age a foe. |
Triumphant Roar | Caster gains a +6 morale bonus to Attack rolls. |
Umbra Enchantment | Allies gain +1d6 shadow damage to their weapon damage rolls. |
Table: 4th-Level Blue Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
100-Kuponze Swipe | Summons a great axe that swings in a 30-ft.-cone for 7d6 non-elemental damage. |
Aerial Armor | Allies gain Damage Reduction 5/-. |
Aqualung | 8d6 water damage, 30-ft.-radius, inflicts Silence status. |
Black Ice | 30-ft.-cone that deals 4d6 points of ice damage and creates a slippery surface. |
Bone Wall | This spell functions like Bone Shield, except it effects all allies with 30 feet burst from the caster. |
Breath Wing | 30-ft.-cone that deals 8d6 points of wind damage. |
Choco Esuna | Target is cured of a status effect like the Esuna spell. |
Choco Life | Target dead creature is raised back to life like the Raise spell. |
Cold Wave | Deals 1d4 ice damage/caster level + 1d2 dexterity damage in a 45-ft.-cone. |
Confusing Gaze | Target is inflicted with Confused status. |
Corrupting Touch | Melee touch attack deals 7d6 points of shadow damage. |
Crimson Roar | Allies gain a morale bonus to melee damage rolls. |
Curse | Creatures are inflicted with Curse status. |
Death Needles | Ranged touch that deals 8d4 non-elemental damage and inflicts Paralyzed status. |
Discord | Ranged touch attack that deals 1d4 negative levels. |
Drain Touch | Melee touch that deals 4d6 shadow damage and caster is healed for that much. |
Earthquake | 8d6 earth damage, 30-ft.-radius. |
Entice | Target is charmed like the Charm spell. |
Fearful Bay | Caster barks or howls, inflicting panic in all creatures within 300 feet. |
Filth Cloud | Disease and Poison status inflicted, 30-ft.-cone. |
Frog Song | Target is inflicted with the Frog status. |
Frost Armor | Creatures attacking the subject of this spell take ice damage. |
Gates of Hades | 8d6 fire damage, 20-ft.-radius. |
Glittering Ruby | Allies gain a +5 bonus to a random stat. |
Hallowed Armor | Enemies attacking the subjects of this spell with melee attacks take 1d6 holy damage. |
Healing Flame | Target takes 6d6 damage (half fire/holy) and caster is healed for half the damage dealt. |
Hydrotwister | Target takes 6d6 points of water damage and is inflicted with Deprotect and Deshell statuses. |
Lightning Armor | Creatures attacking the subject of this spell take 1d6 points of lightning damage. |
Lilliputian Lyric | Target is inflicted with the Mini status effect. |
Mesmerizing Voice | Inflicts the Charm status effect to nearby creatures. |
Mournful Howl | Caster howls, inflicting paralyze in all creatures within 100 feet. |
Nightmarish Slumber | Inflicts Sleep status effect and lowers Attack rolls by 1d6 to nearby creatures. |
Petrify | Target is inflicted with the Petrify status. |
Rail Cannon | 30-ft.-line that deals 8d6 holy damage and inflicts Dazed. |
Sea Song | Allies gain a bonus to AC equal to caster’s Intelligence modifier. |
Shockwave | Targets take 8d6 points of earth damage and pushed back. |
Spinning Mogshield | Summons a spinning shield that deals 3d6 bludgeoning damage and inflicts Stunned for 1d4 rounds. |
Summer Breeze | Caster receives the benefits of Esuna or Fast Healing 5 if it fails. |
Sweet Breath | 15-ft.-cone that inflicts Sleep status. |
Tek Laser | 5d8 points of non-elemental damage, 30-ft.-cone. |
Umbral Storm | Deals 8d6 lightning damage and inflicts Blind in a 20-ft.-radius burst. |
White Wind | Heals nearby allies for an amount equal to your current hit points in damage. |
Table: 5th-Level Blue Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Bad Breath | Status effects, 30-ft.-cone. |
Bedazzle | 30-ft.-radius spread, inflicting Charm and Confused status effects. |
Choco Meteor | An exploding sphere that deals 10d6 points of damage (half earth/fire). |
Choco Recharge | Transfers 5d6 MP to a nearby ally. |
Crypt Dust | Target is inflicted with the Zombie status effect. |
Eerie Howl | Creatures are inflicted with Disable status. |
Fire Roar | 30-ft.-cone that deals 10d6 fire damage and inflicts Burning status. |
Fulmination | 10d6 lightning damage, 20-ft.-radius, inflicts Disable status. |
Hailstorm | 3d6 bludgeoning damage, 2d6 ice damage, 20-ft.-radius, each round. |
Howling Moon | Caster goes into a berserk-like rage. |
HP Absorb | Target takes 5d6 points of non-elemental damage, heals caster equal to damage. |
Ice Roar | 30-ft.-cone that deals 10d6 ice damage and inflicts Frozen status. |
Inertial Barrier | Grants damage reduction 10/- and absorbs up to 30 points of elemental damage. |
Lethe Arrow | Ranged touch that deals 8d6 points of wind damage and inflicts Silence status. |
Magitek Barrier | Caster and nearby allies gain a +2 deflection bonus to AC and spell reflection. |
March of the Moogles | Summons a large harp that bestows a +5 bonus to attack/damage rolls for allies within range. |
Miasma | Deals 5d6 points of non-elemental damage in a 30-ft.-cone and inflicts status effects. |
Mighty Guard | Caster and nearby allies gain a +2 resistance bonus on saves vs spells and a +2 deflection bonus to AC. |
Mind Blast | Target takes 8d6 points of non-elemental damage and inflicted with Stunned status. |
MP Absorb | Target takes 5d6 points of MP damage, heals caster's MP pool equal to damage. |
Multicast | Caster fires off 1d6 missiles of 3d6 points of random elemental damage. |
Mustard Bomb | Ranged touch that causes the target to be reduced to -1 HP if taking any action. |
Permafrost | Target is inflicted with the Frozen status. |
Pit of Despair | Functions exactly like Gravity. |
Pox | Target is inflicted with Disease and Sap status effects. |
Ragnarok | Creates a 120-ft.-radius area of darkness, centered on the caster. |
Raise Dukes | Caster gains 10/- DR, Counterattack, and is unable to move. |
Rippler | Swap all beneficial and negative status effects between caster and their victim. |
Sandstorm | 30-ft.-radius that deals 12d6 points of damage (half earth/wind) and inflicts Blind status. |
Spring Water | Allies are cured of 1 magical status effect of 4th level or lower and healed for 10d6 damage. |
Ten Thousand Needles | 16d4 points of piercing damage with 5 points of bleeding, 60-ft.-cone burst. |
Thunderbolt | 10d6 lightning damage, 40-ft.-radius, inflicts Static status. |
Wail | 30-ft.-radius burst, stunning all creatures and staggering them afterwards. |
Water Shield | Grants nearby allies water breathing and freedom of movement. |
Winter Breeze | 30-ft.-radius burst, affecting all with the effects of Greater Dispel. |
Table: 6th-Level Blue Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Bewitching Gaze | Target is inflicted with Blind, Silence, Immobilize, Disable, and Petrify. |
Bloodreaver | Melee touch that deals 8d6 shadow damage and you heal as much, also inflicting Stagger for 1 round. |
Blood Saber | Targets take 9d6 shadow damage and caster is healed from half of the total damage. |
Concerted Effort | Caster is imbued with the ability to imbue allies with enhancing magic with successive attacks. |
Confusing Glare | 30-ft.-cone gaze that inflicts Confused status. |
Corruption | Target is inflicted with Confuse status. |
Crimson Rays | 20-ft.-cone, inflicts Deprotect and Deshell statuses. |
Death Claw | Melee touch that deals 10d6 non-elemental damage and inflicts Paralyzed status. |
Death Cutter | Caster imbues his weapon and makes a single attack that causes the Doom (as Countdown) status. |
Death Grip | Melee touch that deals 8d6 shadow damage and inflicts Stun. |
Diamond Fire | Ranged touch that deals 15d6 points of non-elemental damage and inflicts Deprotect status. |
Earthen Ward | Allies gains Damage Reduction 10/-. |
Emerald Beam | Ranged touch that deals 15d6 points of non-elemental damage and inflicts Deshell status |
Eruption | 20-ft.-radius burst that deals 15d6 points of fire damage and knocks the target prone. |
Everyone's Grudge | Target takes 14d8 points of shadow damage. |
Exploding Bubbles | 15-ft.-cone that deals 15d6 points of water/wind damage and knocks creatures prone. |
Feel My Pain | Target is inflicted by the spell, Unwilling Shield. |
Flash Arc | up to 7 5-ft. wide rays each dealing 4d6 points of lightning damage that go through their targets |
Frostwave | 50-ft.-line, 30-ft.-wide, dealing 12d6 points of ice damage and inflicts the frozen status effect. |
Heaven's Cataract | 30-ft.-radius, centered on caster, dealing 12d4 non-elemental damage and inflicting Deprotect and Deshell status effects. |
Holy Guard | Allies gain a +10 morale bonus to saving throws versus holy spells and effects. |
Incisor | Melee touch that deals 10d6 non-elemental damage and inflicts Poisoned status. |
Jade Snipe | Ranged touch that deals 15d6 points of non-elemental damage and inflicts Confuse status. |
Level 3 Confuse | HD of multiples of 3 are inflicted with the Confuse status. |
Level 3 Disable | HD of multiples of 3 are inflicted with the Disable status. |
Level 5 Death | 30-ft.-radius, centered on caster, kills all creatures with HD in multiples of 5. |
Level ? Holy | 30-ft.-radius, centered on caster, deals 1d8 points of holy damage per caster level (15d8 max) and inflicts Illuminated in multiples of HD that equals a prime number. |
Lightning Roar | 45-ft.-cone that deals 15d6 lightning damage and inflicts Static status. |
Magma Geyser | 30-ft.-radius, centered on caster, deals 12d6 points of fire damage and inflicts burning status effect |
Megaflash | 12d6 fire damage, 30-ft.-radius, inflicts Blind status. |
Mog Eye Shot | Ranged touch attack that deals 8d10 non-elemental damage plus double your Dexterity modifier. |
Pom Cure | Heals all allies for 10d6+25 damage. |
Pom Flare | 30-ft.-radius, deals 10d6 fire damage and inflicts Burning status. |
Pond’s Chorus | Targets are inflicted with the Frog status. |
Poison Gas | 30-ft.-radius burst, deals 12d6 non-elemental damage and inflicts Poisoned status. |
Ruby Light | Allies are protected by a magical barrier that has a chance to reflect spells. |
Ruby Ray | Ranged touch that deals 15d6 points of non-elemental damage and inflicts Slow status. |
Sapphire Laser | Ranged touch that deals 15d6 points of non-elemental damage and inflicts Imperil status with a random elemental type. |
Shadow Flare | Target takes 1d6 shadow damage per level (maximum 15d6) and is inflicted with Dimmed status. |
Snowstorm | 30-ft.-line that deals 14d6 ice damage and inflicts Frozen status. |
Thunder Guard | Allies gain a +10 morale bonus to saving throws versus lightning spells and effects. |
Thunderspark | 10d6 lightning damage, 30-ft.-radius, inflicts Paralyzed status. |
Tidal Roar | Inflicts Shaken status and a penalty to Attack rolls to nearby creatures. |
Turtle Shell | Fast Healing 10, DR 15/-, +10 Armor Bonus to AC, Elemental Resistance 15 but unable to do any other action. |
Twister | Target is reduced to a number of hit points equal to its HD. |
Virus Fly | Ranged touch that deals 14d6 shadow damage and is inflicted with Curse status. |
Whirlpool | 10d6 water damage, 15-ft.-radius, inflicts Immobilize status. |
Table: 7th-Level Blue Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Adaptive Defense | Caster gains resistance 30 against an attack. |
Angel Whisper | Heals for 3d6+12 damage and imbues with Reraise status. |
Annihilate | Deals 15d8 fire damage and inflicts Burning status in a 30-ft.-radius. |
Avalanche | Deals 10d8 ice damage and attempt a bull rush maneuver in a 30-ft.-radius. |
Beta | 20-ft.-radius burst that deals 15d8 fire damage and inflicts Burning status. |
Big Wave | 50-ft.-line, 25-ft.-wide, dealing 15d6 points of water damage and knocking creatures prone. |
Calcifying Ray | 60-ft. ranged touch attack that petrifies a target. |
Danse Macabre | Targets are inflicted with Zombie status. |
Dark Dreams | Deals 10d6 points of shadow damage in a 30-ft.-cone burst and inflicts sleep status. |
Death-Stealing Gaze | Inflicts a negative level to all living creatures within 30 feet. |
Downburst | 12d6 wind damage, 30-ft.-cone, inflicts knockback. |
Gaze | Target is inflicted with confusion. |
Granite Gaol | Target is imprisoned in stone and is inflicted with Sickened condition. |
Inertial Barrier II | Grants damage reduction 15/- and absorbs up to 60 points of elemental damage. |
Lava Blast | Ranged touch that deals 16d6 points of fire damage and inflicts Burning and Entangled status effects. |
Level 2 Old | HD of multiples of 2 are aged by 5d4 years in the blink of an eye. |
Level 4 Flare | HD of multiples of 4 take 1d8 fire damage per level and are inflicted with the Burning status. |
Level 4 Reverse | HD of multiples of 4 are inflicted with the Reverse status. |
Magma Hoplon | Caster gains 10/- DR and creatures attacking the subject take 3d6 points of fire damage. |
Mighty Guard II | As Mighty Guard, except +4 to all bonuses instead. |
Moon Flute | Caster and all creatures within area of effect are inflicted with Berserk status. |
Multicast II | Caster fires off 2d4 missiles of 4d6 points of random elemental damage. |
Night Terror | Target takes 15d4 shadow damage (or 15d8 shadow damage if asleep) and is inflicted with Frightened (or Panicked if asleep) status. |
Propeller Wind | 30-ft.-cone that deals 12d6 wind damage and inflicts Confused status. |
Restoring Ruby | Allies are cured of 1 magical status effect of 4th level or lower and healed for 15d8 points of damage. |
Rocket Punch | Functions like the Gravity spell, except it also inflicts Confusion. |
Sacrament | Caster fires 4 rays that deal 4d6 holy damage each, as a ranged touch attack. |
Sear | Target is inflicted with a blazing aura that deals 5d6 points of fire damage in a 15-ft.-radius burst around the target. |
Stone Breath | 30-ft.-cone that inflicts creatures with Petrify status. |
Tears of Frustration | Deals 9d6 points of non-elemental damage in a 30-ft.-radius. |
Time Slip | The target falls asleep and is aged by 5d4 years permanently. |
Trine | 45-ft.-radius burst that deals 1d8 points of lightning damage per caster level (15d8 max) and inflicts Blind and Silence status. |
Vulcan Burst | 30-ft.-radius burst that deals 10d6 points of fire damage and knocks creatures 30 feet away. |
Weight of the Land | Deals 5d6 earth damage and inflicted Weighted status in 3 10-ft.-diameter circles. |
Zombie Breath | 30-ft.-cone burst that inflicts Zombie status. |
Table: 8th-Level Blue Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Choco Halo | Subject gains Reraise, Float, and Haste status. |
Choco Trishot | Ranged touch that deals 5d6+5 fire damage, 5d6+5 ice damage, and 5d6+5 lightning damage. |
Death Force | Target gains immunity to Death spells and effects. |
Diabolic Whistle | 30-ft.-radius, centered on you, inflicts a random status effect. |
Dragon Force | Target gains an increase in all healing and damage dealt. |
Emerald Blast | Target takes 15d10 points of water damage and is inflicted with the Drenched status. |
Flash Rain | 30-ft.-cone burst that deals 10d6 ice damage and 10d6 water damage. |
Gigavolt | Either deals 15d10 lightning damage to a single target or 10d10 lightning damage to multiple targets. |
Glare | Target takes 15d10 points of fire damage. |
Heartless Angel | Ranged touch that reduces a single target down to 1 HP, unless they make a fort save. |
Jade Bomb | Target takes 15d10 points of wind damage and is inflicted with the Squalled status. |
Laser Barrage | 60-ft.-cone that inflicts 1d4 lasers that deal 5d10 non-elemental damage. |
Levinbolt | Caster launches 4 ranged touch attacks up to 100 feet away, dealing 5d8 points of lightning damage and inflicting Dazzled and Static status effects. |
Maddening Cacophony | All creatures within a 60-ft.-radius become confused and suffer 1d6 wisdom damage. |
Magnitude 8 | All creatures within a 60-ft.-radius take 15d10 points of earth damage and become weighted. |
Mighty Roar | Deals 15d6 non-elemental damage in a 60-ft.-cone and causes deafness and stun effects. |
Northern Cross | Creatures are encased in ice and take ice damage per round. |
Putrescence | Deals 12d8 points of non-elemental damage in a 45-ft.-cone, inflicting greater dispel, disease, and sap status effects. |
Ruby Fire | Target takes 15d10 points of fire damage and is inflicted with Burning status. |
Samba de Flan | 30-ft.-radius burst, all creatures are inflicted with Berserk status. |
Sapphire Prison | Target takes 15d10 points of ice damage and is inflicted with Frozen status. |
Shift Fate | Target is forced to reroll a saving throw. |
Southern Cross | 30-ft.-radius burst that deals 15d8 fire damage and inflicts Serious Burning status or Burning status effect depending on how many saves were made. |
Spark Shower | Deals 10d6 fire and 10d6 lightning damage in a 30-ft.-cone. |
Spirit Blades | Conjures six longsword-shaped force effects. |
Unholy Nimbus | Caster surrounds himself in nauseating beams of light that inflict Daze on non-demons. |
Void Form | Caster becomes incorporeal. |
Wind Shear | Caster launches 4 ranged touch attacks up to 100 feet away, dealing 5d8 points of wind damage and inflicts 1d6 points of bleeding. |
Wind Slash | 60-ft.-cone burst that deals 15d6 points of wind damage. |
Table: 9th-Level Blue Mage Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Absolute Zero | All targets becomes trapped in solid ice and take continuous ice damage over time. This also ignores resistance and immunity to ice. |
Acid Rain | 20-ft.-radius, centered on you, inflicts Deprotect III and Deshelll III. |
Aire Tam Storm | Deals 25 points of non-elemental damage per material level (25/50/75) per materia equipped/on enemies within a 60-ft.-radius. |
Anathema | Inflicts Greater Dispel and inflicts Sap, Slow, and Imperil status effects to single target. |
Choco Omnishot | Ranged touch that deals 16d6+40 prismatic damage. (2d6+5 for each element). |
Cloudy Heaven | 60-ft.-radius, brings back the dead inflicted with Zombie and Berserk status unless immune to either one also inflicts Doom. |
Diamond Flash | 15d10 points of holy damage, 60-ft.-radius, inflicts Silence status. |
Eyebeam | Ranged touch attack that deals 10d6 non-elemental damage and 10d6 lightning damage. |
Flare Star | 15d10 points of fire damage, 20-ft.-radius, and must make Fortitude save or be brought to -1 HP. |
Hyper Blaster | Ranged touch that deals 5d6 lightning damage and inflicts Doom status. |
Inertial Barrier III | Grants damage reduction 20/- and absorbs up to 100 points of elemental damage. |
Inferno | 60-ft.-radius, dealing 20d8 points of fire damage and inflicting Burning status. |
Macabre | 30-ft.-radius spread, dealing 20d6 points of non-elemental damage. |
Maelstrom | 20-ft.-radius burst, reducing all creatures’ hit points to the number of HD they possess. |
Malediction | 30-ft.-radius spread, dealing 12d6 shadow damage and caster is healed by half of the total damage. |
Mighty Guard III | As Mighty Guard, except +6 to all bonuses instead. |
Multicast III | Caster fires off 3d4 missiles of 5d6 points of random elemental damage. |
Phoenix Tear | Target is raised from the dead and at full health. |
Purification | This spell functions like Greater Esunaga. |
Putrid Breath | As Bad Breath, but more status effects in a 30-ft.-cone burst. |
Rest In Peace | 30-ft.-radius that kills any sleeping creatures in the area. |
Roulette | One random creature within a 60-ft.-radius dies. |
Soul-Drained Breath | 20d10 points of shadow damage in a 120-ft.-line or 60-ft.-cone. |
Stop Gaze | Inflicts Stop status effect in a 150-ft.-cone. |
Terror Eye | 30-ft.-cone burst, inflicts Stop status. |
Unicorn Purification | This spell functions like Basuna. |
Vespersong | This spell functions like Faithra. |
Warsong | This spell functions like Bravera. |
Wave Cannon | 60-ft.-cone that deals 20d8 lightning damage and inflicts Static status, no save on Static. |
Whirlsand | 15d10 points of wind damage, 60-ft.-radius, inflicts Blind status. |
Spell List
Spell Descriptions