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Table: 0-Level Bard Songs

Spell NameDescription
BoomMakes loud noise, causing 1 point of non-elemental damage and suffer a -2 penalty to Concentration checks.
DetuneRemoves the tuning from a nearby instrument.
GhostharpObject records, plays a song at your command.
Ghost SoundFigment sounds.
GiggleTarget begins giggling.
LullabyMakes subject drowsy (–5 on Perception checks, –2 on Will saves against sleep) (maintained).
Rebound SoundChecks object depth.
SongbirdPerform and gain +1 on your Cha checks.
Song of SerenityTarget ignores the effects of fatigue (maintained).
Stage LightSummons a 30 ft. light centered on the bard.
Summon InstrumentSummons one musical instrument.

Table: 1st-Level Bard Songs

Spell NameDescription
AdorationYou gain a bonus on Diplomacy checks and performance combat checks.
Alter Musical InstrumentMake one instrument sound like a different kind of instrument.
AmplifyLowers Listen DC by 20.
Army’s PaeonProvides Fast Healing 2 to nearby allies (maintained).
Clarion CallMake a sound like a mighty horn or trumpet and subject can speak in a booming voice that carries over great distances.
Distort SpeechSubject’s speech is 50% unintelligible, so it might miscast spells.
Elemental CarolEnhances saving throws against element type by +2 and provides 5 Elemental Resistance for nearby allies (maintained).
Elemental ThrenodyReduces saving throws against element type by -2 and enemy's Elemental resistance by -5 for nearby enemies.
Fear Filled TuneCauses a targeted creature to become frightened for 1d4 rounds or shaken for 1 round if they pass a will save.
Feather BarHalves targets weight.
Focusing ChantGain +1 on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks.
Foe RequiemDeals Charisma modifier points of non-elemental damage to one enemy (maintained).
Fortuitous BeatProvides a +2 morale bonus on Fortitude saving throws to nearby allies (maintained).
Hideous LaughterSubject loses actions.
Insidious RhythmSubject has –4 penalty on Intelligence-based skill checks and Concentration checks, and must make Concentration check to cast spells.
Inspirational BoostThe bonuses granted by your inspire courage ability increase by 1.
Joyful NoiseYou negate silence in a 15-ft.-radius emanation (maintained).
Knight’s MinneGrants a deflect AC bonus of +2 to nearby allies (maintained).
Lion’s SongGrants creatures a +4 morale bonus versus fear effects for 10 minutes. Suppresses fear effects.
Performer's WineTurns liquid into wine, causing those who drink it to become sharp-witted.
Play InstrumentPlay instrument as if you were skilled.
Quick EtudeGrants a dodge AC bonus of +2 against ranged attacks to nearby allies (maintained).
Reflexive StrumProvides a +2 morale bonus on Reflex saving throws to nearby allies (maintained).
Resonance ArmorGives self +4 armor bonus.
Saving FinaleEnds a maintained song to allow subject a reroll on a failed saving throw.
Sheepfoe MamboProvides a +1 morale bonus on saving throws (maintained).
Solid NoteCreates tangible music note.
Suit of the DancerStores/retrieves outfit from extraplanar space.
Toilsome ChantApply Inspire Competence to a skill check that takes up to an hour to complete.
Willful ClashProvides a +2 morale bonus on Will saving throws to nearby allies (maintained).

Table: 2nd-Level Bard Songs

Spell NameDescription
AllegroGain haste while maintaining bardic performance.
Ballad of the HeroGrants target 1 temporary hero point.
Battle HymnAllies can reroll one Will save/round.
Blurring MelodyInflicts the Dimmed status effect on nearby enemies.
Cacophonous CallNauseates target.
Cadence DefenseGrants subject concealment.
Calm EmotionsCalms agitated creatures.
Dexterous EtudeEnhances the Dexterity of nearby allies by +2 (maintained).
Dissonant ChantConcentration checks more difficult within area of spell (maintained).
Distracting CacophonyNoise makes it difficult to cast.
Distressing ToneInflicts the Sickened status effect on nearby enemies (maintained).
Doubtful Backing TrackCauses a creature to take a -4 penalty on Bluff and Diplomacy checks to convince another of the truth of her words, and on Diplomacy or Intimidate checks to influence another creature’s attitude.
Enchanting EtudeEnhances the Charisma of nearby allies by +2 (maintained).
Find AudienceLocates the nearest settlement.
Foe LullabyInflicts the Sleep status effect on nearby enemies (maintained).
Fowl AubadeEnhances saving throws against sleep/charm by +3 (maintained).
Ghostbane DirgeIncorporeal creature takes half damage from non-magical weapons (maintained).
Goblin GavotteEnhances saving throws against paralysis/petrify by +3 (maintained).
Harmonic ChorusGive another caster +2 to caster level and +2 on save DCs (maintained).
Heartbeat ResonanceDetect if other creatures are lying.
Herb PastoralEnhances saving throws versus poison/disease by +3 (maintained).
Hunter’s PreludeProvides a +2 morale bonus to Attack rolls with ranged weapons (maintained).
Learned EtudeEnhances the Intelligence of nearby allies by +2 (maintained).
Lively StepYou and allies gain +10 increase to speed.
Painful FinaleEnd a maintained song to deal shadow damage to one creature.
Piercing ShriekTarget is staggered by a painful sound.
Revealing AriaReveals nearby invisible or ethereal creatures (maintained).
Scop’s OperettaEnhances saving throws versus silence/blind by +3 (maintained).
Silent VerseInflicts the Silenced status effect on nearby enemies (maintained).
Sinewy EtudeEnhances the Strength of nearby allies by +2 (maintained).
Song of WinterInflicts the Frozen status effect to enemies within an area (maintained).
Spirited EtudeEnhances the Wisdom of nearby allies by +2 (maintained).
Sword MadrigalProvides a +2 morale bonus to Attack rolls with melee weapons for nearby allies (maintained).
Valor MinuetProvides a +2 morale bonus to Damage rolls for nearby allies (maintained).
Vivacious EtudeEnhances the Constitution of nearby allies by +2 (maintained).
Weapon ConductorTreats target weapon as if it had the returning weapon special ability.

Table: 3rd-Level Bard Songs

Spell NameDescription
Advancing MarchGrants the Haste status effect on nearby allies (maintained).
Army’s Paeon IIGrants Fast Healing 4 to nearby allies (maintained).
Battlefield ElegyInflicts the Slow status effect on nearby enemies (maintained).
Cadence OrchestraGrants subject total concealment.
Chemist QuartetIncreases alchemical item potency (maintained).
Dirge of DiscordAll within 20 ft. take –4 on attack rolls and Dexterity, and reduce speed by 50% (maintained).
Draconic Theme SongYou surround yourself with a palpable aura of draconic fear and dread, removing immunity to fear and mind-affecting effects.
Elemental Carol IIEnhances saving throws against element type by +4 and provides 10 Elemental Resistance (maintained).
Elemental Threnody IIReduces saving throws against element type by -4 and enemy's Elemental resistance by -10 (maintained).
Exquisite AccompanimentInstrument maintains bardic performance for you.
Foe DiscordDeals Charisma modifier points of non-elemental damage to all enemies (maintained).
Foe Requiem IIDeals double Charisma modifier points of non-elemental damage to one enemy (maintained).
Force InverseDisables force field's fast healing and also deals damage to it every round.
Fortuitous Beat IIProvides a +4 morale bonus on Fortitude saving throws to nearby allies (maintained).
Guardian's BalladAllies gain DR 5/- for the duration of the song. (maintained).
Harrowing Song PartnerMake a monstrously distorted duplicate of you and control it.
Haunting ChoirSpirits cause wracking pain to listeners.
Haunting TuneInflicts the Shaken status effect on nearby enemies (maintained).
Knight’s Minne IIGrants nearby allies a deflect AC bonus of +4 (maintained).
Life’s AnthemAllies heal for 1d6 per level (max 10d6).
Nixie’s LureUnearthly and infectious song that seductively summons up to 24 HD of creatures and fascinate them (maintained).
Pinning NocturneIncreases the casting time of enemy spells and gives a -4 penalty on enemy concentration checks and CL checks to overcome SR (maintained).
Purging FinaleEnds a maintained song to remove one negative status effect from one creature.
Quick Etude IIGrants nearby allies a dodge AC bonus of +4 (maintained).
Reflexive Strum IIProvides a +4 morale bonus on Reflex saving throws to nearby allies (maintained).
Revitalizing FinaleEnds a maintained song to heal nearby allies.
Rhythm of Quick HandsGrants the Quick Draw feat to nearby allies, as well as the ability to draw an alchemical item as a free action (maintained).
Romeo's BalladInflicts the Immobilize status effect to one creature (maintained).
Stage FrightCreatures take –4 penalty on ability checks, skill checks, and any checks that require concentration.
Sheepfoe Mambo IIProvides a +2 morale bonus on saving throws (maintained).
Weapon Conductor, MassGrants the returning weapon ability to multiple weapons.
Willful Clash IIProvides a +4 morale bonus on Will saving throws to nearby allies (maintained).
Worst Fear ElegyCreatures in a cone become panicked for 1 round/level or shaken for 1 round if they succeed a will save.

Table: 4th-Level Bard Songs

Spell NameDescription
Ballad of the Hero, MassGrants targets within 30ft of each other 1 temporary hero point each.
Blinding MelodyInflicts nearby enemies with the Blind status effect (maintained).
Cacophonic ShieldShield 10 ft. from you blocks sounds, deals 1d6 non-elemental damage +1/level, and deafens creatures passing through.
Dexterous Etude IIEnhances the Dexterity of nearby allies by +4 (maintained).
Enchanting Etude IIEnhances the Charisma of nearby allies by +4 (maintained).
Fowl Aubade IIEnhances saving throws against sleep/charm by +6 (maintained).
Goblin Gavotte IIEnhances saving throws against paralysis/petrify by +6 (maintained).
Herb Pastoral IIEnhances saving throws versus poison/disease by +6 (maintained).
Horde LullabyInflicts nearby enemies with the Sleep status effect (maintained).
Hunter’s Prelude IIProvides a +4 morale bonus to Attack rolls with ranged weapons (maintained).
Learned Etude IIEnhances the Intelligence of nearby allies by +4 (maintained).
Magic VerseThe enemy is targeted by a Dispel effect (maintained).
Scop’s Operetta IIEnhances saving throws versus silence/blind by +6 (maintained).
Sentinel's ScherzoAllies within 30ft reduce damage taken equal to caster level + charisma modifier if the damage is above 75% of their current HP (maintained).
Sinewy Etude IIEnhances the Strength of nearby allies by +4 (maintained).
Spirited Etude IIEnhances the Wisdom of nearby allies by +4 (maintained).
Sword Madrigal IIProvides a +4 morale bonus to melee Attack rolls (maintained).
Toad SongInflicts target with the Frog status effect (maintained).
Valor Minuet IIProvides a +4 morale bonus to Damage rolls (maintained).
Vigilant RestAllows subject to rest while keeping their senses.
Virtuoso PerformanceStart a second bardic performance while maintaining the first.
Vivacious Etude IIEnhances the Constitution of nearby allies by +4 (maintained).
Wall of SoundSonic wall deflects and damages creatures.

Table: 5th-Level Bard Songs

Spell NameDescription
Army’s Paeon IIIProvides Fast Healing 6 to nearby allies (maintained).
Baleful DirgeNearby enemies take 2 points of Str and Dex damage/round (maintained).
Body HarmonicPiercing tone deals 1d10 damage to one ability/round.
Cacophonous Call, MassAs cacophonous call, but affecting multiple targets.
Cacophony of TruthForces subject to tell the truth.
Elemental Carol IIIEnhances saving throws against element type by +6 and provides 15 Elemental Resistance (maintained).
Elemental Threnody IIIReduces saving throws against element type by -6 and enemy's Elemental resistance by -15 (maintained).
Feather Bar, MassHalves the weight of many objects.
Foe Requiem IIIDeals triple Charisma modifier in points of non-elemental damage to one enemy (maintained).
Fortuitous Beat IIIProvides a +6 morale bonus on Fortitude saving throws to nearby allies (maintained).
Frozen NoteParalyzes creatures listening to your song.
FugueYour Perform check creates variety of effects.
Ghostbane LamentAs Ghostbane Dirge, but affecting multiple creatures (maintained).
Irresistible DanceForces subject to dance.
Knight’s Minne IIIGrants a deflect AC bonus of +6 to nearby allies (maintained).
Music of the SpheresGrant fast healing, resistance, and save bonuses to all creatures in a 20-foot radius.
Pied PipingCompel similar creatures to follow you.
Quick Etude IIIGrants a dodge AC bonus of +6 against ranged attacks to nearby allies (maintained).
Reflexive Strum IIIProvides a +6 morale bonus on Reflex saving throws to nearby allies (maintained).
ShadowbardShadowy duplicate starts a bardic performance.
Sheepfoe Mambo IIIProvides a +3 morale bonus on saving throws to nearby allies (maintained).
Stunning FinaleEnds a maintained song to inflict the Stunned status effect on creatures.
Warden’s PaeanDispels a negative status effect every round on a creature (maintained).
Willful Clash IIIProvides a +6 morale bonus on Will saving throws to nearby allies (maintained).

Table: 6th-Level Bard Songs

Spell NameDescription
Alluring AirInflicts Confused to enemies within 30 ft. of you (maintained).
Dexterous Etude IIIEnhances the Dexterity of nearby allies by +6 (maintained).
Enchanting Etude IIIEnhances the Charisma of nearby allies by +6 (maintained).
Foe Discord IIDeals double Charisma modifier in non-elemental damage to nearby enemies (maintained).
Fowl Aubade IIIEnhances saving throws against sleep/charm by +9 (maintained).
Goblin Gavotte IIIEnhances saving throws against paralysis/petrify by +9 (maintained).
Goddess's HymnusAllies within 30 ft. gain Reraise until 1 ally is revived (maintained).
Grand FinaleEnd all maintained songs to greater range and have its effects persist without maintaining them.
Herb Pastoral IIIEnhances saving throws versus poison/disease by +9 (maintained).
Hero's RimeEnhances all ability scores of nearby allies by +2 (maintained).
Hunter’s Prelude IIIProvides a +6 morale bonus to Attack rolls with ranged weapons (maintained).
Learned Etude IIIEnhances the Intelligence of nearby allies by +6 (maintained).
Romeo's Ballad IIInflicts the Stop status effect upon a nearby enemy (maintained).
Scop’s Operetta IIIEnhances saving throws versus silence/blind by +9 (maintained).
Sinewy Etude IIIEnhances the Strength of nearby allies by +6 (maintained).
Spirited Etude IIIEnhances the Wisdom of nearby allies by +6 (maintained).
Sword Madrigal IIIProvides a +6 morale bonus to Attack rolls with melee weapons (maintained).
Valor Minuet IIIProvides a +6 morale bonus to weapon Damage rolls (maintained).
Vivacious Etude IIIEnhances the Constitution of nearby allies by +6 (maintained).

Song List
Song Descriptions