Table: 0-Level Bard Songs
Spell Name | Description |
Boom | Makes loud noise, causing 1 point of non-elemental damage and suffer a -2 penalty to Concentration checks. |
Detune | Removes the tuning from a nearby instrument. |
Ghostharp | Object records, plays a song at your command. |
Ghost Sound | Figment sounds. |
Giggle | Target begins giggling. |
Lullaby | Makes subject drowsy (–5 on Perception checks, –2 on Will saves against sleep) (maintained). |
Rebound Sound | Checks object depth. |
Songbird | Perform and gain +1 on your Cha checks. |
Song of Serenity | Target ignores the effects of fatigue (maintained). |
Stage Light | Summons a 30 ft. light centered on the bard. |
Summon Instrument | Summons one musical instrument. |
Table: 1st-Level Bard Songs
Spell Name | Description |
Adoration | You gain a bonus on Diplomacy checks and performance combat checks. |
Alter Musical Instrument | Make one instrument sound like a different kind of instrument. |
Amplify | Lowers Listen DC by 20. |
Army’s Paeon | Provides Fast Healing 2 to nearby allies (maintained). |
Clarion Call | Make a sound like a mighty horn or trumpet and subject can speak in a booming voice that carries over great distances. |
Distort Speech | Subject’s speech is 50% unintelligible, so it might miscast spells. |
Elemental Carol | Enhances saving throws against element type by +2 and provides 5 Elemental Resistance for nearby allies (maintained). |
Elemental Threnody | Reduces saving throws against element type by -2 and enemy's Elemental resistance by -5 for nearby enemies. |
Fear Filled Tune | Causes a targeted creature to become frightened for 1d4 rounds or shaken for 1 round if they pass a will save. |
Feather Bar | Halves targets weight. |
Focusing Chant | Gain +1 on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. |
Foe Requiem | Deals Charisma modifier points of non-elemental damage to one enemy (maintained). |
Fortuitous Beat | Provides a +2 morale bonus on Fortitude saving throws to nearby allies (maintained). |
Hideous Laughter | Subject loses actions. |
Insidious Rhythm | Subject has –4 penalty on Intelligence-based skill checks and Concentration checks, and must make Concentration check to cast spells. |
Inspirational Boost | The bonuses granted by your inspire courage ability increase by 1. |
Joyful Noise | You negate silence in a 15-ft.-radius emanation (maintained). |
Knight’s Minne | Grants a deflect AC bonus of +2 to nearby allies (maintained). |
Lion’s Song | Grants creatures a +4 morale bonus versus fear effects for 10 minutes. Suppresses fear effects. |
Performer's Wine | Turns liquid into wine, causing those who drink it to become sharp-witted. |
Play Instrument | Play instrument as if you were skilled. |
Quick Etude | Grants a dodge AC bonus of +2 against ranged attacks to nearby allies (maintained). |
Reflexive Strum | Provides a +2 morale bonus on Reflex saving throws to nearby allies (maintained). |
Resonance Armor | Gives self +4 armor bonus. |
Saving Finale | Ends a maintained song to allow subject a reroll on a failed saving throw. |
Sheepfoe Mambo | Provides a +1 morale bonus on saving throws (maintained). |
Solid Note | Creates tangible music note. |
Suit of the Dancer | Stores/retrieves outfit from extraplanar space. |
Toilsome Chant | Apply Inspire Competence to a skill check that takes up to an hour to complete. |
Willful Clash | Provides a +2 morale bonus on Will saving throws to nearby allies (maintained). |
Table: 2nd-Level Bard Songs
Spell Name | Description |
Allegro | Gain haste while maintaining bardic performance. |
Ballad of the Hero | Grants target 1 temporary hero point. |
Battle Hymn | Allies can reroll one Will save/round. |
Blurring Melody | Inflicts the Dimmed status effect on nearby enemies. |
Cacophonous Call | Nauseates target. |
Cadence Defense | Grants subject concealment. |
Calm Emotions | Calms agitated creatures. |
Dexterous Etude | Enhances the Dexterity of nearby allies by +2 (maintained). |
Dissonant Chant | Concentration checks more difficult within area of spell (maintained). |
Distracting Cacophony | Noise makes it difficult to cast. |
Distressing Tone | Inflicts the Sickened status effect on nearby enemies (maintained). |
Doubtful Backing Track | Causes a creature to take a -4 penalty on Bluff and Diplomacy checks to convince another of the truth of her words, and on Diplomacy or Intimidate checks to influence another creature’s attitude. |
Enchanting Etude | Enhances the Charisma of nearby allies by +2 (maintained). |
Find Audience | Locates the nearest settlement. |
Foe Lullaby | Inflicts the Sleep status effect on nearby enemies (maintained). |
Fowl Aubade | Enhances saving throws against sleep/charm by +3 (maintained). |
Ghostbane Dirge | Incorporeal creature takes half damage from non-magical weapons (maintained). |
Goblin Gavotte | Enhances saving throws against paralysis/petrify by +3 (maintained). |
Harmonic Chorus | Give another caster +2 to caster level and +2 on save DCs (maintained). |
Heartbeat Resonance | Detect if other creatures are lying. |
Herb Pastoral | Enhances saving throws versus poison/disease by +3 (maintained). |
Hunter’s Prelude | Provides a +2 morale bonus to Attack rolls with ranged weapons (maintained). |
Learned Etude | Enhances the Intelligence of nearby allies by +2 (maintained). |
Lively Step | You and allies gain +10 increase to speed. |
Painful Finale | End a maintained song to deal shadow damage to one creature. |
Piercing Shriek | Target is staggered by a painful sound. |
Revealing Aria | Reveals nearby invisible or ethereal creatures (maintained). |
Scop’s Operetta | Enhances saving throws versus silence/blind by +3 (maintained). |
Silent Verse | Inflicts the Silenced status effect on nearby enemies (maintained). |
Sinewy Etude | Enhances the Strength of nearby allies by +2 (maintained). |
Song of Winter | Inflicts the Frozen status effect to enemies within an area (maintained). |
Spirited Etude | Enhances the Wisdom of nearby allies by +2 (maintained). |
Sword Madrigal | Provides a +2 morale bonus to Attack rolls with melee weapons for nearby allies (maintained). |
Valor Minuet | Provides a +2 morale bonus to Damage rolls for nearby allies (maintained). |
Vivacious Etude | Enhances the Constitution of nearby allies by +2 (maintained). |
Weapon Conductor | Treats target weapon as if it had the returning weapon special ability. |
Table: 3rd-Level Bard Songs
Spell Name | Description |
Advancing March | Grants the Haste status effect on nearby allies (maintained). |
Army’s Paeon II | Grants Fast Healing 4 to nearby allies (maintained). |
Battlefield Elegy | Inflicts the Slow status effect on nearby enemies (maintained). |
Cadence Orchestra | Grants subject total concealment. |
Chemist Quartet | Increases alchemical item potency (maintained). |
Dirge of Discord | All within 20 ft. take –4 on attack rolls and Dexterity, and reduce speed by 50% (maintained). |
Draconic Theme Song | You surround yourself with a palpable aura of draconic fear and dread, removing immunity to fear and mind-affecting effects. |
Elemental Carol II | Enhances saving throws against element type by +4 and provides 10 Elemental Resistance (maintained). |
Elemental Threnody II | Reduces saving throws against element type by -4 and enemy's Elemental resistance by -10 (maintained). |
Exquisite Accompaniment | Instrument maintains bardic performance for you. |
Foe Discord | Deals Charisma modifier points of non-elemental damage to all enemies (maintained). |
Foe Requiem II | Deals double Charisma modifier points of non-elemental damage to one enemy (maintained). |
Force Inverse | Disables force field's fast healing and also deals damage to it every round. |
Fortuitous Beat II | Provides a +4 morale bonus on Fortitude saving throws to nearby allies (maintained). |
Guardian's Ballad | Allies gain DR 5/- for the duration of the song. (maintained). |
Harrowing Song Partner | Make a monstrously distorted duplicate of you and control it. |
Haunting Choir | Spirits cause wracking pain to listeners. |
Haunting Tune | Inflicts the Shaken status effect on nearby enemies (maintained). |
Knight’s Minne II | Grants nearby allies a deflect AC bonus of +4 (maintained). |
Life’s Anthem | Allies heal for 1d6 per level (max 10d6). |
Nixie’s Lure | Unearthly and infectious song that seductively summons up to 24 HD of creatures and fascinate them (maintained). |
Pinning Nocturne | Increases the casting time of enemy spells and gives a -4 penalty on enemy concentration checks and CL checks to overcome SR (maintained). |
Purging Finale | Ends a maintained song to remove one negative status effect from one creature. |
Quick Etude II | Grants nearby allies a dodge AC bonus of +4 (maintained). |
Reflexive Strum II | Provides a +4 morale bonus on Reflex saving throws to nearby allies (maintained). |
Revitalizing Finale | Ends a maintained song to heal nearby allies. |
Rhythm of Quick Hands | Grants the Quick Draw feat to nearby allies, as well as the ability to draw an alchemical item as a free action (maintained). |
Romeo's Ballad | Inflicts the Immobilize status effect to one creature (maintained). |
Stage Fright | Creatures take –4 penalty on ability checks, skill checks, and any checks that require concentration. |
Sheepfoe Mambo II | Provides a +2 morale bonus on saving throws (maintained). |
Weapon Conductor, Mass | Grants the returning weapon ability to multiple weapons. |
Willful Clash II | Provides a +4 morale bonus on Will saving throws to nearby allies (maintained). |
Worst Fear Elegy | Creatures in a cone become panicked for 1 round/level or shaken for 1 round if they succeed a will save. |
Table: 4th-Level Bard Songs
Spell Name | Description |
Ballad of the Hero, Mass | Grants targets within 30ft of each other 1 temporary hero point each. |
Blinding Melody | Inflicts nearby enemies with the Blind status effect (maintained). |
Cacophonic Shield | Shield 10 ft. from you blocks sounds, deals 1d6 non-elemental damage +1/level, and deafens creatures passing through. |
Dexterous Etude II | Enhances the Dexterity of nearby allies by +4 (maintained). |
Enchanting Etude II | Enhances the Charisma of nearby allies by +4 (maintained). |
Fowl Aubade II | Enhances saving throws against sleep/charm by +6 (maintained). |
Goblin Gavotte II | Enhances saving throws against paralysis/petrify by +6 (maintained). |
Herb Pastoral II | Enhances saving throws versus poison/disease by +6 (maintained). |
Horde Lullaby | Inflicts nearby enemies with the Sleep status effect (maintained). |
Hunter’s Prelude II | Provides a +4 morale bonus to Attack rolls with ranged weapons (maintained). |
Learned Etude II | Enhances the Intelligence of nearby allies by +4 (maintained). |
Magic Verse | The enemy is targeted by a Dispel effect (maintained). |
Scop’s Operetta II | Enhances saving throws versus silence/blind by +6 (maintained). |
Sentinel's Scherzo | Allies within 30ft reduce damage taken equal to caster level + charisma modifier if the damage is above 75% of their current HP (maintained). |
Sinewy Etude II | Enhances the Strength of nearby allies by +4 (maintained). |
Spirited Etude II | Enhances the Wisdom of nearby allies by +4 (maintained). |
Sword Madrigal II | Provides a +4 morale bonus to melee Attack rolls (maintained). |
Toad Song | Inflicts target with the Frog status effect (maintained). |
Valor Minuet II | Provides a +4 morale bonus to Damage rolls (maintained). |
Vigilant Rest | Allows subject to rest while keeping their senses. |
Virtuoso Performance | Start a second bardic performance while maintaining the first. |
Vivacious Etude II | Enhances the Constitution of nearby allies by +4 (maintained). |
Wall of Sound | Sonic wall deflects and damages creatures. |
Table: 5th-Level Bard Songs
Spell Name | Description |
Army’s Paeon III | Provides Fast Healing 6 to nearby allies (maintained). |
Baleful Dirge | Nearby enemies take 2 points of Str and Dex damage/round (maintained). |
Body Harmonic | Piercing tone deals 1d10 damage to one ability/round. |
Cacophonous Call, Mass | As cacophonous call, but affecting multiple targets. |
Cacophony of Truth | Forces subject to tell the truth. |
Elemental Carol III | Enhances saving throws against element type by +6 and provides 15 Elemental Resistance (maintained). |
Elemental Threnody III | Reduces saving throws against element type by -6 and enemy's Elemental resistance by -15 (maintained). |
Feather Bar, Mass | Halves the weight of many objects. |
Foe Requiem III | Deals triple Charisma modifier in points of non-elemental damage to one enemy (maintained). |
Fortuitous Beat III | Provides a +6 morale bonus on Fortitude saving throws to nearby allies (maintained). |
Frozen Note | Paralyzes creatures listening to your song. |
Fugue | Your Perform check creates variety of effects. |
Ghostbane Lament | As Ghostbane Dirge, but affecting multiple creatures (maintained). |
Irresistible Dance | Forces subject to dance. |
Knight’s Minne III | Grants a deflect AC bonus of +6 to nearby allies (maintained). |
Music of the Spheres | Grant fast healing, resistance, and save bonuses to all creatures in a 20-foot radius. |
Pied Piping | Compel similar creatures to follow you. |
Quick Etude III | Grants a dodge AC bonus of +6 against ranged attacks to nearby allies (maintained). |
Reflexive Strum III | Provides a +6 morale bonus on Reflex saving throws to nearby allies (maintained). |
Shadowbard | Shadowy duplicate starts a bardic performance. |
Sheepfoe Mambo III | Provides a +3 morale bonus on saving throws to nearby allies (maintained). |
Stunning Finale | Ends a maintained song to inflict the Stunned status effect on creatures. |
Warden’s Paean | Dispels a negative status effect every round on a creature (maintained). |
Willful Clash III | Provides a +6 morale bonus on Will saving throws to nearby allies (maintained). |
Table: 6th-Level Bard Songs
Spell Name | Description |
Alluring Air | Inflicts Confused to enemies within 30 ft. of you (maintained). |
Dexterous Etude III | Enhances the Dexterity of nearby allies by +6 (maintained). |
Enchanting Etude III | Enhances the Charisma of nearby allies by +6 (maintained). |
Foe Discord II | Deals double Charisma modifier in non-elemental damage to nearby enemies (maintained). |
Fowl Aubade III | Enhances saving throws against sleep/charm by +9 (maintained). |
Goblin Gavotte III | Enhances saving throws against paralysis/petrify by +9 (maintained). |
Goddess's Hymnus | Allies within 30 ft. gain Reraise until 1 ally is revived (maintained). |
Grand Finale | End all maintained songs to greater range and have its effects persist without maintaining them. |
Herb Pastoral III | Enhances saving throws versus poison/disease by +9 (maintained). |
Hero's Rime | Enhances all ability scores of nearby allies by +2 (maintained). |
Hunter’s Prelude III | Provides a +6 morale bonus to Attack rolls with ranged weapons (maintained). |
Learned Etude III | Enhances the Intelligence of nearby allies by +6 (maintained). |
Romeo's Ballad II | Inflicts the Stop status effect upon a nearby enemy (maintained). |
Scop’s Operetta III | Enhances saving throws versus silence/blind by +9 (maintained). |
Sinewy Etude III | Enhances the Strength of nearby allies by +6 (maintained). |
Spirited Etude III | Enhances the Wisdom of nearby allies by +6 (maintained). |
Sword Madrigal III | Provides a +6 morale bonus to Attack rolls with melee weapons (maintained). |
Valor Minuet III | Provides a +6 morale bonus to weapon Damage rolls (maintained). |
Vivacious Etude III | Enhances the Constitution of nearby allies by +6 (maintained). |
Song List
Song Descriptions