Table: 0-Level Astrologian Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Alter Food | Alter the properties of food to be delicious or disgusting. |
Alter Object | Make slight alterations to a single object, or create objects, as a party trick. |
Burst of Light | Dazzles one creature (-1 on attack rolls). |
Dancing Lights | Creates torches or other lights. |
Daze | A single humanoid creature with 4 HD or less loses its next action. |
Detect Magic | Detects all spells and magic items within 60 ft. |
Detect Poison | Determine if a creature, object, or area has been poisoned or is poisonous. |
Gather Coin | Command all nearby coins into your possession. |
Guidance | +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. |
Ignite | Ignites flammable objects. |
Know Direction | You discern north. |
Magical Cleaning | Clean a single object of all dirt. |
Magical Hygiene | Clean a creature's body of filth, making them fit for a social gathering. |
Mending | Makes minor repairs on an object. |
Message | Whisper conversation at distance. |
Purify Food and Drink | Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water. |
Read Magic | Read magical scrolls. |
Resistance | Subject gains +1 on saving throws. |
Torchlight | Object shines like a torch. |
Table: 1st-Level Astrologian Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Anticipate Peril | Target gains a bonus on one initiative check. |
Comprehend Languages | You understand all spoken and written languages. |
Crafter's Knowledge | Target gains a +5 insight bonus on its next Craft skill check. |
Cure | Heals 1d6 damage + Wisdom modifier + 1 per level (max of +5). |
Deprotect | Target is inflicted with a -2 penalty to AC. |
Deshell | Target is inflicted with a -2 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Detect Secret Doors | Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft. |
Detect Snares and Pits | Reveals natural or primitive traps. |
Discern Next of Kin | Read the target’s mind to learn about its family. |
Embrace Destiny | Roll d20; use the roll before the spell ends to replace another d20 roll before the die is rolled. |
Endure Elements | Subject is protected from hot and cold environments. |
Envelope | Subject gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC. |
Faerie Fire | Outlines subjects with light, canceling blur, concealment, and the like. |
Fearna | Target is cured of Fear effect. |
Flare Burst | As Burst of Light, but all creatures within 10 ft. |
Identify | Gives +10 bonus to identify magic items. |
Instant Portrait | Create a portrait of a creature on the touched surface. |
Know the Enemy | Gain +10 on a monster Knowledge check. |
Mage Armor | Gives subject +4 armor bonus. |
Mount | Summons a yellow chocobo to serve the caster as a mount. |
Protect | Subject gains a +2 deflect bonus to AC. |
Rebounding Star | You create a small star that you can rebound your star globe attack off, increasing its range and getting around cover. |
Recharge Innate Magic | Regain one use of all 0 and 1st-level spell-like abilities of a racial trait. |
Regen | Subject gains Fast Healing 2. |
Sanctuary | Opponents can’t attack you, and you can’t attack. |
Shell | Subject gains a +2 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Shield | Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, negates an amount of ruin damage. |
Skim | Read four times faster than normal. |
Sleep | Target is inflicted with Sleep status. |
Starsight | Gives bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Survival checks. |
True Strike | +20 on your next attack roll. |
Table: 2nd-Level Astrologian Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Aid | Subject gains a bonus to attack rolls and saves versus fear plus temporary hit points. |
Augury | Learns whether an action will be good or bad. |
Benefic | Heals for 1d6 points of damage, and provides 2d4 points + Wisdom modifier temporary HP |
Bestow Insight | Target gain insight bonus on skill checks and is considered trained in that skill. |
Blindna | Target is cured of Blind status. |
Burst of Radiance | Fills area with shimmering light, blinding (or dazzling) creatures for 1d4 rounds and damaging evil creatures. |
Combust | Cause a target who fails their Fortitude save to take 1d6 non-elemental damage per round. |
Cure II | Heals for 3d6 + Wisdom modifier + 1 per level (max of +10). |
Detect Curse | As detect magic, but it detects cursed items and creatures rather than magic. |
Detect Disease | Detect the presence of disease and further details about the disease. |
Detect Magic, Greater | As detect magic, but learn more information. |
Dwarf’s Endurance, Lesser | Subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution. |
Elemental Resistance | Subject gains elemental resistance of a chosen type. |
Elvaan’s Splendor, Lesser | Subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma. |
Endure Elements, Communal | As endure elements, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Float | Subject floats a couple of feet off the ground. |
False Future | Target is shown a false future and is reposition 5 ft. |
Future's Boon | On any d20 roll, roll two dice and takes the better result. |
Galka’s Strength, Lesser | Subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength. |
Guiding Star | Know approximate distance from where you cast this spell. |
Investigative Mind | Roll twice and take the higher roll when using certain mental skills. |
Levitate | Subject is able to move up or down up to 20 feet each round. |
Malefic | Blasts a target for 3d6 points of non-elemental damage + casting modifier + 1 per level (max of +10), Fortitude for half. |
Mithra’s Grace, Lesser | Subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity. |
Moogle’s Wisdom, Lesser | Subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom. |
Mount, Communal | As mount, but summons up to 6 yellow chocobos and may divide the duration among chocobos summoned. |
Paralyna | Target is cured of Paralyzed status. |
Planetarium | Project an image of the night sky based on your current location and the local time, allowing you to observe the heavens and all of its celestial bodies and features. |
Poisona | Target is cured of the Poison status effect. |
Restore | Subject is healed of 1d4 temporary ability damages and fatigue. |
Rope Trick | As many as eight creatures hide in extradimensional space. |
See Invisibility | Caster is granted the ability to see invisible beings and objects. |
Shooting Star | You cause a fiery hot stone to fall from the sky doing 2d6 damage (fire/bludgeon) per two levels to a single target. |
Silence | Target is inflicted with Silence status. |
Status | Caster can monitor the touched subjects of their relative positions and general condition. |
Switch Fate | Steal the initiative score of an opponent. |
Tarutaru’s Cunning, Lesser | Subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence. |
Vox | Target is cured of Silence status. |
Table: 3rd-Level Astrologian Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Alter Fortune | Cause one creature to reroll any die roll. |
Aurorastorm | Creates an aurora in a 30ft radius. Spells cast within or into this aurora have their damage/healing altered by 10% if they roll 1-33 on a d100. |
Barrier | Subject gains damage reduction 5/-. |
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance | Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level. |
Cleanse | Target is cured of Diseased status. |
Cross | Target is cured of Cursed status. |
Cura | Allies heal for 1d6 per level. |
Cure III | Heals 5d6 damage + Wisdom modifier + 1 per level (max of +15). |
Daylight | Touched object sheds bright light in a 60-ft.-radius. |
Deprotect II | Target is inflicted with a -4 penalty to AC. |
Deprotectra | Targets are inflicted with a -2 penalty to AC. |
Deshell II | Target is inflicted with a -4 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Deshellra | Targets are inflicted with a -2 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Dispel | Cancels one magical spell or effect. |
Elemental Resistance, Communal | As elemental resistance, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Envelopga | Targets gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC. |
Fly | Subject gains a flying speed of 20 feet. |
Harrowing | You use a Harrow deck to tell a fortune for yourself or someone else. |
Haste | Subject becomes hasted. |
Heroism | Subject gains +2 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks. |
Immediate Moon | Summons a small moon that lets off moonlight, affecting creatures to half an effect. |
Locate Object | Senses direction toward object (specific or type). |
Locate Weakness | You roll damage twice when you roll damage for a critical hit and take the best damage. |
Magic Vestment | Armor or shield gains +1 enhancement bonus per four levels. |
NulStatus I | Subject gains a protection that negates a status effect. |
Petrina | Subject is relieved of the Petrification status effect. |
Protect II | Subject gains a +4 deflect bonus to AC. |
Protectra | Allies gain a +2 deflect bonus to AC. |
Regen II | Subject gains Fast Healing 4. |
Renew | Allies gain Fast Healing 2. |
Rescue | You pull an ally adjacent to you. |
Scrying | Spies on subject from a distance. |
Severed Fate | A target becomes shaken and can not use hero points for 10 minutes per level. |
Shell II | Subject gains a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Shellra | Allies gain a +2 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Sleepga | As sleep, but all within 30 feet. |
Slow | Target is inflicted with Slow status. |
Torchlight, Greater | As torchlight, but permanent. |
Unravel Destiny | A target suffers -2 on all ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for every hero point it possesses. |
Table: 4th-Level Astrologian Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Benefic II | Heals for 2d6 points of damage, and provides 4d4 points + Wisdom modifier + 1 point per caster level (maximum +5) temporary HP. |
Combust II | Cause a target who fails their Fortitude save to take 3d6 non-elemental damage per round. |
Comet | Summons 1d4 comets dealing 4d6 + casting modifier ice/earth damage each, 10-ft radius. |
Cure IV | Heals 7d6 damage + Wisdom modifier + 1 per level (max of +20). |
Dazera | As daze, but all within 30 feet. |
Debilitating Portent | Inflicts an ill fate on a creature, halving its damage when it attacks or casts a spell. |
Disablna | Subject is relieved of the Disabled status effect. |
Discern Lies | Reveals deliberate falsehoods. |
Divination | Provides useful advice for specific proposed actions. |
Dwarf’s Endurance | Subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to Constitution. |
Elvaan’s Splendor | Subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to Charisma. |
Esuna | Subject is cured of all lesser negative status effects. |
Floatga | As float, but multiple creatures. |
Galka’s Strength | Subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength. |
Malefic II | Blasts a target for 6d6 points of non-elemental damage + casting modifier + 1 per level (max of +15), Fortitude for half. |
Mithra’s Grace | Subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to Dexterity. |
Moogle’s Wisdom | Subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to Wisdom. |
Moonstruck | Dazes target then gives them a bite and 2 claw attacks and the rage and confusion spell effects. |
Panacea | Target is cured of any currently ongoing Poison statuses and effects. |
Protection from Elements | Subject gains temporary immunity to a chosen element. |
Raise | Subject is raised from the dead. |
Rebounding Aspected Star | You create a small star that you can rebound your star globe attack off, increasing its range and getting around cover. Each rebound adds 1d6 points of damage. |
Restora | As restore, except it also dispels temporarily negative levels or one permanent negative level. |
Shieldra | As shield, except it affects up to 5 creatures that grants an invisible disc that gives +4 to AC, negates an amount of ruin, ruinra, and ruinga damage. |
Silencega | As silence, except all within 30 feet. |
Starry Eye | Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round. |
Status, Greater | As status, but can also cast a limited selection of spells through the link. |
Stona | Target is relieved of the Petrification and Statue status effects. |
Stoneskin | Subject gains damage reduction 10/adamantine. |
Tarutaru’s Cunning | Subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to Intelligence. |
Tongues | Subject gains the ability to speak and understand the language of any intelligent creature. |
Vanish | Subject becomes invisible. |
Wandering Star Motes | Outlines subject and produces light as a sunrod. |
Table: 5th-Level Astrologian Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Anticipatory Strike | Take your next turn right now, even interrupting other actions. |
Aura Break | Allows a creature to use limit breaks without needing to be below 50% hp. |
Avoid | Allows the caster to avoid any attacks that require attack rolls at the cost of MP. |
Bless | Allies heal for 1d6 per level and receive Fast Healing 2. |
Breath of Life | Dead creature is brought back to life, healing for 5d8 points of damage + 1 per level. |
Commune | Deity answers one yes-or-no question/level. |
Curaga | Allies heal for 1d8 per level. |
Deprotect III | Target is inflicted with a -6 penalty to AC. |
Deprotectra II | Targets are inflicted with a -4 penalty to AC. |
Deshell III | Target is inflicted with a -6 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Deshellra II | Targets are inflicted with a -4 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Dream | Sends message to anyone sleeping. |
Earthly Star | Creates a 20ft. radius delayed blast that heals allies and deals more damage the longer it stays on the battlefield. |
Flight | Caster gains a flying speed of 40 feet. |
Gravity | Target loses half of current hit points. |
Gravity Ball | Creates a black hole that slowly sucks in creatures within a 20 ft. radius, dealing non-elemental damage and inflicting immobilized/stunned. |
NulStatus II | Subject gains a protection that negates a status effect. |
Protect III | Subject gains a +6 deflect bonus to AC. |
Protection from Elements, Communal | As protection from elements, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Protectra II | Allies gain a +4 deflect bonus to AC. |
Prying Eyes | 1d4 + 1/level floating eyes scout for you. |
Regen III | Subject gains Fast Healing 6. |
Renew II | Allies gain Fast Healing 4. |
Second Chance | Caster can reroll one attack roll, saving throw, ability check, or skill check. |
Shell III | Subject gains a +6 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Shellra II | Allies gain a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Sleepja | As sleepga, except it affects any number of creatures within 50 feet of each other. |
Spell Resistance | Subject gains SR 12 + level. |
Stoneskin, Communal | As stoneskin, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Tongues, Communal | As tongues, but may divide the duration among creatures touched. |
Zombna | Subject is relieved of the Zombie status effect. |
Table: 6th-Level Astrologian Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Analyze Dweomer | Reveals magical aspects of subject. |
Arise | Subject is raised from death, to full health. |
Auto-Cure | Subject is healed once by a cure III spell upon being hit. |
Benefic III | Heals for 4d6 points of damage, and provides 6d6 points + Wisdom modifier + 1 point per caster level (maximum +10) temporary HP. |
Berserkna | Subject is relieved of the Berserk status effect. |
Combust III | Cause a target who fails their Fortitude save to take 5d6 non-elemental damage per round. |
Cometra | Summons 1d6 comets dealing 4d8 + casting modifier ice/earth damage each, 15-ft radius. |
Confusna | Subject is relieved of the Confused status effect. |
Cosmic Ray | Ranged touch attack ray that deals 1d6 points of non-elemental damage per caster level (maximum 20d6) and sickens the target. |
Curada | Subject is healed for 10 hit points per level and cured of one condition. |
Dispel, Greater | As dispel, but with multiple targets. |
Dwarf’s Endurance, Mass | As dwarf’s endurance, but all allies within 30 feet. |
Elvaan’s Splendor, Mass | As elvaan’s splendor, but all allies within 30 feet. |
Find the Path | Shows most direct way to a location. |
Galka’s Strength, Mass | As galka’s strength, but all allies within 30 feet. |
Greater Moon | Summons a small moon that lets off moonlight, affecting creatures who fail their Will save possibly forcing Lycanthropes to transform or infected Lycanthropes to progress their disease. |
Hastega | As haste, except all allies within 30 feet. |
Heroism, Greater | Subject gains +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp. |
Legend Lore | Lets you learn tales about a person, place, or thing. |
Magic Status | As status, except that you also know the name and caster level of any spell cast upon your allies. |
Malefic III | Blasts a target for 9d6 points of non-elemental damage + casting modifier + 1 per level (max of +15), Fortitude for half. |
Mithra’s Grace, Mass | As mithra’s grace, but all allies within 30 feet. |
Moogle’s Wisdom, Mass | As moogle’s wisdom, but all allies within 30 feet. |
NulStatusra | Subjects gain a protection that negates a status effect. |
Resurrection | One dead creature is revived as if by a Raise spell and may be teleported adjacently to the caster. |
Slowga | As slow, except all enemies within 30 feet. |
Tarutaru’s Cunning, Mass | As tarutaru’s cunning, but all allies within 30 feet. |
True Seeing | Lets you see all things as they really are. |
Vanish, Greater | As vanish, except that it doesn’t end if the subject attacks. |
Table: 7th-Level Astrologian Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Auto-Raise | Subject is raised by a raise spell upon death. |
Bless II | Allies heal for 1d8 per level and receive Fast Healing 4. |
Circle of Clarity | Emanation hampers illusions and stealth. |
Deprotect IV | Target is inflicted with a -8 penalty to AC. |
Deprotectra III | Targets are inflicted with a -6 penalty to AC. |
Deshell IV | Target is inflicted with a -8 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Deshellra III | Targets are inflicted with a -6 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Fate of One | Reroll any roll you just failed. |
Fly, Mass | As fly, except all creatures within 30 feet. |
Graviga | As gravity, but all within 30 feet. |
Jolting Portent | You inflict a vengeful fate on a creature, dealing lightning damage each time it attacks or casts a spell. |
Lunar Veil | Dispel light and revert lycanthropes. |
NulStatus III | Subject gains a protection that negates a status effect. |
Protect IV | Subject gains a +8 deflect bonus to AC. |
Protectra III | Allies gain a +6 deflect bonus to AC. |
Reflect | Reflect 1d4+6 spell levels back at caster. |
Regen IV | Subject gains Fast Healing 8. |
Renew III | Allies gain Fast Healing 6. |
Restoraga | As restore, except it also dispels all temporarily and permanent negative levels. |
Scrying, Greater | As scrying, but faster and longer. |
Shell IV | Subject gains a +8 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Shellra III | Allies gain a +6 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Sunbeam | Shoot dazzling beams each round that deal 4d6 (1d6 per level versus undead) damage and permanently blind the target. |
Vanishga | As vanish, except all allies within 30 feet. |
Vision | As legend lore, but quicker. |
Table: 8th-Level Astrologian Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Antimagic Field | Negates magic within 10 ft. |
Arisega | As arise, except all allies within 30 feet. |
Benefic IV | Heals for 6d6 points of damage, and provides 8d6 points + Wisdom modifier + 1 per caster level (max +15) temporary hit points. |
Curaja | As curada, except all allies within 30 feet. |
Discern Location | Reveals exact location of creature or object. |
Full-Cure | Subject is cured of all damage. |
Malefic IV | Blasts a target for 12d6 points of non-elemental damage + casting modifier + 1 per level (max of +25), Fortitude for half. |
Magic Barrier | Subject becomes immune to magical effects up to 4th level spells. |
Moment of Prescience | You gain +1/level insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save. |
Prediction of Failure | Target is permanently shaken and sickened. |
Prying Eyes, Greater | As prying eyes, but eyes have true seeing. |
Regenerate | Subject’s severed body members, broken bones, and ruined organs grow back. |
Reverse Gravity | Objects and creatures fall upward. |
Sunburst | Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 6d6 damage. |
Table: 9th-Level Astrologian Spells
Spell Name | Description |
Basuna | As esuna, but affects all magical status effects. |
Black Hole | A hole in space crushing and pulling creatures into it. |
Deprotect V | Target is inflicted with a -10 penalty to AC. |
Deprotectra IV | Targets are inflicted with a -8 penalty to AC. |
Deshell V | Target is inflicted with a -10 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Deshellra IV | Targets are inflicted with a -8 penalty to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Foresight | "Sixth sense" warns of impending danger. |
Full-Life | Subject is raised from death to full maximum hit points. |
Hasteja | As hastega, but grants an enhanced version of haste. |
Meteor | Summons a meteor dealing 15d10 earth/fire damage, 80-ft.-radius. |
NulStatus IV | Subject gains a protection that negates a status effect. |
NulStatusga | Subjects gain a protection that negates a status effect. |
Protect V | Subject gains a +10 deflect bonus to AC. |
Protectra IV | Allies gain a +8 deflect bonus to AC. |
Reflectga | As reflect, except all allies within 30 feet. |
Regen V | Subject gains Fast Healing 10. |
Renew IV | Allies gain Fast Healing 8. |
Shell V | Subject gains a +10 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Shellra IV | Allies gain a +8 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Slowja | As slowga, but affects an enhanced version of slow. |
Spell List
Spell Descriptions