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Faris has long, loose purple hair with a green headband and green eyes. Faris wears a dark blue sleeveless jacket with gold piping and a paler blue tunic. Over the shoulders, Faris wears a baggy green shawl hiked up on the shoulders and secured with a red stone brooch. Faris has brown leather bracers on her forearms.

Faris Scherwiz (CR 15)

XP 51,200
Female Hume Beastmaster 15
CN Medium Humanoid
Init +3; Senses Perception +0


AC 25, touch 17, flat-footed 21 (+8 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 deflect)
HP 207 (15d10+120)
Fort +16, Reflex +12, Will +8


Speed 30 ft.
Melee +5 Greataxe +27/+22/+17 (1d12+15/19-20×3)
Ranged Javelin +18/+13/+8 (1d6+7/x2)
Special Abilities Rage (45 rounds/day), Animal Focus (15 min./day), Quarry, Beast Shape
Limit Breaks Bestial Fury, Mastery of Beasts (15d6 non-elemental; 10-ft.-wide,60-ft.-line; Reflex DC 19 halves)


During Combat Faris will flank with her animal companion as often as possible. Faris will only rage if she feels she needs the boost to get an edge on her foes. Faris will not back down from a fight unless she feel that she could lose her life. When at sea, Faris will use her Beast Shape ability to fight in the water.

Raging Statistics
When raging, her stats are: AC 23; hp 252 (+45 temp hp); Will +11; Melee +5 Greataxe +30/+25/+20 (1d12+18/19-20 x3); Ranged Javelin +21/+16/+11 (1d6+9/x2)


Str 22, Dex 17, Con 24, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +15/+10/+5; CMB +22; CMD 34
Feats Bear’s Balance, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Extra Rage, Improved Critical (Greataxe), Iron Will, Power Attack, Step-up, Weapon Focus (Greataxe)
Skills Acrobatics +14, Diplomacy +10, Handle Animal +20, Intimidate +15 (+17 when not raging), Stealth +14, Profession(Sailor) +19
Languages Common
SQ Animal Companion, Wild Empathy, Rage Powers (Accurate Stance , Deadly Accuracy, Fueled by Vengeance, Sharpened Accuracy, Internal Fortitude), Empathic Link, Nature Sense, Alertness, Woodland Stride, Track, Beastmaster Tactics, Teamwork Feat [1/day] (Coordinated Reposition, Precise Strike, Intercept Charge), Speak with Animals, Trackless Step, Scent, Improved Empathic Link, Greater Rage, Swift Tracker, Improved Quarry, Second Animal Focus, Third Animal Focus.
Combat Gear Javelin x5,+5 Greataxe, +5 Hide Shirt, Champion Belt, Nimble Bracer, Ring of Protection +3, Phoenix Down x2, X-Potion x3, Cure Potion, Choco Wing; Other Gear 1-Pint Flask, Bed Roll, Backpack, Trail Rations x3, 50 gil.