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Basch is a 36-year-old man with a strong, muscular-though-emaciated build, a tall frame, and blue eyes. He has long blond slicked back hair, beard and goatee. Basch has a long scar across his left brow.

Basch fon Rosenburg (CR 10)

XP 9,600
Male Hume Knight 10
LG Medium Humanoid
Init +7; Senses Perception +14


AC 32, touch 16, flat-footed 28 (+10 armor, +3 Dex, +6 shield, +1 dodge, +2 deflect)
HP 130 (10d12+60)
Fort +12, Reflex +6, Will +8
Defensive Abilities Stalwart, DR 3/- while in armor


Speed 30 ft.
Melee +2 Knight Sword +15/+10 (1d10+5/19-20 x2)
Special Abilities Defensive Stance (27 rounds/day), Shield Block (+2), Shield Ally (1/round), Shield Buffet
Limit Breaks A Knight’s Blessing (Protect/Shell/Regen III), A Knight’s Protection


During Combat Basch prefers to stay close to his allies, protecting them with his Defend Ally ability, and preventing enemies from flanking. If Basch is surrounded or seriously hurt, he will go into his Defensive Stance to prevent as much damage as possible. Basche will also call out enemies, attempting to force them into a duel to control the battlefield that much more. Basch will only retreat if he knows his allies will escape as well and will do anything in his power to ensure they can, even sacrificing himself.


Str 16, Dex 17, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +10/+5; CMB +13; CMD 29 (+3 vs bull rush/overrun/trip)
Feats Antagonize, Bodyguard, Call Out, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Shield Focus
Skills Diplomacy +14, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (Nobility) +10, Perception +14, Sense Motive +10
Languages Common, and one more
SQ Curiosity, Integrated, Sociable, Defend Ally (+5), Knight Talent (Renewed Defense [1/day], Shelter of Steel [5/day], Uncanny Block, Roused Defense, Intercept [1/round]), Stand Firm, Shield Training, Armor Training (+2), Bulwark, Active Defense (+2), Deft Shield, Armored Defense, Fortress of Defense, Fortification (Light), Threat Control, Stalwart
Combat Gear +2 Knight Sword, +3 Banded Mail, +3 Heavy Steel Shield, Belt of Physical Perfection +2, Ring of Protection +2, X-Potion x4, Hi-Potion x3, Phoenix Down x2, Baccus Wine x2, Remedy x2; Other Gear Backpack, Bedroll, 1-pint Flask, Trail Rations x3.