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NameBlue Magic
AbadonVirus Fly
Adamantine GolemEarthquake, Lava Blast, Rock Throw, Shockwave, Spark Shower
AdamantoiseTurtle Shell
Adrammelech, the WrothFlash Arc
AhrimanBewitching Gaze, Curse Gaze, Confusing Glare, Roulette, Umbral Storm
AinselMalediction, Mesmerizing Voice
Air ElementalEngulfing Winds
AlberichDancehall Daze
Albino SnakeBlood Drain
Alexander, the CreatorPurification, Sacrament
AlrauneDream Pollen, Ecliptic Howl, Greater Bestial Fang, Photosynthesis, Shriek
Alte RoiteEncircle
AmaltheaMulticast, Tek Laser
AnacondaurPetrify, Sonic Tail
Ancient Black DragonDragon Force, Putrescence, Shadow Flare
Ancient Blue DragonDragon Force, Exploding Bubbles, Flash Rain
Ancient Brown DragonDragon Force, Earthen Ward, Magnitude 8
Ancient Green DragonCrimson Rays, Dragon Force, Wind Slash
Ancient RathalosFire Roar
Ancient Red DragonDragon Force, Eruption, Glare
Ancient Silver DragonDragon Force, Lvl. ? Holy, Spirit Blades
Ancient White DragonDragon Force, Northern Cross, Snowstorm
Ancient Yellow DragonDragon Force, Gigavolt, Lightning Roar
AndagrandaEarthquake, Magnitude 8
Anima, the Lost SoulCrimson Rays, Feel My Pain, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil
AnkouAshen Blight, Crypt Dust
AntlionSandblast, Sandpit
ApocryphaLvl. 3 Confuse, Lvl. 4 Flare, Lvl. 5 Death
ApparitionCurse Gaze, Ectosmash, Frightful Moan, Grave Reel
ArchaeoaevisBreath Wing, Cold Wave, Gates of Hades, Maelstrom, Umbral Storm
ArcheotoadFrog Song, Pond's Chorus
Ark, the Aerodynamic DestinyPropeller Wind, Shadow Blasty, Shadowhirl, Umbra Enchantment
AvizzardBlood Drain
Bahamut, the DreadwyrmFlare Star, Impulse
Bahamut Zero, the First SireGigavolt, Glare, Wind Slash
BandersnatchAqualung, Eerie Howl
BarbaricciaCalcifying Ray, Maelstrom, Twister
BashuraRaise Dukes
BathinAshen Blight, Crypt Dust, Death Cutter
Battery MimicLightning Armor
BehemothShockwave, Thunderbolt
Beholder - GatherSelf-Destruct
BelphegorBloody Claw, Triumphant Roar
Bismarck, Ruler of the SkyExploding Bubbles, Sea Song
Black CaitTelekinetic
Black ChocoboChoco Cure, Choco Dark, Choco Meteor
Black LizardSandstorm
Black NakkBlood Howl, Greater Bestial Fang, Howling Moon
Black WidowCorrosive Web
Blood BatLeech
Blood BonesHell Slash, Marrow Drain
Blood EyeUmbral Gaze
Blood GigasMagnitude 8
Blood SuckerBlood Drain, Water Gun
Bloody HeadChill, Pumpkin Head
Blue ChocoboChoco Cure, Choco Water
Blue WispFiddle
Bomb T1Self-Destruct
Bomb T2Self-Destruct
Bomb T3Self-Destruct
Bomb T4Self-Destruct
Bone DragonCurse Gaze, Horror Cloud
BoundfatPumpkin Head
Brown ChocoboChoco Cure, Choco Guard, Choco Stone
CactuarThousand Needles
CagnazzoBig Wave
Cait SithTelekinetic
Carbuncle, Lord of the RubyGlittering Ruby, Healing Ruby, Restoring Ruby, Ruby Light, Shining Ruby
Cave AntlionSandblast, Sandpit
Cave BatBlood Drain
CerberusGates of Hades, Magma Hoplon
Cherry BombSelf-Destruct
Chimera BrainAqualung, Fulmination, Snowstorm
Chrome GiantMighty Guard III
Cie'th ChonchonLife Sounding
Cie'th CocytusLevinbolt, Miasma
Cie'th EdimmuMiasma
Cie'th IspustekeInertial Barrier II, Multicast II
Cie'th PenanggalanLife Sounding
Cie'th PijavicaMiasma, Tears of Frustration
Cie'th RaktavijaInertial Barrier III, Multicast III
Cie'th SacrificeAnathema
Cie'th StrigoiWail
Cie'th TaximWail
Cie'th VampireWail
Cie'th VarcolaciMiasma
Cie'th VetalaInertial Barrier, Multicast
Cie'th WladislausConcerted Effort
Cie'th YomiPutrescene, Wind Shear
Clay GolemEarthquake, Rock Throw
CocadrilleFireflash, Petrify, Tail Fling
CockatricePetrify, Tail Fling
Coeurl ReginaBlaster, Hyper Blaster
Colossal CatoblepasEarthquake
Corrosive SpiderCorrosive Web
Crystal DragonDragon Force
Cúchulainn, the ImpureDark Dreams
Dark BehemothMagnitude 8, Mighty Guard II, Shockwave, Thunderbolt
Dark ElementalWhite Wind
Dark FangBlack Cloud, Earthquake, Sandpit, Sickening Breath
Dark HedgehogPumpkin Head
Dark SkeletonBlack Cloud, Blood Saber, Hell Slash, Horror Cloud
Dark SoulCurse Gaze, Grave Reel, Greater Magic Hammer, Leech
Dead HeadChill, Pumpkin Head
Deadly NightshadeEcliptic Howl, Eerie Howl, HP Absorb, Mournful Howl, Shriek, Warsong
Death CapBad Breath, Dream Pollen, Poison Gas
Death ClawDeath Claw
Death HornetBlind Needles, Death Needles, Poison Needles
Death ManticoreFilth Cloud, Lvl. 5 Death, Sandstorm
DeathmaskLaser Barrage
DeathscytheDeath Cutter, Death-Stealing Gaze, Ectosmash, Lvl. 5 Death
Death SearcherFlash
Death StalkerDeath Needles, Sandblast
DemonolithStone Breath
DesertpedePoison Needles
Desert Sahagin WarriorMud Gun
Devil BunnyBloody Claw
DevourerChoco Water, HP Absorb
Dhorme ChimeraAqualung, Fulmination
Diabolos, the Dark MessengerPit of Dispair, Corruption
Diamond WeaponDiamond Fire, Diamond Flash
DolmenStone Breath
DonchuPoison Gas, Putrescence
Doomtrain, the Convoy of the DeadAcid Rain, Diabolic Whistle
DozmareAlpine Draft
Dragon AevisWind Slash
DraugarBlack Cloud, Blood Saber, Hell Slash, Horror Cloud, Malediction
DuplicornHallowed Armor
Earth ElementalMud Gun
Earth MedusaPetrify
Elder Air ElementalBreath Wing, Zephyr Arrow
Elder Earth ElementalRock Throw, Shockwave
Elder Fire ElementalFireball, Gates of Hades
Elder Holy ElementalLight Rays, Rail Cannon
Elder Ice ElementalCold Wave, Ice Block
Elder Lightning ElementalBlaster, Umbral Storm
Elder Flan PrincessBedazzle, Samba de Flan
Elder Shadow ElementalCorrupting Touch, Speak No Evil
Elder Water ElementalAcid Droplet, Aqualung, Congeal Water
Elf ToadFrog Song
Elite SkeletonBlack Cloud, Hell Slash, Marrow Drain
Elm GigasMagnitude 8
Emerald Eye (Type 1 and 2)HP Absorb, MP Absorb
Emerald WeaponEmerald Beam, Emerald Blast, Aire Tam Storm
EnkiduLeech, Wing Cutter, White Wind
EreshkigalDancehall Daze
ErigossLvl. 3 Confuse, Lvl. 4 Flare, Lvl. 5 Death
Evil DreamerBlood Drain, Curse Gaze, Marrow Drain
Evil EyeConfusing Gaze, Curse Gaze, Umbral Gaze
ExorayDream Pollen, Nausea Powder, Silver Powder, White Wind
EyemoebaHP Absorb, MP Absorb
FacelessShadow Blink
Fell DemonLvl. 3 Confuse, Lvl. 4 Flare, Lvl. 5 Death
Fenrir, Lord of the MoonPermafrost, Ragnarok
Fire ElementalBlast Shot
Fire GigasEarthquake, Fire Roar
FlexituskFearful Bay
Floating EyeUmbral Gaze
Flowering Cactuar10,000 Needles
ForasBloody Claw, Terror Eyes, Triumphant Roar
Forgiven ApathyShockwave
Forgiven EnmityAqualung, Fulmination
Forgiven PrejudiceRail Cannon
Forgiven RevelryMagnitude 8
FunguarDream Pollen
GanymedeTek Laser
GarchimaceraDancehall Daze
GargoyleBloody Claw
Garuda 'Creature'Maelstrom, Wind Slash
Garuda, Lady of the VortexDownburst
GatherFlash, Self-Destruct
GazerStop Gaze
GespenstDeath Cutter, Ectosmash, Lvl. 5 Death
GhastLeech, Sickening Breath
GheistCurse, Grave Reel, HP Absorb, MP Absorb
GhostCorrupting Touch, Curse, Ectosmash, Frightful Moan, Grave Reel
GhoulLeech, Sickening Breath
GigantoadFrog Song
GigantuarTen-Thousand Needles
Gilgamesh (Form I)Death Claw, Discord, Flash, Goblin Punch, Lilliputian Lyric, Pond’s Chorus, Rocket Punch, Time Slip, Wing Cutter
Gilgamesh (Form II)Death Claw, Discord, Flash, Lilliputian Lyric, Pond’s Chorus, Rocket Punch, Time Slip, Wind Slash
Gilgamesh (Form III)Death Claw, Discord, Flash, Lilliputian Lyric, Pond’s Chorus, Rocket Punch, Time Slip, Wind Slash
Gloom SpiderCorrosive Web
Goblin AcolyteGoblin Punch
Goblin BomberGoblin Punch
Goblin Bounty HunterGoblin Punch
Goblin ButcherGoblin Punch
Goblin GuardGoblin Punch
Goblin MageGoblin Punch
Goblin MercenaryGoblin Punch
Goblin MuggerGoblin Punch
Goblin PatrolmanGoblin Punch
Goblin PriestGoblin Punch
Goblin ShamanGoblin Punch
Goblin ThugGoblin Punch
Goblin TinkererGoblin Punch
Gold ChocoboChoco Cure, Choco Meteor, Choco Halo, Choco Trishot
Golden Flowering Cactuar10,000 Needles
Good King Moggle Mog XII100-kuponze swipe, March of the Moogles, Mog Eye Shot, Pom Cure, Pom Flare, Spinning Mogshield
GorgimeraAqualung, Fulmination, Snowstorm
GorgonPetrify, Stone Breath
Grand AevisBlaster, Breath Wing, Crypt Dust, Maelstrom, Paraclete, Poison Breath, Zombie Breath
Grand MummyDanse Macabre
GratSeed Cannon
Greater Air ElementalBreath Wing, Zephyr Arrow
Greater CaitTelekinetic
Greater DemonLvl. 3 Confuse, Lvl. 5 Death
Greater Earth ElementalRock Throw, Shockwave
Greater Fire ElementalFireball, Gates of Hades
Greater Holy ElementalLight Rays, Rail Cannon
Greater Ice ElementalCold Wave, Ice Block
Greater Lightning ElementalBlaster, Umbral Storm
Greater Flan PrincessBedazzle, Samba de Flan
Greater RathalosFire Roar
Greater Shadow ElementalCorrupting Touch, Speak No Evil
Greater Water ElementalAcid Droplet, Aqualung, Congeal Water
Great MalboroBad Breath
Green ChocoboChoco Cure, Choc Esuna, Choco Wind
Green WispFiddle
Grief WitchCongeal Water
GriffonEngulfing Winds, White Wind
Hades, the Underworld GuideBone Wall
Hashmal, Bringer of OrderMagma Geyer
Hatchling Black DragonTerror Touch
Hatchling Blue DragonWater Gun
Hatchling Brown DragonMud Gun
Hatchling Green DragonEngulfing Winds
Hatchling Red DragonBlast Shot
Hatchling Silver DragonHolybolt
Hatchling White DragonFrostbolt
Hatchling Yellow DragonUmbral Gaze
HavocfangEerie Howl, Fearful Bay
Heavy M-Tek ArmorMagitek Barrier, Tek Laser
HecteyesHP Absorb, MP Absorb, Roulette
Hedgehog PiePumpkin Head
Hedgehog Pie KingMighty Guard, Pumpkin Head, Sweet Breath
HidonAshen Blight, Crypt Dust
Hill GigasEarthquake
HobgoblinEngulfing Winds
Hobgoblin GuardEngulfing Winds
Holy ElementalHolybolt
HornetPoison Needles
Huge Air ElementalBreath Wing, Zephyr Arrow
Huge Earth ElementalRock Throw, Shockwave
Huge Fire ElementalFireball, Gates of Hades
Huge Holy ElementalLight Rays, Rail Cannon
Huge Ice ElementalCold Wave, Ice Block
Huge Lightning ElementalBlaster, Umbral Storm
Huge Flan PrincessBedazzle, Samba de Flan
Huge Shadow ElementalCorrupting Touch, Speak No Evil
Huge Water ElementalAcid Droplet, Aqualung, Congeal Water
Human TrapBlood Drain
Ice ElementalFrostbolt
Ice GigasEarthquake, Ice Roar
Ice GolemChill, Hailstorm
Ice LizardChill
Ifrit, Lord of the InfernoEruption, Sear, Vulcan Burst
Ignis FatuusFiddle
ImpDancehall Daze
Imp DevilDancehall Daze
Inferno GolemFireball, Megaflash
Iron ClawDeath Claw
Iron GiantMighty Guard
Iron GolemEarthquake, Lava Blast, Rock Throw, Shockwave
JackanapesMoon Flute
Jura AevisBreath Wing, Cold Wave, Gates of Hades, Maelstrom, Umbral Storm
Juvenile Black DragonBlack Waves, Fearful Bay, Ragnarok
Juvenile Blue DragonHydrotwister, Life Sounding, Spring Water
Juvenile Brown DragonEarthquake, Eerie Howl, Triumphant Roar
Juvenile Green DragonBreath Wing, Sandstorm, White Wind
Juvenile Red DragonFireball, Fire Roar, Healing Flame
Juvenile Silver DragonHallowed Armor, Light Rays, MP Absorb
Juvenile White DragonFrost Armor, Ice Block, Ice Roar
Juvenile Yellow DragonBlaster, Lightning Armor, Thunderbolt
Kaiser Dragon (Dragon's Den)Absolute Zero, Acid Rain, Aqualung, Ashen Blight, Big Wave, Cloudy Heaven, Crypt Dust, Downburst, Flare Star, Flash Rain, Gigavolt, Hailstorm, Heartless Angel, Ice Block, Lvl. ? Holy, Lvl. 4 Flare, Maelstrom, Magnitude 8, Mighty Guard III, Mind Blast, Nightmarish Slumber, Northern Cross, Poison Gas, Shockwave, Snowstorm, Southern Cross, Thunderspark, Trine, Wave Cannon, Wind Shear, Wind Slash
Kefka Palazzo (Final Boss)Heartless Angel, Trine
Killer BeeBlind Needles, Poison Needles
Killer SharkHydrotwister
King BehemothMighty Guard, Shockwave, Thunderbolt
King BombSelf-Destruct
Kirin, the Sacred BeastLight Rays, Hallowed Armor, Revered Weapon, Unicorn Purification
Knights of the RoundBloodreaver, Flash Rain, Laser Barrage, Lava Blast, Levinbolt, Magnitude 8, Sacrament, Snowstorm, Wind Shear
Kobold Blackmarket DealerMagic Hammer
Kobold BomberMagic Hammer
Kobold EarthbenderMagic Hammer
Kobold EarthcasterMagic Hammer
Kobold EngineerMagic Hammer
Kobold GuardMagic Hammer
Kobold GunsmanMagic Hammer
Kobold MarksmanMagic Hammer
Kobold QuickshotMagic Hammer
Kobold RepairtechMagic Hammer
Kobold TinkerMagic Hammer
Kobold TradesdealerMagic Hammer
Kobold WatchMagic Hammer
KorriganDream Pollen, Engulfing Winds, Fireflash, Photosynthesis, Shriek
KottoRaise Dukes
KrakenAcid Droplet, Aqualung, Flash Rain, Hydrotwister, Whirlpool
KukulcanHeaven's Cataract, Petrify, Sonic Tail
Kuza BeastFists of Lightning and Thunder, Thunderbolt
Kuza KitEletric Shock
Lab RatBacteria
Lakshmi, the Lady of BlissHoly Guard, Revered Weapon
Lamia MatriarchEntice
Lamia QueenEntice
Large Air ElementalZephyr Arrow
Large Earth ElementalRock Throw
Large Fire ElementalFireball
Large Holy ElementalLight Rays
Large Ice ElementalIce Block
Large Lightning ElementalBlaster
Large Flan PrincessBedazzle
Large Shadow ElementalSpeak No Evil
Large Water ElementalAcid Droplet, Congeal Water
LeananHealing Flame, Mesmerizing Voice
Leap FrogFrog Song
LenergiaEngulfing Winds
Lesser LoprosWing Cutter
Leviathan, Lord of the WhorlTidal Roar, Whirlpool
LichDeath Cutter, Death Grip, Earthquake, Filth Cloud, Lvl. 5 Death
Lightning ElementalUmbral Gaze
LininBedazzle, Entice, Shadow Flare
Machina SoldierElectric Shock
MagicianCurse Gaze
Magic ViceGreater Magic Hammer
Magitek ArmorTek Laser
MahadevaAshen Blight, Crypt Dust
MalboroBad Breath
Malboro KingPutrid Breath
Malboro MenacePutrid Breath
Malboro SaplingSickening Breath
Malboro SeedlingSickening Breath
MandragoraDream Pollen, Photosynthesis, Shriek
ManoobaSandblast, Snowpit
ManticoreFilth Cloud, Sandstorm
MarilithMustard Bomb
Master CoeurlBlaster, Hyper Blaster
Master TonberryEveryone's Grudge
Mateus, the CorruptFrostwave, Black Ice
Mature Adult Black DragonDragon Force, Fearful Bay, Putrescence, Ragnarok, Shadow Flare
Mature Adult Blue DragonDragon Force, Exploding Bubbles, Flash Rain, Hydrotwister, Spring Water
Mature Adult Brown DragonDragon Force, Earthen Ward, Earthquake, Eerie Howl, Magnitude 8
Mature Adult Green DragonBreath Wing, Crimson Rays, Dragon Force, Sandstorm, Wind Slash
Mature Adult Red DragonDragon Force, Eruption, Fire Roar, Glare, Healing Flame
Mature Adult Silver DragonDragon Force, Hallowed Armor, Lvl. ? Holy, MP Absorb, Spirit Blades
Mature Adult White DragonDragon Force, Frost Armor, Ice Roar, Northern Cross, Snowstorm
Mature Adult Yellow DragonDragon Force, Gigavolt, Lightning Armor, Lightning Roar, Thunderbolt
Mega ArmorMagitek Barrier, Tek Laser
MegaloclawEerie Howl, Fearful Bay
MeliaRest in Peace, Spring Breeze
MelugeneBedazzle, Entice, Shadow Flare
MephistoCurse, Northern Cross, Shift Fate
MesmanirBestial Fang
Metal Cactuar1,000 Needles
Metal Gigantuar10,000 Needles
MindflayerMind Blast
MinituarHundred Needles
Minor Air ElementalEngulfing Winds
Minor Earth ElementalMud Gun
Minor Fire ElementalBlast Shot
Minor Holy ElementalHolybolt
Minor Ice ElementalFrostbolt
Minor Lightning ElementalUmbral Gaze
Minor Shadow ElementalBlood Drain, Terror Touch
Minor Water ElementalCongeal Water, Water Gun
Morbol SeedlingSickening Breath
MycotoxinDream Pollen, Nausea Powder, White Wind
Mythril GiantMighty Guard II
Mythril GolemEarthquake, Lava Blast, Rock Throw, Shockwave
NakkBlood Howl, Bestial Fang
Neo Bahamut, the Hallowed FatherWind Slash
NeochuFlith Cloud, Poison Gas
NutkinTail Fling
OchuFlith Cloud
Omega WeaponBig Wave, Diamond Fire, Diamond Flash, Discord, Emerald Beam, Emerald Blast, Flare Star, Jade Bomb, Jade Snipe, Level ? Holy, Level 3 Confuse, Level 4 Flare, Level 5 Death, Magnitude 8, Ruby Fire, Ruby Ray, Sapphire Laser, Sapphire Prison, Southern Cross, Wind Slash
OpinicusAlpine Draft
OrothkamilaMagnitude 8
OrukatHP Absorb, MP Absorb, Roulette
PaleberryEveryone's Grudge
Paleberry KingEveryone's Grudge
Pale BunnyBlood Drain
Pale HeadChill, Pumpkin Head
Parasite GrassDrain Touch
PharaohDanse Macabre
Phoenix, the Immortal BirdHealing Flame
Phoenix SpawnDeath Force, Flash, Healing Flame, Phoenix Tear
PieujeEarthquake, Sandblast, Sandpit
Pink ChocoboChoco Cure
PiscodaemonMind Blast
PixieAutumn Breeze, Zephyr Arrow
Plague HorrorConfusing Glare, Curse Gaze, Umbral Storm
Pluto ArmorMagitek Barrier, Tek Laser
PneumaflayerMind Blast, Mind Purge, Time Slip
Poison BatBlood Drain
Poison FrogFrog Song
PsycheflayerMind Blast, Mind Purge, Time Slip
Pulsian Black ChocoboChoco Cure, Choco Dark, Choco Meteor
Pulsian Blue ChocoboChoco Cure, Choco Water
Pulsian Brown ChocoboChoco Cure, Choco Guard, Choco Stone
Pulsian Gold ChocoboChoco Cure, Choco Meteor, Choco Halo, Choco Trishot
Pulsian Green ChocoboChoco Cure, Choc Esuna, Choco Wind
Pulsian Pink ChocoboChoco Cure
Pulsian Purple ChocoboChoco Barrier, Choco Cure, Choco Ice
Pulsian Red ChocoboChoco Cure, Choco Flame
Pulsian Silver ChocoboChoco Cure, Choco Guard, Choco Thunder
Pulsian White ChocoboChoco Cure, Choco Life, Choco Light, Choco Recharge
Pulsian Yellow ChocoboChoco Cure
Pumpkin HeadEcliptic Howl, Mournful Howl, Pumpkin Head, Shriek, Vespersong
Purple ChocoboChoco Barrier, Choco Cure, Choco Ice
Quacho QueenChill, Sweet Breath
RagoraSeed Cannon
Rainbow ChocoboChoco Cure, Choco Meteor, Choco Halo, Choco Omnishot
Ramuh, Lord of LevinLightning Armor, Thunderspark
ReaperDeath Cutter, Ectosmash, Lvl. 5 Death
Red CapEngulfing Winds
Red CaptainEngulfing Winds
Red ChocoboChoco Cure, Choco Flame
Red ClawPoison Needles, Sandblast
Red WispFiddle
RevenantDrain Touch, Sickening Breath
RokhBlack Cloud, Light Rays
Rough ViperLeech
RubicanteGlare, Inferno
RubyFiddle, Healing Flame
Ruby WeaponRuby Ray, Ruby Fire, Whirlsand, Shadow Flare
RukhBreath Wing
SahaginWater Gun
Sahagin ApprenticeWater Gun
Sahagin Black MageWater Gun
Sahagin ChemistWater Gun
Sahagin ChiefWater Gun
Sahagin PrinceWater Gun
Sahagin SapperWater Gun
Sahagin Scale KnightWater Gun
Sahagin Sea MasterAcid Droplet, Aqualung, Blood Drain, Choco Water, Congeal Water, Hydrotwister, Light Rays, Seed Cannon, Water Gun, Water Shield, White Wind
Sahagin SeerWater Gun
Sahagin SentryWater Gun
Sahagin SoldierWater Gun
Sahagin TamerWater Gun
Sahagin VanguardWater Gun
Sahagin WarriorWater Gun
Sahagin White MageWater Gun
SandragoraSeed Cannon
Sand ViperEruption, HP Absorb
Sand WormEarthquake
Sapphire WeaponBig Wave, Sapphire Laser, Sapphire Prison
Scarmiglione ZBloodreaver, Curse, Shriek, Zombie Breath
Sea DevilHP Absorb, Whirlpool
Sea ScorpionPoison Needles
Sea SnakeLeech
Sea WormAqualung
Security EyeFlash
SeelieLethe Arrow, Spring Breeze, White Wind, Zephyr Arrow
Shadow ElementalBlood Drain, Terror Touch
ShinryuBewitching Gaze, Gigavolt, Lvl. 2 Old, Lvl. 4 Flare, Maelstrom, Mighty Guard III, Poison Gas, Roulette, Zombie Breath
Shiva, Lady of FrostHailstorm
SidheLethe Arrow, Summer Breeze, White Wind, Zephyr Arrow
Silver ChocoboChoco Cure, Choco Guard, Choco Thunder
SimurghAcid Droplet
SkeletonMarrow Drain
SkuldierBlack Cloud, Blood Saber, Hell Slash, Horror Cloud
Skull Dragon (Dragon's Den)Lvl. 5 Death, Maddening Cacophony
Skull Dragon (Kefka’s Tower)Maddening Cacophony
Skull EaterIncisor
Skull WarriorHell Slash, Marrow Drain
Snow CrabConfusing Gaze
SoulBlood Drain, Marrow Drain
Soul EaterIncisor, Macabre
SoulflayerMind Blast, Mind Purge
SpecterBlood Saber, Curse, Drain Touch, Ectosmash, Frightful Moan, Grave Reel
SpiracornHallowed Armor
SquidrakenMind Blast
St. ElmoFiddle
Statue of the Gods - 1st tierEarthquake, Magnitude 8, Petrify, Shockwave, Wind Shear
Statue of the Gods - 2nd tierAbsolute Zero, Flare Star, Northern Cross, Southern Cross, Tek Laser
Statue of the Gods - 3rd tierRestoring Ruby, Trine
Steel BatLeech
Stone GolemEarthquake, Rock Throw
Storm Dragon (Dragon's Den)Maelstrom, Wind Slash
Storm Dragon (Mt. Zozo)Maelstrom, Wind Slash
Thunder GigasEarthquake, Lightning Roar
TiamatMP Absorb, Wind Slash
Titan, Lord of CragsGranite Gaol, Weight of the Land
TombStone Breath
TonberryEveryone's Grudge
Tonberry KingEveryone's Grudge
Tot AevisBreath Wing, Zombie Breath
Toxic FrogFrog Song
TreantSpring Breeze
Tunnel ArmorTek Laser
Ultimate Weapon (FFVII)Shadow Flare
Ultros (Airship)Acid Droplet, Big Wave, Electrocute, Frog Song, Lvl. 3 Confuse, Magnitude 8, Snowstorm
Ultros (Cave)Acid Droplet, Aqualung, Earthquake, Electrocute, Frog Song, Lvl. 3 Confuse, Snowstorm
Ultros (Opera)Acid Droplet, Electrocute, Frog Song, Lvl. 3 Confuse
UndineCongeal Water
UnicornBestial Fang
UnseelieBlack Waves, Lethe Arrow, Winter Breeze, Zephyr Arrow
Vampire BatLeech
Vanu Vanu Blue MageBlaster, Blood Drain, Breath Wing, Chill, Choco Wind, Dancehall Daze, Engulfing Winds, Flash, Sonic Tail, Telekinetic
Vanu Vanu ScribeBlood Drain, Engulfing Winds
ViceMagic Hammer
Viridian HeadChill, Pumpkin Head
Vorpal BunnyBloody Claw, Death Claw
WarmechTek Laser
Water ElementalCongeal Water, Water Gun
Water NagaTongue
WendigoRaise Dukes
White CaitTelekinetic
White ChocoboChoco Cure, Choco Life, Choco Light, Choco Recharge
White NakkBlood Howl, Greater Bestial Fang, Howling Moon
Wild OnionDream Pollen, Ecliptic Howl, Mournful Howl, Shriek, Sickening Breath
Wolf SpiderCorrosive Web, Wail
WraithBlood Saber, Curse, Death Cutter, Drain Touch, Ectosmash, Frightful Moan
Wyrm Black DragonDragon Force, Putrescence, Shadow Flare
Wyrm Blue DragonDragon Force, Exploding Bubbles, Flash Rain
Wyrm Brown DragonDragon Force, Earthen Ward, Magnitude 8
Wyrm Green DragonCrimson Rays, Dragon Force, Wind Slash
Wyrmling Black DragonBlack Waves, Terror Touch
Wyrmling Blue DragonLife Sounding, Water Gun
Wyrmling Brown DragonMud Gun, Triumphant Roar
Wyrmling Green DragonEngulfing Winds, White Wind
Wyrmling Red DragonBlast Shot, Fireball
Wyrmling Silver DragonHolybolt, Light Rays
Wyrmling White DragonFrostbolt, Ice Block
Wyrmling Yellow DragonBlaster, Umbral Gaze
Wyrm Red DragonDragon Force, Eruption, Glare
Wyrm Silver DragonDragon Force, Lvl. ? Holy, Spirit Blades
Wyrm White DragonDragon Force, Northern Cross, Snowstorm
Wyrm Yellow DragonDragon Force, Gigavolt, Lightning Roar
WyvernWing Cutter
YakshiCongeal Water, Malediction, Mesmerizing Voice
Young Adult Black DragonBlack Waves, Dragon Force, Fearful Bay, Ragnarok
Young Adult Blue DragonDragon Force, Hydrotwister, Life Sounding, Spring Water
Young Adult Brown DragonDragon Force, Earthquake, Eerie Howl, Triumphant Roar
Young Adult Green DragonBreath Wing, Dragon Force, Sandstorm
Young Adult Red DragonDragon Force, Fireball, Fire Roar, Healing Flame
Young Adult Silver DragonDragon Force, Hallowed Armor, Light Rays, MP Absorb
Young Adult White DragonDragon Force, Frost Armor, Ice Block, Ice Roar
Young Adult Yellow DragonBlaster, Dragon Force, Lightning Armor, Thunderbolt
Young Black DragonBlack Waves, Fearful Bay
Young Blue DragonHydrotwister, Life Sounding
Young Brown DragonEarthquake, Triumphant Roar
Young Green DragonBreath Wing, White Wind
Young Red DragonFireball, Healing Flame
Young Silver DragonHallowed Armor, Light Rays
Young White DragonFrost Armor, Ice Block
Young Yellow DragonBlaster, Lightning Armor
Zalera, the Death SeraphLvl 3 Disable, Lvl 4 Reverse, Lvl 5 Death
ZombieSickening Breath
Zombie DragonPoison Gas