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Dark SoulA ghastly image of a humanoid, decrepit skin atop a skeleton that stops at the waist, ending in a whispy tail end.

Dark Soul (CR 6)

XP 2,400
NE Medium Undead (Incorporeal, Fire)
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +24


AC 18, touch 18; flat-footed 14 (+4 deflection, +3 dex, +1 dodge)
hp 75 (9d8+36), fast healing 10;
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +10
Defensive Abilities Channel Resistance +4, Incorporeal
DR 5/silver
Immune Fire, Undead traits
Resist Ice 20
Strong Ice
Weakness Holy and Water


During Combat


Speed Fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Melee incorporeal touch +9 (1d8 fire damage)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Curse Gaze, Grave Reel, Greater Magic Hammer, Leech


Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 18
Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD 19
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will
Skills Fly +13, Perception +24, Sense Motive +16, Stealth +21; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception, +8 Stealth
Languages Common


Curse Gaze (Su)

2/day, a dark soul gazes a dark eerie look into the eyes of their opponent within 60 feet. The target must make a Will save (DC 16) or be inflicted with the Curse status effect for 1d4 rounds. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 3rd level spell (Knowledge: Religion DC 21).

Grave Reel (Su)

1/day, a dark soul can drain the essence of enemies around it in a 15-ft.-radius. Creatures within the area of effect must make a Fortitude save (DC 17) or suffer 2d6 points of shadow damage and the ghost is healed by the damage inflicted. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 3rd level spell (Knowledge: Religion DC 21).

Greater Magic Hammer (Su)

3/day, a dark soul can summon a magical hammer and launches (+9 ranged touch attack) it at a single target within 30 feet for 3d4 points of MP damage. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 3rd level spell (Knowledge: Religion DC 21).

Leech (Su)

4/day, a dark soul can leech the blood from a target within 30 feet. The target must make a Fortitude save (DC 16) or take 2d6 points of shadow damage and the dark soul is healed for that much. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 2nd level spell (Knowledge: Religion DC 19).


The souls of humans who were driven to death’s door by devils. There are many devils in this world who enjoy watching humans suffer. It’s not rare to hear tales of them enticing men into unfavorable contracts, offering promises of wealth and power and great magics, only to eventually claim these victims’ lives. The unhappy souls of these victims are what spawns these monsters, and they chase the living to assuage the regrets and pain that they can no longer escape from.