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Pale HeadThe unmourned remains of the dead, turned into a monster by the hatred and resentment it felt toward the living. The blue flames around it are freezing cold, and will instantly freeze anyone touching it. It isn’t unusual to find monsters placed into servitude even after its death by demons, but the pale head is forced into servitude of evildoers who have taken its body away as ransom.

Pale Head (CR 9)

XP 6,400
NE Tiny Undead
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14


AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 18 (+2 dex, +6 natural, +2 size)
hp 97 [143] (13d8+39)
mp 32
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +9
Immune Undead Traits; Resist Ice 20
Weakness Fire and Holy


During Combat The pale head will start with chill or has it already on. It will try to stay back and cast debuffing spells first (AoE debuffs if possible over single target) like silence/pain for mages and pain/poison for warriors/rogue types. It will only use fear or dust to get melee/range attackers off of it or when it wants to escape from it’s attackers. It will switch over to AoE spells trying to get as many foes as possible. When out of MP, the pale head will buff itself with Chill assuming it’s not already on and go towards the weakest target.


Speed fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Melee Bite +12 (1d4)
Space 2.5 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Chill, Dust, Pumpkin Head
Spells Known (SC CL 13th, Concentration +16)

1st (DC 14) – blizzard, dark, fear, ruin
2nd (DC 15) blizzard II, dark II, poison, silence
3rd (DC 16) blizzara, blizzard III, bio, dark III, darkra, pain


Str 10, Dex 14, Con –, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +9; CMB +7; CMD 19 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Combat Casting, Dazzling Display, Extend Spell, Power Attack, Sickening Spell, Silent Spell, Weapon FinesseB, Weapon Focus(bite)
Skills Fly +22, Intimidate +14, Perception +14, Stealth +18
Languages Common (cannot speak)


Chill (Su)

3/day, the pale head enchants a biting cold to it’s teeth for 13 rounds. The pale head can imbue its weapon or natural weapon to inflict an additional 1d6 points of ice damage on a hit, and any creature that takes this additional ice damage must make a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be staggered for 1 round by the numbing chill. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 1st level spell (Knowledge: Arcana DC 17).

Dust (Ex)

The pale head can use its crumbled remains to attack any creature that comes within 10 feet. Twice per day as a standard action, it can billow forth a cloud of dust that surrounds it in a 10-foot radius. Creatures caught within the area must succeed on a DC 16 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 6 rounds. The dust cloud remains for 2 rounds and can be affected by wind. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Pumpkin Head (Su)

Once every 1d4+1 rounds, a pale head can drop a pumpkin from the sky upon its foe within 15 feet from himself. The falling pumpkin must succeed at a range touch attack (+13) and deals extra damage based on the number of hit points the pale head has lost from max. Pumpkin head deals 1 point of non-elemental damage to a target. This damage is increase by 1d4 for every 5 hit points missing to a maximum of 10d4. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 1st level spell (Knowledge: Religion DC 17).