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This malboro, through its abstinence of the odd practice of heterogenesis by which its lesser ilk procreate, has reached the foreseeable pinnacle of its development. Its hide has grown hard to the very point of petrification, and the crown it wears is studded with a glittering gemstone for each year of its life. Truly a king among foul-smelling vegetables. Over the centuries of its long life this malboro has seen and taken in a lot. Unlike its children and family like it has learned from its mistakes and even been able to set up traps. No, this malboro has far more intelligence than your typical malboro. And that my friends is what makes it a dangerous foe. – DM Leibfrid

Malboro King (CR 22)

XP 614,400
CE Gargantuan Plant (Boss)
Init +9; Senses All-around vision, Darkvision 60 ft., keen scent; Perception +42
Aura Frightful Presence (60 ft., DC 32), Stench (DC 35, 10 rounds), Greater Dispel (DC 35 on all Ribbons)


AC 36, touch 12; flat-footed 14 (+5 dex, +1 dodge, +24 natural, -4 size)
hp 1042 [1266] (36d8+395); Regeneration 5 (fire), Fast Healing 15;
mp 198
Fort +27, Ref +15, Will +17
Absorb Water; Immune Lightning, plant traits; Resist Earth 10


Speed 40 ft., Climb 40 ft.
Melee Bite +31 (3d6+22 plus burp and Deshell II), 6 Vines +30 (2d8+11 plus grab, feed, and venom)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft. (Vines 30 ft.)
Special Attacks Cloying Breath (50 ft.-cone, DC 25), Deep Breath, Dual Breath (can use two breath attacks at once but adds 1 additional round on their cooldowns), Extremely Bad Breath, Fast Swallow (3d6+11, AC 22, hp 67, DC 36), Frost Breath (50 ft.-cone, 20d6 ice damage, Fortitude DC 36), Putrid Breath
Spells Known (FC CL 30th, Concentration +38)

  • 1st (DC 20) – Dread, Virulence
  • 2nd (DC 21) – Death Armor, Poison
  • 3rd (DC 22) – Bio, Dispel, Infect, Vampiric Touch
  • 4th (DC 23) – Contagion, Poisonga, Woundra
  • 5th (DC 24) – Bioga, Drain, Infectga, Poisonja
  • 6th (DC 25) – Dread Spikes II, Greater Contagion, Greater Dispel, Syphon
  • 7th (DC 26) – Countdown, Plague Storm
  • 8th (DC 27) – Blackfire, Doom
  • 9th (DC 28) – Mass Feeblemind

Str 32, Dex 20, Con 36, Int 11, Wis 26, Cha 26
Base Atk +22; CMB +37 (+41 grapple); CMD 52 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Improved Natural Attack (Bite), Improved Stench, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Climb), Toughness, Toxic Stench, Weapon Focus (Vine), Quicken Spell
Skills Climb +51, Perception +42, Stealth +12 (+28 in forests); Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +16 Stealth in forests
SQ Camouflage, Offspring, Vines


All-around Vision (Ex)

Malboro King sees in all directions at once. It cannot be flanked.

Burp (Ex)

While being consumed and in the stomach of the malboro king, they must make a Fortitude save (DC 24) for Sap, Diseased, & Venom. This occurs every round.

Camouflage (Ex)

Because a malboro king blends in with the foliage that is its natural habitat, a DC 40 Perception check (modified for distance) is required to notice it before it attacks for the first time. Any creature with ranks in Survival or Knowledge (nature) can use either of those skills (also modified for distance) instead of Perception to notice the plant.

Cloying Breath (Su)

9/day, a malboro king can emit a 50-ft.-cone of foul gas. All creatures caught within the cone are affected by the following status effects for 1d4 rounds each: Sleep (Will save DC 25 to negate), Slow (Fortitude save DC 25 to negate), and Weighted (Fortitude save DC 25 to negate).

Deep Breath (Su)

1/day, if a malboro king hp is dropped to below half it can emit a 50-ft. Cone of Cloying Breath, Extremely Bad Breath, Frost Breath and Putrid Breath in a single action. Every double or triple effects are rolled multiple times. This does not count against the multiple times a day for the other breath weapons for individual use. It puts all the breath weapons on the 1d6 cool down.

Extremely Bad Breath (Su)

3/day, a malboro king can emit a 50-ft.-cone of foul gas. All creatures caught within the cone are affected by the following status effects for 1d6 rounds each: Berserk (Will save DC 36 to negate), Blind (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Confuse (Will save DC 36 to negate), Cursed (Will save DC 36 to negate), Disable (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Disease (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Entangled (Reflex save DC 36 to negate), Frog (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Mini (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Silence (Fortitude save 36 to negate), Statue (Fortitude save 36 to negate), Poison (Fortitude save 36 to negate), Sap (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Shakened (Will save DC 36 to negate), Sleep (Will save DC 36 to negate), Slow (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Stop (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Stunned (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate) Venom (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Weighted (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Zombie (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate). The malboro king must wait 1d6 rounds to use this ability again. All other breath weapons act as normal.

Feed (Ex)

When a malboro king grapples a creature with its tentacles, it begins to drain the creature’s bodily fluids through the target’s pores or other body orifices with its tentacles. This feeding heals half of the total damage done to their targets and deals 1 point of damage to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution damage to the target. If the tentacle is severed or the target breaks the grapple, this feeding ceases until a new grapple is established.

Frost Breath (Ex)

7/day a malboro king can emit a 50-ft.-cone of subfridgit temperature and ice at the targets for 20d6 ice damage and Frozen effect. They must make a Fortitude save (DC 36) or be inflicted with Frozen status effect. The effect of Frozen lasts for 1d4+1 rounds.

Offspring (Ex)

Malboro King can create 2d4+1 offspring as a free action that hatch in 1d2 rounds on, around or near the Malboro King. Once hatched these Seedlings become Malboro Seedlings.

Putrid Breath (Su)

7/day, a malboro king can emit a 36-ft.-cone of foul gas. All creatures caught within the cone are affected by the following status effects for 1d4 rounds each: Berserk (Will save DC 36 to negate), Blind (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Confuse (Will save DC 36 to negate), Disable (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Disease (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Silence (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Statue (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Poison (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Sap (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate), Sleep (Will save DC 36 to negate), and Slow (Fortitude save DC 36 to negate). The malboro king must wait 1d4 rounds to use this ability again. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 9th level spell (Knowledge: Nature DC 33).

Stench (Ex)

The Malboro King with the stench special ability secretes an oily chemical that nearly every other creature finds offensive. All living creatures (except those with the stench special ability) within 60 feet must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 38) or be sickened. The duration of the sickened condition is given in the creature’s descriptive text. Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected by the same Malboro King’s stench for 24 hours. A delay poison or neutralize poison spell removes the effect from the sickened creature. Creatures with immunity to poison are unaffected, and creatures resistant to poison receive their normal bonus on their saving throws.

Toxic Stench (Ex)

The first round a creature is affected by your stench, it must also make a successful Fortitude save against the same DC to resist becoming poisoned. The poison also adds confusion for 1 round to its effects.

Vemon (Ex)

The target of this melee attack from a vine receives the Venom status effect (A much stronger effect then poison). The target takes 2d8+3 hp of non-elemental damage and 1d6+1 mp damage per round (Do not take any resistances or DR into consideration when applying the Venom damage). A Fortitude save of DC 36 can negate this effect and lasts 1d4+1 round unless cured. The effects do not stack if infected multiple times.

Vines (Ex)

A malboro king can take control of any network of vines it has attached itself to and use up to six of those vines as weapons to strike out at targets. The vines have 50 hit points, DR 20/slashing, and a Break DC of 35. If one of these vines is destroyed, the malboro king can assume control of another vine as a move action to bring it to bear in combat.