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A tiny, colored, floating ball of elemental power, with big eyes, and an even bigger mouth.Cherry Bomb

Cherry Bomb (CR 1/3)

XP 135
NE Tiny Outsider (Bomb, Extraplanar)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision; Perception +4


AC 17, touch 16; flat-footed 13 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural)
hp 5 [10] (1d10)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
Defensive Light Fortification
Immune Element of its type, outsider traits
Resist Forward element of its type by 50%
Weakness Opposite element of its type


Speed Fly 30 ft. (average)
Melee Bite -1 (1d3-4)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


Str 2, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 9
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 9
Feats Dodge
Skills Fly +11, Perception +4
SQ Float, Self-Destruct



The master of a cherry bomb gains a +3 bonus on Fly checks.

Float (Su)

A cherry bomb has the Float (always floating 5 feet into the air) status effect continuously unless unconscious or dead. This effect cannot be dispelled.

Self-Destruct (Su)

After each successful physical attack made against the cherry bomb, the cherry bomb increases in size by 1-ft. in diameter (the cherry bomb increases Strength by 2 per physical attack, size increase lasts for 1d6+4 rounds); after the 3rd successful physical attack or reaches 0 HP due to a physical attack, the bomb explodes as an immediate action when reaching its closest target within range, destroying itself and dealing 1d6 points of elemental type and physical (half and half) damage to everything within a 15-ft.-radius (Reflex save DC 11 for half damage).