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Large Flan Princess

Flan Princess, Large (CR 7)

XP 3,200
CN Large Ooze (Mini-Boss)
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 90 ft.; Perception +12


AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 18  (+9 natural, +2 Dex, -1 size)
hp 103 [135] (9d8+63)
mp 40
Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +6
Immune blind, curse, mind-affecting, petrification, sap, silence, Ooze traits
Resist fire 10, ice 10, wind 10, earth 10, lightning 10, water 10, Physical 50%


Speed 40 ft.
Melee Slam +10 (2d6+16)
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attack bedazzle
Spells Known (FC CL 9; concentration +14)

At will (DC 15) – daze, torchlight
1st (DC 16) – charm, color spray, sleep
2nd (DC 17) – hypnotic pattern, see invisibility, silence, vertigo
3rd (DC 18) – dispel, displacement
4th (DC 19) – dazera, rainbow pattern, silencega, tongues
5th (DC 20) – communal tongues, mass immobilize, sleepja


Str 24, Dex 14, Con 23, Int 20, Wis 17 Cha 20
Base Atk +6; CMB +14; CMD 26 (cannot be tripped)
Feats Improved Initiative, Toughness, Power Attack (included in statistics above), Cleave, Ability Focus (bedazzle)
Skills Acrobatics +11, Bluff +14, Diplomacy +14, Intimidate +14, Perception +12, Perform (dance) +21, Perform (sing) +21
Languages Common, Aklo
SQ gooey glam
Gear  2-5 cure potions (25% chance) or 1-3 hi-potions (25% chance) or 1-3 ethers (25% chance) or 1 hi-ether


Bedazzle (Su)

With a confounding, hypnotic twirl and a coy hum, the flan princess draws the attention of all enemies within a 30 ft. radius as a standard action. Those within the area of effect must make a Will save (DC 21) each to fend off the Charm and Confuse status effects for 1d6 rounds. Blue mages can learn this ability as a 5th level spell (Knowledge: Dungeoneering DC 25).

Gooey Glam (Ex)

The flamboyant nature of the flan princess lets them treat all Perform skills as class skills, and grants them a racial bonus on Perform checks equal to ½ her Hit Dice.