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Goblin GuardThis creature stands barely three feet tall, its scrawny, humanoid body dwarfed by its wide, ungainly head.

Goblin Guard (CR 1/2)

XP 200
Goblin Warrior 1
NE Small Humanoid (Goblinoid)
Init +6; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +2


AC 16, touch 13; flat-footed 14 (+2 armor, +2 dex, +1 shield, +1 size)
hp 7 [12] (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1


During Combat These fighters will use martial flexibility to gain power attack getting an extra edge on their target. They tend to go for weaker targets if possible.


Speed 30 ft.
Melee Short sword +5 (1d4+2/19-20)
Ranged Short bow +5 (1d4/x3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Goblin Punch
Special Abilities Martial Flexibility (3/day)


Str 13, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Improved Initiative
Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +5, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Perception +2, Survival +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Craft, +2 Diplomacy, +1 Disable Device, +2 Heal, +1 Knowledge (engineering), +2 Profession
Languages Common, Goblin, + 1 other
SQ Chosen Weapon +1 (Light Blades), CraftsmanField MedicGoblin’s Unique Handle on ThingsMaster Tinker, Sharp Reflexes, Silver Tongued
Gear cure potion (1), Shortsword, shortbow, quiver (10 arrows), leather armor, buckler


Goblin Punch (Su)

Once per day, a goblin can launch a wind blast (+4 ranged touch attack) at a single target within 30 feet. If it hits, the target takes 1d4+3 points of wind damage and must make a Reflex save (DC 11) or fall prone. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 1st level spell (Knowledge: Local DC 17).