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Home > Gamemastering > Bestiary > Magical Beasts > Gran Pulse Chocobo Family >

Standing in the sun and showing off its radiant, metallic feathers, this enormous chocobo is obviously proud, and for good reason. A symbol of both strength and rarity, it pays you little mind, but has an air about it that belies a tension as though it is ready to spring into action if you show any hostility. – Manly Man

Chocobo, Pulsian Gold (CR 13)

XP 25,600
N Large Magical Beast (Avian)
Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +20
Aura stench (30 ft., DC 29, 10 rounds)


AC 32, touch 20, flat-footed 26 (+6 Dex, +13 natural, +3 deflection, +1 dodge, -1 size )
hp  274 [351] (17d10+181)
Fort +21 Ref +17 Will +11


Speed 80 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 160 ft. (average), swim 50 ft.
Melee Bite +28 (1d8+11), 2 talons +28 (1d6+11), 2 wings +25 (1d6+5)
Space 10 ft. Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks Choco Meteor, Choco Trishot


Str 32, Dex 24, Con 32, Int 10, Wis 22, Cha 16
Base Atk +17; CMB +29; CMD 46
Feats Dodge, Endurance, Run, Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (choco meteor), Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Focus (talon), Flyby Attack, Multiattack
Skills Acrobatics +30, Climb +32, Fly +23, Perception +20, Stealth +30, Survival +17, Swim +32
SQ acrobatics, camouflage, choco cure, choco halo, climbing, stealth, swimming, water walking


Acrobatics (Ex)

Pulsian gold chocobos are naturals at acrobatics. It gains a +8 bonus on Acrobatics checks. It can also take 10 on Acrobatics checks, even if stress or distractions would otherwise prevent it from doing so.

Camouflage (Ex)

Pulsian gold chocobos can use Stealth to hide in any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain does not grant cover or concealment.

Choco Cure (Su)

At will, a Pulsian gold chocobo can bestow healing on itself or an ally within 30 feet for 3d8+6 points of damage. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 2nd-level spell (Knowledge (arcana) DC 19).

Choco Halo (Su)

2/day, a Pulsian gold chocobo can cast a halo on itself or an ally. This halo grants the Float, Haste, and Reraise statuses for 1 minute. Blue mages may learn this ability as an 8th level spell (Knowledge: Arcana DC 31).

Choco Meteor (Su)

4/day, a Pulsian gold chocobo can fire one meteor off towards its target. The Pulsian gold chocobo summons a molten meteor from the sky to rain upon their enemies, inflicting 10d6 damage (half earth, half fire) in a 20 ft. radius sphere. All creatures within the area of effect must make a Reflex save (DC 23) for half damage. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 5th level spell (Knowledge: Arcana DC 25).

Choco Trishot (Su)

3/day, a Pulsian gold chocobo can blast an opponent with fire, ice, and lightning within 30 ft. The Pulsian gold chocobo must make a ranged touch attack (+23), if it hits, the attack deals 5d6+5 fire damage, 5d6+5 ice damage, and 5d6+5 lightning damage. Blue mages may learn this ability as an 8th level spell (Knowledge: Arcana DC 31).

Climbing (Ex)

Pulsian gold chocobos are natural climbers. It has a climb speed of 30 feet and gains a +8 bonus on Climb checks. It can also take 10 on Climb checks, even if stress or distractions would otherwise prevent it from doing so. Also, it is never flat-footed while climbing.

Stealth (Ex)

Pulsian gold chocobos are natural hiders. It gains a +8 bonus on Stealth checks. It can also take 10 on Stealth checks, even if stress or distractions would otherwise prevent it from doing so. Also, it is never flat-footed while hiding.

Swimming (Ex)

Pulsian gold chocobos are natural swimmers. It has a swim speed of 50 feet and gains a +8 bonus on Swim checks. It can also take 10 on Swim checks, even if stress or distractions would otherwise prevent it from doing so.

Water Walking (Ex)

Pulsian gold chocobos have the ability to walk on water while running. A Pulsian gold chocobo that is running can walk on water as if it was a solid surface. If it ever stops running, it loses this ability, although it can resume this ability at any time.