A cait sith who studied under a legendary feline necromancer. This master of necromancy uses fear to strike dread into its foes and death to instantly strike them dead.
Black Cait (CR 16)
XP 76,800
NE Medium Fey
Init: +8; Senses Low-light vision, Greedy Feedback 120 ft.; Perception +25
AC 26, touch 17, flat-footed 21 (+4 Dex, +9 natural, +1 dodge, +2 deflect)
hp 143 [208] (26d6+52)
mp 185
Fort +12, Ref +19, Will +20, +4 saves vs. fear
Weakness Water
Speed 30 ft., Fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee +2 Quarterstaff +15 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks Pay to Play, Telekinetic
Spells Known (FC CL 26th [33rd for dark spells]; concentration +37 [+44 for dark spells])
At will (DC 16) – bleed, detect magic, mending, message, read magic
1st (DC 17) – Bone Armor, Dark, Dread, Enfeeblement, Fear
2nd (DC 18) – Bone Shield, Dark II, Death Armor, Poison, Wound
3rd (DC 19) – Bio, Dark III, Darkra, Dispel, Infect, Mass Enfeeblement, Pain
4th (DC 20) – Bestow Curse, Contagion, Dark IV, Dread Spikes, Greater Fear, Poisonga, Woundra
5th (DC 21) – Bioga, Darkga, Drain, Gloom, Infectga, Poisonja, Zombify
6th (DC 22) – Abyss, Aura of Terror, Dread Spikes II, Feeblemind, Greater Contagion, Greater Dispel, Rasp, Syphon, Woundga
7th (DC 23) – Bioja, Countdown, Drainra, Epidemic, Gloom II, Infectja, Mass Zombify
8th (DC 24) – Abyss II, Greater Bestow Curse, Doom, Dread Spikes III, Leech Field
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 22
Base Atk +13; CMB +13; CMD 30
Feat Artful Dodge, Bouncing Spell, Combat Casting, Dark Focus, Dark Penetration, Disruptive Spell, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Greater Dark Focus, Greater Dark Penetration, Improved Initiative, Silent Spell, Tenebrous Spell
Skill Acrobatics +25, Bluff +27, Diplomacy +27, Disguise +27, Escape Artist +25, Knowledge (Geography, Local, & Nature) +26, Perception +26, Sense Motive +26, Use Magic Device +27;
Gear quarterstaff +2, deathless top hat of rallying, ring of protection +2, 15000 gil;
Languages Common, Mithran, Sylvan + 3 more
SQ Death Arts, Greedy Feedback
Dark Arts (Ex)
All dark spells are increased by a 5 extra dice of the appropriate type.
All enfeebling spells’ durations are increased by 5.
All dark spells’ caster level are increased by 5.
The caster level checks made to overcome a creature’s spell resistance is increased by 5 for necromancer spells.
Greedy Feedback (Ex)
The black cait smell the gil on his opponents. He’ll usually target the person with the most gil and for every 1000 gil his opponent has increase his physical damage and attack bonus by 1.
Pay to Play (Ex)
The black cait can pay an ally gil to increase their physical and magical damage by 1 per 1000 (Max 6) for 9 rounds.
Telekinetic (Su)
As a standard action, the black cait may touch up to five items weighing up to 5 lbs., which begin to levitate in its space for the next 5 rounds. Immediately, and once per round as a standard action thereafter, it can launch one item at a target of its choice. The ranged attack is made as if you had thrown the item unless it’s ammunition for a weapon, in which case the attack is made as if fired from a heavy crossbow (if a bolt), a halfling sling staff (if a sling bullet), a blowgun (if a blowgun dart), a composite longbow with a +2 Strength rating (if an arrow), an atlatl (if an atlatl dart), or a pistol (if a firearm bullet). A firearm pellet launched by the spell functions as a shuriken.
When you launch ammunition with this spell, you don’t take a penalty on your attack rolls for lacking proficiency with the ammunition’s weapon; you do, however, take the usual –4 penalty for throwing an improvised weapon if you launch an item not intended to be used as a weapon. The attack roll uses your caster level in place of your base attack bonus and your Intelligence or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher) in place of your Dexterity modifier. Range increment and proficiency penalties apply as normal. The attack has an effective Strength bonus, if applicable, equal to the higher of your Intelligence and Charisma modifiers. The spell is discharged when all touched items have been launched. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 2nd level spell (Knowledge: Nature DC 19).