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Multiple angry snake-like heads rise from the sleek, serpentine body of this terrifying monster.Hydra

Hydra (CR 4)

XP 1,200
N Huge Dragon
Init +1; Senses Dragon senses, scent; Perception +10


AC 15, touch 9; flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +6 natural, -2 size)
hp 59 (5d12+25); Fast Healing 6 [3 heads]
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +6
Immune Paralysis, Sleep; Resist Ice 5, Fire 5, Water 5


Speed 30 ft., Swim 30 ft.
Melee 3 Bites +7 (2d6+4), Tail Slap +2 (1d8+2)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks Pounce, 3 Breath Weapons (15-ft. cone, DC 20, 2d4 fire, ice, or water, usable every 1d4 rounds)


Str 18, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 9
Base Atk +5; CMB +11; CM 22 (can’t be trip)
Feats Combat Reflexes, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes
Skills Perception +10, Swim +11; Racial Modifier +2 Perception
SQ Hydra Traits, Fast Healing


Fast Healing (Ex)

A hydra’s fast healing ability is double to its current number of heads. A hydra loses all fast healing when it is reduced to a single head.

Hydra Traits (Ex)

Any critical hit has a 75% chance to sever a head also you cannot sever the last head but a hydra loses its fast healing if they only have one head remaining. A hydra can’t attack with a severed head, but takes no other penalties. A hydra also loses one of its breath weapons per head lost.

Pounce (Ex)

When a hydra makes a charge, it can make a full attack.