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Wyrm Silver DragonThe scales of this wyrm elegant dragon shine like polished silver, and its tail has a feathered appearance.

Silver Dragon, Wyrm (CR 22)

XP 615,000
LG or NG Colossal Dragon (Holy)
Init +10; Senses Dragon sense; Perception +42


AC 49, touch 8, flat-footed 43 (+6 dex, +41 natural, -8 size)
hp 443 (29d12+261)
mp 257
Fort +25, Ref +24, Will +28
DR 20/magic; Immune Holy, Paralysis, Sleep; SR 33
Weakness Shadow


Speed 60 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy)
Melee Bite +35 (4d8+21 plus 4d6 holy damage), 2 Claws +35 (4d6+14 plus 2d6 holy damage), 2 Wings +33 (2d8+7 plus 2d6 holy damage), Tail Slap +33 (4d6+21 plus 2d6 holy damage)
Space 30 ft.; Reach 20 ft. (30 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks Breath Weapon (70-ft. cone, 24d10 holy damage, Reflex DC 31 half, usable every 1d4 rounds), Crush (Large creatures, DC 31, 4d8+21), Master Counterspelling, Level ? Holy, Paralyzing Breath, Spirit Blades, Tail Sweep (Medium creatures, DC 31, 2d8+21)
Special Abilities Dragon Force
Spells Known (FC CL 29th, Concentration +39)

At will – dancing light, detect magic, holy orb, mending, purify food and drinkmessage, read magic
1st (DC 21) Cure, DiaLight
2nd (DC 22) Aid, Cure II, Dia II, Elemental Resistance, Grace, HealLight II, See Invisibility
3rd (DC 23) Cura, Cure III, Dia III, Dispel, HasteLight III, Lightra
4th (DC 24) Diara, Esuna, Healara, Holy, Raise, Vanish
5th (DC 25) Bless, Breath of Life, Curaga, Diaga, Holy Light, Lightga
6th (DC 26) Arise, Auto-Cure, Esunaga, Greater Dispel, Healaga, Holy II
7th (DC 27) Auto-Raise, Bless II
8th (DC 28) Arisega, Condemn, Holy III, Holy Burst
9th (DC 29) Basuna, Full-LifeSaintly Beam


Str 38, Dex 22, Con 28, Int 22, Wis 30, Cha 24
Base Atk +29; CMB +51; CMD 59 (63 vs. trip)
Feats Arcane StrikeCombat Casting, Destructive Dispel, Dispelling Critical, Empower SpellHoverImproved Counterspell, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Parry Spell, Solar Spell, Spell Perfection (Holy II), Quicken Spell
Skills Acrobatics +30, Appraise +38, Bluff +39, Diplomacy +39, Fly +14, Knowledge (arcana, history, local, nobility) +38, Perception +42, Sense Motive +42, Spellcraft +38
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic + 4 others (DM’s choice)
SQ dogmatic discordance


Dogmatic Discordance (Su)

Good or evil creatures take a -2 penalty when making saving throws against a silver dragon’s spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, breath weapon, and aura.

Dragon Force (Su)

A silver dragon releases the dragon soul within, improving itself or an ally by touch. This ability grants the subject an increase to all physical damage, melee and range, by +1 per three caster levels. It also grants the subject an increase to all magical damage and healing by +1 per three caster levels. This ability lasts for a minute. Blue mages may learn this ability as an 8th level spell (Knowledge: Arcana DC 31).

Level ? Holy (Su)

As a standard action, the silver dragon releases beams of holy energy blasts towards all his enemies within a 30 ft. radius of him, exploding into intense light inflicting to all creatures with a total HD that is prime number dealing 20d8 points of holy damage and inflicting the dazzled status effect for 2d4 rounds. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 6th-level spell (Knowledge: Arcana DC 27).

Master Counterspelling (Su)

A silver dragon can counterspell once per round as an immediate action. It need not know the spell it is countering, but can instead expend MP equal to the spell’s level plus one higher to automatically counter the spell.

Paralyzing Breath (Su)

Instead of a cone of sacred light, a silver dragon can breath a cone of paralyzing gas. Creatures within the cone must succeed on a Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds.

Spirit Blades (Su)

Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, the silver dragon calls forth up to six longsword-shaped force effects that float near him until directed for nineteen rounds. The silver dragon can use a standard action to direct one blade to attack a target up to a distance of 50 feet away, or use a full-attack action to cause all six blades to attack up to six different targets up to a distance of 50 feet away, each to a different location if desired. Once he directs a spirit blade to attack a foe, the blade continues to make a single attack against that foe each round on the silver dragon’s turn until directed otherwise by him and as long as the foe remains within 50 feet of the caster. As a move action, the silver dragon can direct all currently attacking blades to switch targets to new foes within 50 feet. These weapons attack using the caster’s base attack bonus modified by its Intelligence modifier, and deal 3d6 points of damage plus an amount of force damage equal to the caster’s Wisdom modifier. Physical attacks do not affect these blades, but disintegrate, a sphere of annihilation, or a rod of cancellation (touch AC 25) causes them to vanish. If a spirit blade’s target dies or moves beyond a 50-foot range and the caster does not retarget that blade by the end of its turn, the blade vanishes. Likewise, any blades that are not within 50 feet of the caster at the end of its turn also vanish.