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Young Adult Black DragonScales the color of black armor this ferocious young adult dragon while crowned with large curved pointy horns.

Black Dragon, Young Adult (CR 13)

XP 25,600
NE or N Huge Dragon (Shadow)
Init +8; Senses Dragon senses, see in darkness; Perception +19


AC 29, touch 12, flat-footed 25 (+4 dex, +17 natural, -2 size)
hp 168 [256] (16d12+64)
mp 117
Fort +18, Ref +12, Will +14
DR 10/magic;
Immune Shadow, Paralysis, Sleep;
SR 24;
Weakness Holy


Speed 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor)
Melee Bite +21 (2d8+10 plus 1d6 shadow damage), 2 Claws +21 (2d6+7), 2 Wings +19 (1d8+3), Tail Slap +19 (2d6+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks Black Waves, Breath Weapon (100-ft. line, 10d10 shadow damage, Reflex DC 22 half, usable every 1d4 rounds), Crush (Small creatures, DC 22, 2d8+10)
Special Abilities Dragon Force, Fearful Bay, Ragnarok
Spells Known (FC CL 16th, Concentration +24)

At will – bleed, dark orb, detect magic, message, read magic
1st (DC 20) bone armor, dark, fear
2nd (DC 21) dark II, death armor, death knell
3rd (DC 22) blacklight, dark III, darkra, dispel, haste, infect (DC 21)
4th (DC 23) bestow curse (DC 22), dark IV, dread spikesgreater fear, slay living (DC 22)
5th (DC 24) darkga, drain, infectga (DC 23)


Str 24, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 26
Base Atk +16; CMB +25; CMD 35 (39 vs. trip)
Feats Combat Casting, Elemental Focus (Shadow), Improved Counterspell, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, MultiattackPower Attack
Skills Fly +14, Intimidate +25, Knowledge (arcana, history) +19, Perception +19, Spellcraft +19, Stealth +22, Survival +19; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth
Languages Common, Draconic, Undercommon


Black Waves (Su)

As a standard action, a black dragon spreads dark waves from herself. All creatures within a 30 ft.-radius must make a Reflex save (DC 26) for half damage or take 3d6+12 points of shadow damage. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 3rd level spell (Knowledge: Arcana DC 21).

Dragon Force (Su)

1/day, A black dragon releases the dragon soul within, improving itself or an ally by touch. This ability grants the subject an increase to all physical damage, melee and range, by +1 per three caster levels. It also grants the subject an increase to all magical damage and healing by +1 per three caster levels. This ability lasts for a minute. Blue mages may learn this ability as an 8th level spell (Knowledge: Arcana DC 31).

Fearful Bay (Su)

Once every 1d2 rounds as a standard action, a black dragon howls, all creatures within a 30-foot spread except evil outsiders must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or become panicked for 1d4 rounds. This is a sonic, mind-affecting fear effect. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected by the same black dragon’s fearful bay for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 4th level spell (Knowledge: Arcana DC 23).

Ragnarok (Su)

Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, the black dragon devours the sun, plunging the area into supernatural darkness for 1d4+1 rounds. This affects an area of 120 feet and cannot be dispelled except by a daylight spell. All creatures gain total concealment and vision equivalent to a hume in darkness. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 5th level spell (Knowledge: Arcana DC 25).

See in Darkness (Su)

A black dragon can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that created by the blacklight spell.