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This faceless construct has a crystal set into its chest, bristling with arcane energy.

Clockwork Mage (CR 9)

XP 6,400
N Medium Construct (Clockwork)
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, see invisibility; Perception +2


AC 25, touch 17, flat-footed 18 (+5 dex, +2 dodge, +8 natural)
hp 97 [150] (14d10+20)
Fort +4, Ref +11, Will +6
DR 5/adamantine;
Immune Construct traits;
Resist 20 of the crystal type
SR 20;
Weakness Lightning


Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 Slams +18 (1d4+3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Crystal Magic


Str 16, Dex 21, Con -, Int -, Wis 14, Cha 1
Base Atk +14; CMB +17; CMD 34
Feats Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes
SQ Difficult to create, Swift reactions, Winding


Crystal Magic (Su)

A clockwork mage’s crystal magic allows it to cast spells as if using a spell trigger magic item (CL 9th) without the use of MP. The crystal type determines a clockwork mage’s spells. They cast 1st-level spells at will, 2nd-level spells 3 times per day, and 3rd level spells 1 time per day.

Shadow: 1st – Blind (DC 11), Bone Armor, Dark (DC 11), Dread (DC 11), Obscure (DC 11);
2nd – Bone Shield, Dark II (DC 12), Darkness, Darkvision, Obscure II (DC 12);
3rd – Blindga (DC 13), Dark III (DC 13), Darkra (DC 13), Infect (DC 13), Obscure III (DC 13), Void Aura (DC 13)

Holy: 1st – Brighten (DC 11), Charm (DC 11), Dia (DC 11), Light (DC 11);
2nd – Aid, Brighten II (DC 12), Burst of Radiance (DC 12), Dia II (DC 12), Grace, Holy Weapon, Light II (DC 12);
3rd – Barrier, Brighten III (DC 13), Dia III (DC 13), Dispel, Light III (DC 13), Lightra (DC 13), Searing Light

Fire: 1st – Burning Disarm (DC 11), Detonate (DC 11), Fire (DC 11), Flame Breath (DC 11);
2nd – Burning Arc (DC 12), Detonate II (DC 12), Fiery Shuriken, Fire II (DC 12), Flaming Sphere (DC 12), Shooting Star, Temper;
3rd – Ash Storm, Detonate III (DC 13), Fira (DC 13), Fire III (DC 13)

Water: 1st – Engulf (DC 11), Shell, Sleep (DC 11), Water (DC 11), Water Blast;
2nd – Engulf II (DC 12), Water II (DC 12);
3rd – Aqueous Orb (DC 13), Engulf III (DC 13), Shell II, Shellra, Sleepga (DC 13), Water III (DC 13), Watera (DC 13), Water Walk

Earth: 1st – Entomb (DC 11), Protect, Stone (DC 11), Stone Fist;
2nd – Entomb II (DC 12), Might, Shield, Stone II (DC 12), Stone Call, Wall Climb;
3rd – Entomb III (DC 13), Immobilize (DC 13), Protect II, Protectra, Slow (DC 13), Stone III (DC 13), Stonera (DC 13)

Wind: 1st – Aero (DC 11), Blast (DC 11), Quick Step, Wind Armor, Wind Shield;
2nd – Aero II (DC 12), Blast II (DC 12), Float, Silence (DC 12), Wind Barrier;
3rd – Aera (DC 13), Aero III (DC 13), Battering Blast (DC 13), Blast III (DC 13), Cloak of Winds, Floatga

Lighting: 1st – Shocking Grasp, Spark (DC 11), Thunder (DC 11);
2nd – Defensive Shock, Spark II (DC 12), Sure Strike, Thunder II (DC 12);
3rd – Call Lightning (DC 13), Displacement, Haste, Lightning Bolt (DC 13), Spark III (DC 13), Thundara (DC 13), Thunder III (DC 13)

Ice: 1st – Blizzard (DC 11), Frostbite, Icicle Dagger, Mage Armor, Slick (DC 11);
2nd – Blizzard II (DC 12), Frigid Touch, Frost Fall (DC 12), Icy Breath (DC 12), Slick (DC 12);
3rd – Blizzara (DC 13), Blizzard III (DC 13), Ice Spears (DC 13), Sleet Storm, Slick III (DC 13)


The creator of a clockwork mage must start with crafted clockwork pieces worth 2,000 gp.

CL 12th; Price 84,000 gp


Feats Craft ConstructSpells geas/quest and tarutaru’s cunning; Special creator must be at least caster level 12th; Skill(s) Craft (clockwork) DC 20; Cost 43,000 gp