Fourfold master of the blade, savior of the insect-like Gnath tribe. A warrior and conqueror, Ravana respects strength and abhors weakness. He revels in battle with worthy opponents, and is known to wield the legendary Chandrahas blades.
Ravana, Master of the Blade (CR 15)
XP 51,200
LE Huge Outsider (Boss, Extraplanar, Primal)
Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +27
AC 32, touch 11; flat-footed 29 (-2 size, +11 armor, +3 dex, +10 natural)
Hp 651 [882] (21d12+189)
Fort +20, Ref +19, Will +15
DR 10/-; Immune Bind, Blind, Charm, Confuse, Paralyze, Sleep, Slow, Stun, Death, Doom;
Resist Lightning 15, Dark 5, Holy 5, Water 10, Earth 5, Fire 15, Wind 10, Ice 15; SR 30
Speed 40 ft.
Melee 4 Chandrahas +26/+26/+26/+26/+21/+16/+11 (2d6+10 plus 1d6 fire damage/15-20)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks Atma-Linga, Blinding Blade, Bloody Fuller, Prelude of Slaughter, Rose Orbs, Slaughter, Swift Slaughter, Tapasya
Special Abilities Light Blades, On the Defensive, Pillars of Heaven, Summon Death Stalkers, The Seeing Wing
Str 26, Dex 24, Con 26, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 16
Base Atk +21; CMB +31; CMD 48
Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (Scimitars), Improved Initiative, Multiweapon Defense, Multiweapon Fighting, Multiweapon Specialist, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Scimitars)
Skills Acrobatics +25, Climb +26, Diplomacy +27, Knowledge (Planes) +24, Perception +27, Sense Motive +27
SQ Does not Eat, Does not Sleep
Languages Common and Gnath
Gear 4 Chandrahas (Flaming), +4 Tatami-do
Atma-Linga (Ex)
Once a day, under 30% health [264 hp] as a standard action, Ravana strikes violently in random directions doing 15d8 points of damage (half fire/slashing) in a 90-ft.-radius. Anyone caught in the area of effect must make a Reflex save (DC 28) for half damage.
Blinding Blade (Ex)
Once every 1d4 rounds, as a swift action, Ravana releases a quad-slash in a 60-ft.-radius doing 8d6 points of slashing damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 28) halves the damage.
Prelude To Slaughter (Su) [Phase I]
Once every 1d4+1 rounds, as a full round action, Ravana charges up. Then the following turn as a swift action releases a fiery storm around him with a 120-ft.-radius minus the 30-ft.-radius near him. Anyone caught in the storm takes 12d6 points of fire damage unless they make a Reflex save (DC 23) for half damage. A knowledge (planes) check of 15 will tell anyone know they need to be close to Ravana while he charges his attack.
Slaughter (Su)
The round following Prelude To Slaughter or Swift Slaughter and as a full-round action, Ravana points in four different directions with his swords as they begin to glow red. This also triggers two opponents with a purple glow that deals 2d6 points of earth damage while 30 feet within each other and this effect lasts 3 rounds. Then the following turn as a standard action releases four 10 foot-radius-lines that go 100 feet outward doing 12d6 points of fire damage unless they make a Reflex save (DC 23) for half damage. A knowledge (planes) check of 15 will tell anyone know they need to move away from any direct he is pointing at and that they should avoid one another with they glow purple.
In Phase II the charge up takes a standard action and the following turn becomes swift action.
Light Blades (Ex)
Ravana treats scimitars as one size category smaller for purposes of determining whether or not he can wield them in one hand and if they are considered light weapons.
Summon Death Stalkers (Su)
Once per phase as an immediate action, Ravana summons 1d2+1 Death Stalkers to help him fight.
Tapasya (Ex)
Once every 1d4 rounds, as a swift action, Ravana cleaves outward with great force in a 30-ft.-cone radius doing 6d6 points of slashing damage and knocks anyone in the area of effect back by 30 feet. A successful Reflex save (DC 28) halves the damage and negates the knock back.
The Seeing Wing (Ex)
Once every 1d6+1 rounds, as a standard action, Ravana readies his weapons for 1 round. During that round and anyone who physically attacks Ravana within his range will take four attacks at once and knocks them back by 30 feet. The knock back can be negated with a successful Fortitude save (DC 28) and can miss any of his four attacks.
Bloody Fuller (Su) [Begins Phase II]
Once a day, under 50% health [441 hp] and as a standard action, Ravana lashes outward with his swords in a frenzy. Enemies within 60 feet take 12d6 points of damage (half slashing/fire) and are stunned for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save (DC 23) halves the damage.
On the Defensive (Ex) [Phase II]
Once every 1d4+1 rounds, as a full-round action, Ravana forgoes all attacks this round to complete defense raising his swords to protect himself. This increases his spell resistance by +5 and armor class deflection by +5 til the beginning of his next turn. Every attack which be physical or magical that he takes adds on an additional attack at +24 attack bonus on the closest target the following turn for free. A knowledge (planes) check of 15 will tell anyone they shouldn’t attack him this round. *hint buff or heal
Pillars of Heaven (Su) [Phase II]
Once every 1d4 rounds, as a swift action, Ravana glows with a bright light then pushes outward hitting all within a 90 ft.-radius. Anyone in the area of effect is knocked back 30 feet away unless they make a Fortitude save (DC 23) for 15 feet instead.
Rose Orbs (Su) [Phase II]
Once every 1d2+1 rounds as a swift action, Ravana will summon 2 medium purple rose shaped orb (5-ft.-radius) within 20 feet away but tethered to their target. This rose orb moves 10 feet plus 5 additional feet per round towards the target. After 5 rounds, the rose orb either collide with its target doing 12d8 points of fire damage unless the target makes a Fortitude save (DC 23) for half damage or dissipates after the 5th round. They also take a debuff called “Vulnerability” which they take an extra 1d6 points of damage per attack for 2d6+4 rounds or when the fight ends.
Swift Slaughter (Su) [Phase II]
Once every 1d4+1 rounds, as a swift action, Ravana charges up quickly and releases a fiery storm around him with a 120-ft.-radius minus the 30-ft.-radius near him. Anyone caught in the storm takes 12d6 points of fire damage unless they make a Reflex save (DC 23) for half damage.