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Garuda, Lady of the VortexThe queen of storms, Garuda is the chosen primal of the Ixal. Though elegant of form and graceful in motion, the capricious and ruthless nature of this bloodthirsty being engenders mindless terror even amongst her devoted worshippers. Her wrath often erupts without warning, and descends upon her victims with unbridled fury.

Garuda, Lady of the Vortex (CR 15)

XP 51,200
CE Huge Outsider (Boss, Extraplanar, Primal, Wind)
Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +24


AC 35, touch 20; flat-footed 23 (-2 size, +11 dex, +1 dodge, +15 natural)
Hp 482 [798] (21d12+147)
Fort +19, Ref +23, Will +18
DR 10/-; Immune Wind; Resist Lightning 20, Dark 10, Holy 15, Water 15, Earth 15, Fire 10; SR 30; Strong Earth
Weakness Ice


Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. (perfect)
Melee Bite +26 (2d6+7 plus 1d8 wind damage), 2 Talons +21 (1d10+3 plus 1d8 wind damage and trip)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. talons)
Special Attacks Aerial Blast, Downburst, Eye of the Storm, Friction, Mistral Shriek, Mistral Song, Razor Plumes, Slipstream, Wicked Wheel
Burst Mode Flurry of Wind


Str 24, Dex 32 Con 24, Int 16, Wis 22, Cha 16
Base Atk +21; CMB +30; CMD 51
Feats Canny Tumble, Circling Mongoose, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Sidestep, Mobility, Osyluth Guile, Redirect Attack, Spring Attack, Sidestep, Wind Stance
Skills Acrobatics +32, Bluff +24, Climb +28, Diplomacy +24, Escape Artist +32, Fly +32, Knowledge (Planes) +24, Perception +27, Sense Motive +27
SQ Outsider Traits, Does not Breathe, Does not Eat, Does not Sleep
Languages Auran, Common, Yagudo, and 3 others


Flurry of Wind (Su)

Once below 50% health (399), This Burst Mode lets Garuda control the air around her becoming one with the wind herself. For a number of rounds equal to 1 + 1 round for every four HD, Garuda gains Improved Uncanny Dodge, Wind Armor, add an additional 1d6 points of wind damage per melee attack, and double the damage on Eye of the storm with it’s radius to 60-feet. This limit break requires only a swift action to activate.

Aerial Blast (Su) [Begins Phase II]

Once a day under 50% hp (399) as a standard action, Garuda throws an explosive force of cyclones. Enemies within 120 feet take 15d6 points of wind damage and are inflicted with the squalled status. A successful Reflex save (DC 26) halves the damage and negates the status effect.

Downburst (Su)

Once every 1d3+1 rounds as a swift action, Garuda thrusts forward a burst of wind, causing creatures to be knocked backwards. Creatures within a 30-ft.-cone take 12d6 points of wind damage and are pushed back up to 30 feet away from Garuda. A successful Reflex save (DC 26) halves the damage and negates the knock back. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 7th level spell (Knowledge: Planes DC 29).

Friction (Ex)

Once every 1d2+1 rounds as a swift action, Garuda can attempt a range touch attack roll against a target within 60 ft. If the attack is successful (+30), the target takes 10d4 points of wind damage.

During Phase II, this can be used as an immediate action instead of a swift action.

Mistral Song (Su)

Once below 75% hp (598) and again at 33% hp (263), Garuda teleports up to 60 ft. away from her location as a swift action. The following turn as a full round action, she blasts everyone within a 60 ft.-cone radius. Enemies within that area of effect take 12d6 points of wind damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 26) halves the damage.

During Phase II, increase the cone radius to 90 ft.

Razor Plumes (Ex)

Once every 1d4 rounds as a swift action, Garuda summons 2 razor plumes that deal 2d6 points of piercing damage per turn at a single target using Garuda’s attack bonus as a ranged non-touch attack within a 60-ft. range. Each razor plume has 30 hp and 20 AC (10 touch, 20 flat-footed).

During Phase II, she summons 4 razor plumes instead of 2.

Slipstream (Su)

Once every 1d3+1 rounds as a standard action, Garuda shoots out a steam of wind hitting all her foes within 100-ft.-line with a 10-ft.-radius. Anyone within the area of effect takes 6d6 points of (half wind/slashing) damage, stunned for 1 round, and are knocked back 30 feet unless they make a Fortitude save (DC 26) for half damage and negate the stun effect however they’re still knocked back 10 feet.

During Phase II, the knock back is increase to 60 feet and 30 feet if they make the save.

Wicked Wheel (Su)

Once every 1d4+1 round as a standard action, Garuda throws out wind blades around her. Enemies within 30 feet take 8d6 points of wind damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 26) halves the damage.


Mistral Shriek (Su)

Once below 25% hp (199), Garuda teleports in the middle up to 60 ft. away from her location as a swift action. The following turn as a full round action, she blasts everyone within a 120 ft.-radius. Enemies within that area of effect take 12d6 points of wind damage unless they make a successful Reflex save (DC 26) halves the damage.

Eye of the Storm (Su)

At the beginning Phase II as an immediate action, Garuda summons a 90 ft. hurricane around her for the remaining of the phase, dealing 2d6 slashing damage and 2d6 wind damage every turn for anyone outside of the 90 ft. range up to 300 ft. away. A successful Reflex save (DC 26) halves the damage on each instance of damage.