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Fenrir, Lord of the MoonFenrir was once a normal wolf who howled at the moon, protecting his canine brethren. However, as its power and intelligence grew, so did its ability to transcend into a higher being, working its way from a material being to an Astral. He is often an Ally of Titan, Ramuh, and Bomb type creatures, as well as inhabiting a motorcycle in a previous life cycle, Fenrir bridges the gap between Astrals much more frequently than others. Looking like an esteemed wolf, Fenrir can be mistaken for a monster, or rarely a pet, by some material beings. His forms change between a silver wolf and a multitude of colors in other canine visages, sometimes with spikes or horns.

Fenrir, Lord of the Moon (CR 15)

XP 51,200
TN Huge Magical Beast (Boss, Extraplanar, Primal, Ice, Shadow)
Init +12; Senses Darkvision 120 ft., scent; Perception +32


AC 30, touch 16; flat-footed 22 (-2 size, +8 Dex, +14 natural)
hp 567 [798] (21d12+147)
Fort +19, Ref +20, Will +13
DR 10/-; Immune Ice; Resist Earth 15, Lightning 15, Water 10, Wind 20, Holy 5, Shadow 25; SR 30; Strong Wind
Weakness Fire


Speed 60 ft.
Melee 2 Claws +25 (2d6+8 plus trip), Bite +25 (1d6+8 plus 2d6 ice damage)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Abilities Dreadful Howl, Eclipse Growl, Glacial Shroud, Permafrost, Ragnarok, Ragnarok Prime
Special Attacks Eclipse Bite, Lunar Bay, Moonlight Charge
Burst Mode Lunar Blur


Str 26, Dex 26, Con 24, Int 26, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +21; CMB +29; CMD 47
Feats Greater Vital StrikeImproved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (claws), Improved Vital Strike, Snatch, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Focus (claws)
Skills Acrobatics +26, Knowledge (Nature) +21, Knowledge (Planes) +21, Perception +32, Sense Motive +19, Stealth +32, Survival +21
SQ Outsider traits, Does not Eat
Languages Auroran, Common, Speak with Animals, Umbran, and 8 others


Lunar Blur (Su)

Once below 50% health (399), This Burst Mode lets Fenrir brings out a lunar howl, enhancing his lunar abilities. For a number of rounds equal to 1 + 1 round for every four HD, Fenrir gains icewalking, +5 dodge to AC, doubles his fast healing while in Ragnarok Prime darkness, add an additional 1d6 points of ice damage per her weapon attacks, and every physical attack inflicts frozen for 1d4 rounds (Fort DC 28). This limit break requires only a swift action to activate. Even after this wears off he keeps icewalking. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Glacial Shroud (Ex)

Once every 1d4+1 rounds as a standard action, the air around Fenrir rapidly cools and becomes a swirling blizzard. Fenrir gains 10 Fire Resist and creatures attacking it with natural weapons, unarmed strikes, or handheld weapons take 3d6 points of ice damage for 1d6+1 rounds.

During Phase II, increase Fire Resist to 20.

Dreadful Howl (Su) [Begins Phase II]

Once under 50% hp (399) as a swift action, Fenrir lets out a bone chilling howl. Enemies within 120 feet are frightened for 1d6+1 rounds. A successful Will save (DC 25) negates the status effect. Allies within the area of effect are granted evasion for the same amount of rounds. Those who have evasion already are instead granted improved evasion. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Lunar Bay (Su)

Once every 1d2+1 rounds as a standard action, Fenrir can attempt a ranged touch attack roll against a target within 60 feet. If the attack is successful (+27), the target takes 6d6 points of (half shadow/ice) damage.

During Phase II, increase the damage to 10d6.

Moonlight Charge (Ex)

Once every 1d4+1 rounds, as a full round action, Fenrir dashes in a 60 ft. line, causing damage to foes in the line of effect. All creatures in effect take double Fenrir’s claw damage plus 2d6 (half ice/shadow) damage and are blinded for 1d6+1 rounds unless they make a Will save (DC 27). Fenrir cannot attempt a trip as per his usual claw attack.

During Phase II, change the cooldown to 1d2+1 rounds as a standard action however removes the blind status effect.

Permafrost (Su)

Once every 1d4 rounds as a swift action, Fenrir can freeze the ground beneath a foe within 30-feet of him. The target is frozen for 1d4+1 rounds. A successful Fortitude save (DC 28) negates the status effect. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 5th level spell (Knowledge: Arcana DC 25). The save DC is Intelligence-based.

During Phase II, increase the area to 300-ft.-radius around himself and the area becomes ice for 2d4+1 rounds. It only freezes each target once.

Ragnarok (Su)

Once every 1d6+1 rounds, as a standard action, Fenrir devours the sun, plunging the area into supernatural darkness for 1d4+1 rounds. This affects an area of 120 feet and cannot be dispelled except by a daylight spell. All creatures gain total concealment and vision equivalent to a hume in darkness. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 5th level spell (Knowledge: Arcana DC 25).


Eclipse Bite (Ex)

Once every 1d2+1 rounds as a standard action, Fenrir bites a target with incredible force. He makes a single bite attack at a -5 penalty that deals triple damage.

Ecliptic Growl (Su)

Once every 1d4+1 rounds as a swift action, Fenrir can boost the stats of all allies within 15-ft. from himself, gaining a +4 enhancement bonus to all stats for 6 rounds.

Lunar Lights

Five single 15-ft.-radius circle appears randomly per round within the Ragnarok Prime. Each light has a different color: green, yellow, white, red, and blue.

The green light removes Fenrir’s DR for the following round. Anyone in it gains DR 10/-.

The yellow light removes Fenrir’s SR for the following round. Anyone in it gains fast healing 10.

The white light puts Fenrir in the staggered condition and he loses his fast healing for the following round. Anyone in it gains shadow resistance of 40.

The red light puts Fenrir in the burning condition and he loses any fire resistances he had on. Anyone in it is immune to the frozen status effect and the any ice below their feet.

The blue light puts Fenrir in the blind condition and he loses his immunity to ice down to ice resistance 75. Anyone in it gains ice resistance of 40.

Millennial Decay (Su)

Once below 20% hp (159) as a standard action, Fenrir washes over creatures in an icy dark aura within 120-ft.-radius. Creatures within the area of effect take 15d6 points of damage (half shadow, half ice) unless they make a successful Reflex save (DC 28) for half damage. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Ragnarok Prime (Su)

At the start of Phase II as an immediate action, Fenrir engulfs the sun, plunging the area into supernatural darkness for remaining of the fight. This affects an area of 500 feet and it cannot be dispelled. All creatures gain total concealment except against Fenrir who can see them all perfectly fine and they all have no vision at all. Fenrir gains 20 fast healing while in the darkness per round.