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Judge GabranthBehind this Judge Magister’s helmet lies a torn and broken man, his former country having been conquered by Archadia. – Imban

Judge Gabranth (CR 12)

XP 19,200
Hume Judge Magister 12
LN Medium humanoid (Hume, Mini-Boss)
Init: +4; Senses Perception +16


AC 32, touch 16, flat-footed 28 (+14 armor, +2 deflection, +4 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 155 [216] (12d12+72)
Fort +16, Ref +10, Will +16
Defensive Abilities Stalwart
DR 9/-
Immune critical hits (25%), sneak attacks (25%)


Speed 40 ft.
Melee Chaos Blade +21/+16/+11 (1d6+11/15-20), Highway Star +21/+16 (1d6+11/15-20) or Chaos Blade +23/+18/+13 (1d8+15/17-20)
Special Abilities Determination (4/day), Judge’s Might (7/day, 12 rounds), Judgment (+4, 4/day), Limit Break: Enrage, Knockdown, Shield Ally


Before Combat: If Gabranth has a chance to set up, he’ll activate Judge’s Might immediately before combat begins.
During Combat: Gabranth immediately uses Judgment when combat begins, boosting whichever abilities he feels he’s lacking against his foes, and then activates Judge’s Might as soon as possible afterwards. If he has to move during a round or is otherwise limited to a single attack, he combines his weapons together, but otherwise he keeps them separate during combat. He has a small stock of powerful potions in case he needs to heal himself or his allies.


Str 28, Dex 19, Con 22, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 18
Base Atk +12; CMB +21; CMD 35
Feats Antagonize*, Cleave, Diehard*, Double Slice, Endurance*, Great Cleave, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Stand Still*, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Adept (Judge Weapon)
*Bonus Feat
Skills Bluff +5, Climb +22, Diplomacy +19 (+23 gather information), Disguise +5, Intimidate +25, Knowledge (Nobility) +16, Perception +16, Sense Motive +22
Languages Common and one more
SQ Active Defense (+3), Advanced Knight Talents (Indomitable, Superior Strength of Arms), Always Wary (+4), Armored Defense, Armor Training (+3), Authority, Badge of Office, Fortification (Light), Fortress of Defense, Heavy Weaponry, Knight Talents (Improved Armored Defense, Improved Irrepressible Justice, Improved Strength of Arms, Irrepressible Justice, Quick and Mobile, Strength of Arms), Second Judgment, Stem the Tide, Stern Gaze (+6), Threat Control
Gear +2 Keen Judge Weapon Scimitar “Chaos Blade”, +2 Keen Judge Weapon Scimitar “Highway Star”, +5 Full Plate, Amulet of Natural Armor +2, Cloak of Resistance +2, Ring of Protection +2, Mega Potion x2, X-Potion x8


Limit Break: Enrage (Su)

3/day while under 50% HP, Judge Gabranth may become enraged as a swift action, increasing his number of attacks. For 3 rounds, when making a full attack, he can make 1 additional attack at his highest BAB, another at -5, and another at -10. These attacks are not doubled by any other effect but otherwise stack with haste and similar effects.


Gabranth’s Chaos Blade and Highway Star have a special weapon modification, “judge weapon”, which allows them to be combined into a two-bladed sword or split apart again as a free action. Magical enhancements from each of the individual weapons carry over to the ends of the two-bladed sword, and proficiency with the modified weapon versions of its parts makes him proficient with the two-bladed sword.