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The Dark EmperorA large figure covered in gold plate surrounded by a voidy purple cape that engulfs the enclosing area. His gold plated claws stretch out as he grins with his sharp teeth with excitement.

The Dark Emperor (CR 21)

XP 409,600
LE Large outsider (Archfiend, BossExtraplanar)
Init +12; Senses blindsense 120 ft.; Perception +37


AC 42, touch 32, flat-footed 30 (+10 natural, +11 deflection, +12 Dex, -1 size)
hp 1035 [1288] (23d12+368)
mp 213
Fort +28, Ref +25, Will +23
DR 20/epic and good and chaotic;
Immune ability damage, ability drain, Bleed, Blind, Burning, Curse, Daze, death effects, Disease, Drenched, Energy Drain, Frog, Frozen, Mind-affecting, Mini, Paralyze, Petrification/Statue, Poison, Sap, Silence, Shadow, Sleep, Slow, Squalled, Static, Stop, Stun, Weighted, Zombie;
Resist All 40; SR 32


Speed 50 ft., climb 40 ft., fly (average) 100 ft.
Melee Bite +41 (3d8+28 plus Drain), 2 Claws +36 (3d6+28 plus Drain)
Special Attacks Drain (half of the damage done returns to the caster), Dreary Cell, Starfall
Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft.
Burst Mode Absolute Dominion
Spells Known (FC CL 23rd, concentration +34)

  • 0th (DC 21) – Alter Food, Alter Object, Daze, Elemental Orb, Grab, Ignite, Mending, Message
  • 1st (DC 22) – Blind, Blizzard, Dark, Icicle Dagger, Fire, Ruin, Shield, Shocking Grasp, Slick, Spark, Thunder
  • 2nd (DC 23) – Blizzard II, Dark II, Fire II, Icy Breath, Spark II, Thunder II
  • 3rd (DC 24) – Bio, Blindga, Blizzara, Blizzard III, Dark III, Darkra, Dispel, Fira, Fire III, Slow, Spark III, Thundara, Thunder III
  • 4th (DC 25) – Ball Lightning, Bestow Curse, Blizzard IV, Dark IV, Fire IV, Ice Storm, Ruinra, Thunder IV
  • 5th (DC 26) – Avoid, Bioga, Blindja, Blizzaga, Burn, Darkga, Drain, Freeze, Firaga, Fire Snake, Gloom, Icy Prison, Lightning Arc, Shock, Thundaga
  • 6th (DC 27) – Abyss, Burst, Chain Lightning, Contagious Flame, Flare, Freezing Sphere, Glacier, Greater Dispel, Icy Blast, Ruinga, Shadowfire Ray, Slowga, Syphon
  • 7th (DC 28) – Burn II, Drainra, Freeze II, Gloom II, Shadow Blast, Shock II
  • 8th (DC 29) – Abyss II, Black Orb, Burst II, Flare II, Glacier II, Greater Bestow Curse, Polar Ray, Scathe, Stormbolts
  • 9th (DC 30) – Ardor, Drainga, Mass Icy Prison, Meteor, Polar Midnight, Scourge, Slowja, Ultima

Str 48, Dex 34, Con 40, Int 30, Wis 30, Cha 32
Base Atk +23; CMB +43; CMD 71
Feats Awesome Blow, Awesome Charge, Cleave, Extend Spell, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Intensify Spell, Maximize Spell, Power Attack, Toughness, Vital Strike
Skills Appraise +37, Climb +43, Escape Artist +39, Fly +37, Knowledge (Arcana, Engineering, Geography, History, Local, Nobility, Religion) +34, Knowledge (Planes) +37, Perception +37, Sense Motive +37, Spellcraft +37, Stealth +35
Languages All
SQ Demonic Power, Unstoppable Will

Special Abilities

Absolute Dominion [Starts Phase II]

Once below 50% hp (644), This Burst Mode lets the Emperor show complete dominion to all those within his presence. For a number of rounds equal to 1 + 1 round for every four HD, the Emperor has an intimidating presence inflicting anyone within 120 ft-radius from him with Shaken status effect (DC 32) for 1 round however they must succeed the save every single round. He also gains 2d6 points of fire damage to his natural attacks and +2 save DC to his enfeebling spells. This limit break requires only a swift action to activate.

Demonic Power (Ex)

The Emperor’s natural attacks deal 1.5 times his Strength bonus (even though he has more than one attack) and a deflection bonus to Armor Class equal to his Charisma modifier. He also understands all languages.

Dreary Cell (Su)

Once every 1d2+1 rounds as a standard action, the Emperor creates a spark of light in the ground that expands into a crest of energy and surrounds the opponent with exploding mines within 330 feet. The opponent must make a Will save (DC 32) or take 8d6 points of holy damage and be paralyzed for 23 rounds. Each round on its turn, the target may attempt a new Will saving throw (DC 32) to end the effect. This is a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A winged creature who is paralyzed cannot flap its wings and falls. A swimmer cannot swim and may drown.

During Phase II, increase the damage to 10d6.

Blue mage may learn this ability as a 5th level spell (Knowledge: Planes DC 25).

Starfall (Su)

Once every 1d4+1 rounds as a standard action, the Emperor summon four molten meteors into the sky to rain upon your enemies. He can direct each of the spheres within 30 feet of each other. Those within the area of effect take 10d6 points of damage (half in fire damage, the other half in shadow damage), a Reflex save (DC 32) for half damage. Creatures hit with multiple meteors must make multiple Reflex saves.

During Phase II, reduce cooldown to 1d2+1 rounds.

Unstoppable Will (Ex)

Whenever the Emperor is inflicted with a status effect that would make him lose control of himself like berserk or confuse instead he is staggered for 1 round and is healed by 3d6+23 points of damage.


Environment Hell

Organization unique

Treasure none