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OsteoaevisThis creature is an immense flying snake skeleton with two claw-like arms and a row of bone spines down its back. – Imban

Osteoaevis (CR 14)

XP 38,400
NE Huge Undead (Mini-Boss)
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +24


AC 31, touch 12, flat-footed 27 (+3 Dex, +19 natural, -2 size)
hp 210 [280] (20d8+120)
Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +17
DR 10/good; Immune deprotect


Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (good)
Melee bite +23 (2d8+9/19-20), 2 claws +22 (1d4+9 plus grab), tail slap +21 (2d6+4)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks Dragoness Combo, Fire Breath, Ice Breath, n-Ball, Spirit Pulse, Wind Breath
Special Abilities Ferocious Posture


Str 29, Dex 16, Con —, Int 3, Wis 21, Cha 20
Base Atk +15; CMB +26 (+30 grapple); CMD 39 (cannot be tripped)
Feats Ability Focus (n-Ball), Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (Bite), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Bite), Weapon Focus (Tail Slap)
Skills Climb +17, Fly +14, Perception +24; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
SQ Rebirth


Dragoness Combo (Su)

As a full-round action, an osteoaevis may make an attack with both its bite and tail slap, treating its tail slap as a primary natural weapon (+23 to hit, 2d6+9 damage) for this purpose. If both attacks hit, the osteoaevis gains a +5 profane bonus to attack and damage for 1 minute.

Ferocious Posture (Ex)

If it has no remaining daily uses of Rebirth, an osteoaevis may take a ferocious posture as a free action for up to 42 rounds per day. While in a ferocious posture, the osteoaevis gains a +4 bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will saving throws but takes a –2 penalty to its Armor Class. It also gains 4 temporary hit points per Hit Die. While in a ferocious posture, an osteoaevis cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skill (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration (such as spellcasting). An osteoaevis can leave its ferocious posture as a free action.

Fire Breath (Su)

Once every 1d4 rounds, an osteoaevis can exhale a mighty fire breath in a 45-foot cone, inflicting 12d6 fire damage plus the Burning status for 1d6+1 rounds on all within the cone. A Reflex save (DC 25) halves the damage and negates the status.

Ice Breath (Su)

Once every 1d4 rounds, an osteoaevis can exhale a mighty ice breath in a 45-foot cone, inflicting 12d6 ice damage plus the Frozen status for 1d6+1 rounds on all within the cone. A Reflex save (DC 25) halves the damage and negates the status.

n-Ball (Su)

Once every 1d4+1 rounds, an osteoaevis can conjure a ball of darkness which explodes in a 20-foot-radius burst within 60 feet of itself, inflicting 10d6 shadow damage on all within the burst, healing the osteoaevis for half of the amount of damage inflicted, and inflicting the Imperil status versus fire, ice, and wind for 10 rounds. A Will save (DC 27) halves the damage, causes the osteoaevis not to heal from the inflicted damage, and negates the status.

Rebirth (Su)

2/day when reduced to 50% (105) hp or less, the osteoaevis is immediately destroyed. At the start of what would have been its next turn, it is reborn with full hp and all status effects removed.

Spirit Pulse (Su)

As a standard action, an osteoaevis can blast an enemy within 60 feet with a pulse of dark spirit energy, inflicting 10d6 shadow damage plus the Slow status for 5 rounds. A Will save (DC 25) halves the damage and negates the status.

Wind Breath (Su)

Once every 1d4 rounds, an osteoaevis can exhale a mighty wind breath in a 45-foot cone, inflicting 12d6 wind damage plus the Squalled status for 1d6+1 rounds on all within the cone. A Reflex save (DC 25) halves the damage and negates the status.


Environment mountains
Organization solitary
Treasure standard